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Posts posted by theTopsail

  1. Topsail schooners like Lynx can generally brace their square topsail up sharp enough so that it is useful on a close-hauled course.


    For square riggers, square sails are rarely furled in favor of fore-and-aft canvas.


    I know schooners like the Lynx can brace very sharp. Just was using her as an example mostly. 



    ...and on top I'd love to have the option to save 'my' sail settings as I desire for each ship individually and replace the default ones with them.


    The ability to save sail settings would be very nice and convenient! 

  2. Hi there.


    I would like to suggest the implementation of a feature that adds a bit of content to manual sailing, the ability to manually select which sails you set.


    For example, say you want to sail the Lynx as a fore and aft schooner and not set the square topsail. This would allow the boat to sail closer to the wind. Without the square topsail set however, this could affect the boat's sail balance which would cause the helm to tend to drift to a direction.


    SO, the sails you set would affect sail balance and the user (if he or she decides to select sails to set manually) would need to keep in mind which sails are set and how it would affect the boat's overall balance.


    Personally, I think this would open up a whole new challenge to the game which I am sure some players would welcome. Others however I am sure would not like the ability to have the ability to choose which sails are set. This would require a button which would switch on this mode.


    The button could open up a menu with all the sails laid out so one could just simply click which sails to set. 


    Would love to see what people think about this idea!




    • Like 6
  3. Greetings,


    Just opened my client up and noticed everything looked a bit fuzzy... and it did! 


    The game opened in a low resolution of 512x384! I would change the resolution back to what I normally use however I cant even get to the button to accept the changes to the graphics in game!


    I have already tried reinstalling NA with no luck.


    Is there a certain graphics file in the directory I can just modify?



  4. Yeah, I know some of the mechanics behind my idea could be difficult to incorporate into the game and I do see how it could turn some players away. They could add a basic form of this however. 



    "...but an action game played by many who don't even know what a baggywrinkle is." 


    I am so happy to see someone mention a baggywrinkle, you have no idea! 

    • Like 1
  5. Hi there!


    I have decided to post regarding some of the sailing dynamics in Naval action. Please note that my suggestion is only for in battle sailing. 


    As a tall ship sailor in real life, I am really excited about Naval Action overall. I have been playing for just over a week now and really enjoy the game. One area that I noticed right after being in my first battle was the sailing dynamics of the ships. Yes, they are quite realistic for a video game however I see an area which should be improved, square sails. Currently, you are able to sail very close to the wind with the square sail set and not suffer a speed penalty. In real life, if you have your square sail set and you are above, say 45 degrees to the wind, your square sail will slow the vessel down. I really think there should be a speed penalty for the square sail being set if a vessel is pointing too high. 


    Of course, this would make the game a bit more challenging however, whats a good game without a challenge?  :)


    Keep up the good work!



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