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Black Knight the first

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Posts posted by Black Knight the first

  1. Good, but it's not a trap.  I really do want you to stop posting in these threads, in the way that you do.  You turn harmless poking into full-blown personal insults.  If I never see a "Roberts' post" again, this entire forum will be better for it.

    Eh, best to not feed the troll Arbour. It's what he wants.

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  2. Funny how my allies on british side have won near all their battles with the pirates in the past 3-4 days, not seeing any mistakes there


    That is simply not true, I have had pirate raiding parties come down to haiti to look for me, that means I am doing something right on the forums and in game, and with you all responding the way you are clearly shows that also, you guys say you hate me and say others do to, I said i wanted to be hated so I fulfilled my goal.

    Well, keep on doing you then. We'll keep on doing what we do.

    My fellow Sailors,


    I for one, regardless of my fierce loyalty for SOB and for the British in particular, would love to see a healthier server population. The fights we are getting from the Pirates are what we have been hoping for, regardless of which nation those pirates originated from. In an essence it is what we have all been hoping for, open sea combat with other players, and we have had our fill over the last few days. Ultimately it has unified the British more and more, those that sail the eastern seas that is.

    I imagine if the players who quit had experienced some of this then we would probably see them sticking around. I cannot comment on what it must be like to be one or two port nations, limited allies and even fewer players to support you. But I can probably be right in saying if it were in reverse I would be making the best of my situation. Yes the arms race has been ongoing for some time, yes there have been major factions flip flopping from power to pauper. However the end goal is just this, open world, PVP and ports with actual ships in them.


    Was it a good set of fights between the Pirates and Britain, yes most definitely. Would I like see this continue? Of course, ships sunk on both sides, relatively fair language between them, however I must admit, seeing base insults does drive me to distraction, tis a game gentlemen, we will all win and lose battles, but to sink and be sunk with honour and grace is what makes any MMO player fun to interact with.

    So I make this challenge to you all, when a new player logs into the forum and sees personal attacks, do you think it is a game that they will want to play? Do you think it is something they will want to experience. I very much doubt it, we could be close to as vile as some of the larger scale games I have played, League and Dota among them. I would like to see new players actively getting involved without personal vendetta's, yes to be sure you will find your nemesis in this game, and words will be exchanged, but make those words topical to the events at hand, not an attack on a clan, a nation, simply belittling an entire player base will surely just see more and more players who cannot be bothered reading it over and over again to just leave. We want to talk mechanics, exploitation, zerging, nation bashing, and overall a game which has its problems, but welcome to Alpha gentlemen (and ladies). The devs have put together a game I could only dream of, battling in the age of sail in some of the ships I grew up around.

    I have been sunk by and have sunk Pirates, Americans (I believe I was called a seal clubber...alas I was without it that day), the odd Frenchman, and a very sassy Spaniard who called me a...'cheeky fellow'. I have held no personal grudges, no name calling was spouted, each was thanked for their participation or we have let silence hold and our cannons did the talking.


    The Moderators have put up locked topics around these observations, but I want to show them that there are players among us who completely agree. Be passionate and fierce, but in a manner that is both polite and constructive.

    So rejoice, we play the age of sail, we mark ourselves as gentlemen (yes even you, I am looking at you pirates, there is nothing more romantic then a gentleman pirate.) So let us conduct ourselves accordingly.


    My thoughts and musings,




    Ravenburg (PVP2, Britain)


    I can generally get behind your sentiment, here. Some of the smack talk gets out of hand. As a rule- I try to keep it light hearted. I do however, tend to meet tone with tone. If we want to remain reasonable, then by all means- we can keep it reasonable. Looking forward to seeing you in the fight at some point. You seem like an alright guy.

    • Like 3
  3. You will always respond since you apparently can't keep a thought in your head more than 10 seconds. You always assume everything said to you is an attack and take everything personally instead of actually reading a thread. You are basically what everyone would call an easy target.



    By the way Mr. Roberts. Only 12 Pirates went French.

    What Vllad said. There are a handful of us OMG guys. I don't know of any who went Swede.

  4. This game has many issues to solve.


    Port Battles - they need to fix mechanics so they are more relevant and u just cant fast cap multiple ports in one evening.

    Ships - as we tier up the smaller ships become less relevant.

    PVP - if the contingents r not close to even, then its 1.5 hours of running or chasing.

    Port Timers - the timers can be abused - and if a Governor is no longer in the game, the controlling faction cannot adjust the timer. 

    Nation Player base imbalance - thats a tough one - dont know how u fix this.


    With respect to the Franco/Swedish vs Britain War, PvP combat will always be on the fringes of your territory.  The Diplo and Forum chat by the combatants flavor the conflict.  You put out the call for the fleet to form and who ever shows up, thats your evenings entertainment.


    John Bernard [TCF]

    I'd agree with the bulk of this with the caveat that I actually don't mind the chase. I can see how it's an issue, though.

    • Like 3
  5. You are obviously reading a different thread then I am.

    It's Roberts. He's too busy posturing to take a step back and examine the situation and the health or unhealthiness of his faction or the server as a whole.

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  6. While I don't altogether disagree with your position, i do find it rather hypocritical.

    There used to be only a couple small Brit clans in the East, and for the most part we were having great little skirmishes with the Swedes, with them usually having a modest BR advantage (modest enough that folks on both sides could still enjoy the fights).

    Then you and the French turn up with huge BR fleets to try and stomp on us. You always claim you want great PvP, but you never let it happen yourselves... and then you complain when the other side return the favor.


    You actually did have the BR in the area to mount a defense at the port last night, but chose not to commit it all.

    I'm not really a fan of these huge battles myself, but you failed not because you couldn't defend, but because you chose caution.

    Rather than just point out the negative though, I'll offer my observation...

    PvP as it stands right now, massively favors the overpowered side. With the increase in Gold and XP for kills and assists it has become even more beneficial to ensure you are on the winning side in an engagement (because as we all know, in most one sided battles the loser gets few if any kills). The weaker side will almost always lose, and gets barely anything as a result. They also suffers the loss of ships.

    Add to that the often toxic nature of the chat from the team that is winning not because of any skill, but simply numbers, and you have an environment that actively discourages PvP from anything but the most hardcore player (and they are the ones forming ever larger fleets to ensure the win). The PvP game is not likely to thrive if it doesn't encourage the more casual player to participate.

    No captain would be rewarded for squandering limited resources in fights against much weaker opponents. Perhaps the rewards should be weighted by the sizes of the two teams, or more emphasis given to doing well despite being at a disadvantage in a fight. The very best rewards should be given for emerging victorious against a superior foe.



    Allow me to expound upon your commentary here- keep in mind that I honestly bear you no animosity despite the back and forth commentary - to me that's part of any game.  As chats go, I've found this to be one of the least annoying games for it.  I don't really care to resort to half-hearted personal insults today, so I'm going to be as level with you in this post as I can.  If it gets rambly, It's been a long day at work, so bear with me please.


    There are two primary clans of French rolling in that area, supporting our Swede allies.  We work together pretty well, and you'll see some overlap.  The third major French clan is in and out of the area.  Now, as far as rolling heavy: OMG, my clan, tends to roll heavy.  We have the ships for it, and that's what we do.  Purge runs smaller, right now, because they haven't put in the time grinding for fights like we had previously.  That's okay- they're damned good fighters too.  Now: we like to fight.  We generally attack and fight what we see floating around an area.  Our prime times line up; so we're often grouping together, working together, because again, that's kind of what we do.  Now: we like PVP.  We like to fight.  But what we don't enjoy is the dock-sitting reinforcement-ganking that we so often see you use.  No worries, as the game stands- that's part of the mechanics of it.  Y'all got me once with it, and y'all smoked my Frig when I was outnumbered by yours.  Such is the nature of the game.  You win, and you lose.


    Now, we're in the area, because that's where the fight is at.  There's been a lot of back and forth acrimonious posts; I generally tend to try and keep it light hearted - this is a game after all, and hey, nobody's shooting at me for real.  But frustrations come up, and sometimes, as they say, shit happens.  

    What happened last night as far as the port battle is that some of our guys either couldn't commit, or had to bail due to circumstances.  Again, shit happens.  No big deal.  It's a game, I'm sure we'll fight some more.


    As it goes: timeline of events looks like this, at least from my perspective.  I'm sure some of my French brethren can further expound upon the situation as needs dictate:


    OMG re-rolls French, initiates what is called the Pirate Red Wedding.  Fun is had by all.


    We join the fight in the southern bay for a while, slowly re-securing our ports there.


    The French has some breathing room; we initiate resecuring the Antilles as blue.


    As we do so, LMN goes to poke around Louisiana, since the US started taking our ports up there.  Purge and OMG start kicking around in the Puerto Rico area because we've been contacted by the Swedes, who we ally with.  We start fighting you guys in small numbers.  Battles ramp up, you guys start bringing in steadily increasing numbers.  All well and good.  No worries, it's a fight.  That's what we're there for.  Last night, you brought in some real heavies, which sucked, 'cause if the BR difference hadn't swung completely, there, we'd have had a real interesting fight on our hands.  Also: Victories friggin' hurt.


    So: with the above timeline of events, there's a reason we've gone that way: we're looking for a fight, and we're generally pretty well united in that cause.  All the shit-talking, forum-sniping, and everything else we've been doing?  Well, that's 'cause that's kinda who we are.  Nothing personal.

  7. Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, Monsieur; unfortunately your prowess leaves us wanting.



    Facts are facts indeed, and it is your comprehension that begs our curiosity.  It is baffling that the French and Swedes, after decrying the subjugation of Denmark, would then seek to acquire Danish ports for themselves; It is not I who tarnishes the French name, the French have already done so in marvelous fashion.  I must say it is an uproarious farce to suggest that five Danes warrant such extermination from the very people who proclaimed their suffering at the hands of the British.  I am afraid sir, you are in the wrong business; you should not be fighting in the Caribbean, but writing comedies in Paris. 


    Ah, but I do jest, as it saddens the heart to know that logic eludes near every Frenchman these days, c'est la vie.

    As you are incapable of grasping the facts as they stand I will lay them out:

    Given the following:

    France and Sweden are allies.

    Sweden and Denmark had an agreement wherein they would not fight one another, and the Swedes would return lands to the Danes.

    The Danes, in contravention of this agreement act as pickets and attack Swedish ships en route to a port defense against the British.

    You and yours offer patently bad terms to the Swedes because you operate under the mistaken assumption that you have some "claim" to the Lesser Antilles.

    France fights alongside her allies.

    But, if you insist on continuing in the same old fashion, we'll keep on killing you in the same old way.

    • Like 1
  8. Pirate, Buccaneer, Privateer... We make murder and merry for coin and quim, don't complicate it with politics.

    Actually was some debate as to where we were going. French ponied up the most coin and we had some things to sort out with the black brethren, so here we are.

    Now as for Spain, senoritas and mojito's do have more than a passing appeal in truth, and Spainish coffers run deep by all accounts, maybe we should send an emissary to make a pitch.

    Damnit, Poe- you make it hard for me to play the educated nice guy when you reveal the secrets. Besides, these guys only get it when you talk like they do- which is to say like you've kiestered a corncob.
  9. Hark, The Dane again set asunder in the Antilles and be bled white,

    Town and ship of Danish Dominion slaughtered and subject to fire,

    These men of personable interest and claimed valor doth they fight,

    Stricken with contemptuous might they establish the Dane in this grim mire.


    Pray good sir this tragedy befall the Dane, for who is to blame?

    Why the answer is simple, it is those of loud pretend fame,

    But sir allow me a greater clue,

    It is not Britain my child, but France tis you.


    The Dane has set himself to the British beat and stamps to his master's heel.  In a British war to the knife against the Swede, what recourse is to be had but to harry the attack dog as we do the holder of the leash?  The British "Gentleman" once again fails to demonstrate his understanding of the simplest of facts- France fights with her allies.  The British "gentleman", when he and his have attempted to foist unfavorable terms upon our Nordic brethren and have been thoroughly rebuffed and rebuked sets course upon a smear campaign against the French.  The British "Gentleman" who cannot through feat of arms enforce his will, attempts through yellow press to tarnish the good name of all Frenchmen.


    Perhaps instead of clever poems, sir, you should inform the populace of the "offer" you put to our allies, the Swedes?

    • Like 1
  10. Great!


    At some point I think we should give more discussion as to whether Camp du Roy should be neutral after the port wipe. I still don't believe the change is necessary.


    Again, the distance from CDR to the French capital is about the same as the distance between la Tortue and Mortimer.


    I understand the temptation to make the change, because the French on PVP 2 were in a bad spot a month ago, but now the tables have turned and the pirates have only 2 ports in the entire map. The last thing we need to be doing is getting rid of free towns that could be used by any nation in the event that their faction is wiped out.

    I have to second what my estimable French colleague said. I aplear to have missed where it was going to be flipped back to Free town next week, so that's my bad on the above post.

    Just look at the map. CdR is smack in the middle of national highway.

    Ajffighter is well aware- we're clan mates who use CDR as a primary base of operations on the French side for PVP2. It works in all directions for all folks. I am more than okay with that.

  11. This was a bad change, admin. Even as a Frenchman in that area, I prefer to see CDR a freeport. It provides a haven for folks to get in and out of French turf, which only benefits the PVP aspects of that area. CDR being where it's at also allows French players to have a secure dock that's within reasonable distance of islands that they start with and provides a lynchpin for defense and counterattacks. Flipping it with no warning only hurts the players operating out of it- it doesn't do anything to help anyone.

  12. To be clear, those 10 players wouldn't just be quitting because someone got away with something -- they would be quitting over the perception that the game is tilting into lawless trolling and if they continue to play, they are just going to keep getting their game experience ruined anyway. If 1 person can get away with trolling the game today, then 10 people can get away with it tomorrow and 100 after that.


    In that case, they reason, why not cut our losses now rather than watching the game get slowly and inevitably destroyed by trolls anyway?


    That's why I argue that this really isn't about what 1 or 2 people did one day. It's about the perception of whether intentional, meta-gaming, same-team trolling is acceptable or not. (And then wasting the developers' time tracking them down because they took measures to hide their tracks.)



    This case would be a lot fuzzier if, say, the Dutch had bought a flag to prevent the British from buying a flag (I'm not sure if that's how the mechanics work, but just for example's sake). Then at least there's a real RvR argument to be had and the result might be "Annoying enough that the devs should put in a fix, but not really an exploit."


    But doing it as a same-team flag purchase crossed an obvious line.


    Doing it with an alt giving money to an alt that gets deleted just underscores it.



    In summary,

    burn the witches.

    Slamz brings up good points in general. I am inclined to stomp them out, barring a public explanation and apology. Even then- there should be a penalty. If the Devs have to go chasing them down- I'd say a permaban for wasted man hours is in order. If they own the crime, an XP-wipe or week long ban I think would be sufficient.

    I think the most elegant solution to the greater problem is this, though- allow the purchase of multiple flags, even by the same side. Whoever plants first gets to launch the conquest and locks out the other nation(s). I have no idea on the feasability here, but say if two brits bought the flag, one with nefarious intent and the other with the intent to attack with his buddies, as well as a swede and a frenchman- the guy with nefarious intent just wasted his gold and the swede, frenchman, and brit now have a race to get to the port in question and/or burn down the other flag carrier. This opens up additional strategic options, as well, leading up to the attack.

    Under any and all circumstances. SUFFER NOT THE WITCH TO LIVE. PURGE THE HERESY.

  13. Pirates have all gone french and swedish, still pirates just flying a different flag.


    Of our specific coalition that left to join other nations: One pirate group of approximately twenty went to the French.  One slightly larger group of approximately 20-30 went Dutch.  The largest group, (approximately 30-40) to leave went to the British.  So, as usual, you're conflating your opinion with the facts.  Nice!

  14. You're saying "you're" like you mean all of Britain here. A few players attacking newbs does not represent all of Britain. Yes, some British clans will want to attack you, but there are also many others who would like to work with you for help against the US. Some British clans want to expand eastward, some want to expand westward to fight the US, and some want to train up. Having a couple British guys attacking you does not mean that all of Britain wants to attack you, it does not mean all of Britain is fighting you, and it does not mean that large portions of the British Navy don't want to work with you. Different clans cannot control each other, so don't be declaring your position on an entire nation based on the actions of 1 clan, especially if that clan is smaller.

    Tl;dr: France is still at War with Britain

  15. Whomever stated that we would not return Danish ports is misleading you Sir, we did not take part in any of Danish ports  conquests and have recently returned Fredrikstad from Pyrat to Dane. We as a Squadron have almost exclusively spent our time in the lower antilles in this game and are only attempting to return there. The Swedes have had an almost matching Fleet with us in every engagement we have had, except for riling them up at their capital of course and they have almost all been of a high quality from both sides.





    Or is it Nervous?  It would seem as if you had perhaps had a typographical error in your name?  Which way is it on your birth certificate?  I am curious.  At any rate - I digress.  Your name is unimportant, as it stands.  The point of this missive is to inform you that the lands east of Haiti are no home to you.  Further, we have informed your squadron of this on multiple occasions these past few days.  It would seem that you need to work on your reading comprehension, collectively.  I would suggest that you meet up with the rest of your British companions, and move somewhere else.  Or don't- because targets in an unrestricted naval war are good.





    Wrongo Bongo on #4 since [Purge] was 100% pvp.  Now granted pvping agianst CF,FC,SIN,BSO was like beating a blind paraplegic retard with a crap covered burning rake, but still...we were fighting all the time.


    I think he was saying they rolled French to make the pirates PvP, not rolled French to make the French PvP.


    Arsilon has the right of this; Vandarix was talking about making the Pirates engage in PvP.

  16. Not exactly big fish here but we can only sink what people actually show up with.


    Wait for it....


    waaaaaaait for iiiiiit...



    Thanks for sharing that, Slamz.  I was trying to figure out what the Party Police was so excited about; I was on the other end of the fight and missed that.  Spchancey boat soccer should be the French National in-game pastime.

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  17. can you guys at least wait to do this when I have several days off in a row?


    I mean, damn, I come home after a weekend of working, and either everything is dead on my team, or there's nothing left to kill on theirs. Nothing ever happens when I'm off work.

    Well bro- there are plenty of targets, now... I don't think we'll kill them all into submission just yet.

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