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Posts posted by Guear

  1. Подскажите пожалуйста, как без захода в игру изменить графические настройки в ней? Запустил Навал одновременно с Fallout 2 и стало как на картинке. В игре настройки изменить не получается, необходимо отредактировать напрямую в файле или каким то другим способом.



  2. 4 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

    Why the hell am I going to waste time sailing in a ship that doesn't have the same rate missions at any given port.  Do you recommend I take my 6th rate all the way to another port to only find 1-4th rate missions available?


    Sailing in a basic cutter is faster and more efficient than sailing the wrong ship class for the hope that that port might have the right mission avaliable.

    The blind random different port mission lists beg the player to spend valuable time gather missions to fill your journal then going back to port and picking ships of the rate that match those missions....

    Besides if I just have to sail to grab missions why the hell would I sail a ship I could lose to gankers?


    So instead you ask the admins to only allow us basic cutters if we have no other ships in our docks?


    I bet there's plenty here who would disagree with that!



    There are many 5th rates near Cartahena. Try there.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Ruby Rose said:

    question for the devs and the company behind them. do you game labs still stay by your focus "Meaningful games allowing players to be the hero, escape from reality, and experience something they cannot achieve in real life. Meaningful games are also easier to market and sell. We don't develop time wasters and clickers. We work only on what people want to experience."

    if this is so then why is naval action such a failure, if u were working on what people want to experience you would have a much higher player base am i wrong.

    have you the devs fallen into the stigmata of thoses u used to work with in the gaming industry like EA, wargaming and Dice, will you the devs destroy NA the same way EA destroyed Command and conquer. or will you listen to your players and build a game we the players the consumers would love to play.

    Wargaming listen to players? Huh, really?

    • Like 3
  4. Т.к. в русскоязычном разделе нет темы не только для фидбэка но и патчноута, то оставлю это здесь. 

    Уважаемые разработчики, вы планируете снизить стоимость переброски кораблей в те же 4-5 раз, в которые порезали награды за миссии?

  5. On 15.07.2017 at 9:32 PM, Lord Vicious said:

    And techically babay never won anything becouse his clan % in pb    acocunt him only for partial accountability of victories,  and yes danemark lost every war they war in

    False. Babay is commander in every battle where he took part. And he win every battle against sorry. :P

    On 15.07.2017 at 9:32 PM, Lord Vicious said:

    the dane-brit war, where danemark tried to go for jamaica and failed even with rubli pirate help, then giveup

    the coalition war vs brits, where at end dane QUIT becouse omfg evil usa gen pb vs them 

    False. Danes cap Port Morant more than once.

    • Like 3
  6. 4 hours ago, Lord Vicious said:

    hard to say since it was brit+sweden+danes so 33% credit each ? with 60 ppl outside+ superior ships?


    danes one on one with sorry lost 10 first 2 2nd   we lost 4. A  nation vs clan still in negative., if we summ old "contactcs" like battle in front of macao, mao itself etc,   danes lost 20 first vs sorry killing 4.       So 5:1k/d ratio in our favour with difference that SORRY KILL ARE SORRY KILL, danes pretty much never got balls to face us alone (not even as nation) let alone as rus or rdnn.


    Then yes danes with +2 other nations killed a sorry fleet outnumbering us 3 nation to 1 clan :P congratz   and btw for gen cap francois they needed 25 sweden to guard for them or they where even unable to do it.


    So as long ppl keep comparing us  a clan , to be as strong if not more then a nation, all i see is a mass of ppl with a big complex of inferiority afraid to fight us one on one.   Beside fact   that 3 nation vs a clan is pathetic, most pathetic fact  is tha      Danes ( a nation) is unable to fight sorry (a clan ) one on one unless an entire another nation come with a full fleet to baby sit them for gen aggression.

    So i know that baby sitting each other will not last 4 ever, so soon or later each of you 3 will need to face us alone. 



    And yes tiedemann we "proud" to rape your NATION ass, as CLAN, soo much that you need to beg another NATION to come guard so you can farm npc withouth a CLAN raping you.   (remember who forced you to use  warsupply exploit vs usa? it was sorry raping your fleets over and over in  saint marys )    and guess what you called 2 nations to help you even back then


    So as you see you have a long story of  SORRY  humiliating you, forcing you A NATION to call other NATIONS to save your ass

    Macao  (you lost pb, you lost dane+sweden fleet ouside then called 5 nations to blockade it )

    Saint Marys  (you lost 2-3 fleets then called  2 nations to bring 40 ppl for let you farm, failed then went into warsupply abuse)

    Puerto Plata  (you  failed to block us gen it, then you called +2 nations to screen for you)

    Cap francois.  (you failed to gen it 5 time, lost a fleet then called sweden to bring a full fleet to cover it for you, otherwise we where going to rape you again)



    I see a pattern of you begging help around for facing 1 CLAN, since every time you faced us alone you could not handle us.



    Perfect BH.

  7. 25 minutes ago, RvRs said:

    Реверс как был пиратом, так и остался, вот только флаг немного сменил) Присоединяйся к нашей банде, вот только с командировки вернусь только в 30 числах) но ребята там активно всех разрывают)) 



    Когда весть об этом дойдет до острова Тортуга и корсаров, ожидающих его возвращения, имя капитана Блада Реверса, до сих  пор  пользовавшееся таким уважением "берегового братства", теперь будет упоминаться с омерзением. Недавние друзья будут рассматривать его поступок как  предательство, как переход на сторону врага. Пройдет еще немного времени, и может случиться, что он поплатится за это своей жизнью.

    • Like 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, Captain Blad said:

    Господа разработчики! Зачем вы так раскачиваете игроков вводом и отменами различных фитч? По моему чем проще система тем проще найти свою нишу в ней. Я осмелюсь предложить такой вариант развития игрока в Нашей игре:

    -прокачка за счет миссий не идёт вообще, только на ботах в ОМ (миссии из порта для ленивых с низким доходом золота)

    -за счет ПВЕ можно докачаться только до звания позволяющего ходить на кораблях максимум 5 ранга, дальнейший качь  только ПВП

    - соотношение доходности ПВП к ПВЕ примерно 5/1 (речь идет только о золоте)

    - комбат марки давать только за ПВП и только за них можно приобрести разрешения на постройку кораблей от 4 ранга и выше (за ПВЕ ни каких марок нет разрешения на корабли от 5 ранга  и ниже продаются за золото)

    Мне кажется что данный вариант более подходит к ПВП серверу.

    Вы сразу предлагайте рабочую систему предотвращения фарма ПВП плюшек на альтах и договорняков. Тогда предложение будет полным.

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