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  1. I understand why it has to go down but when is my issue. Where is the maintenance run from? If its an update to run then why cant it be in the "quiet period" of the day? Or run them Friday before the evening and then Mondays and onward. Its a rhetorical question. And yes I know its Alpha but we still paid for the game and my point stands. I have little free time to actually get a game so it a pain for me. On the plus side im enjoying the game. But will see how much I can play due to work and maintenance to see if I stick with it... BTW, my post wasn't to start an argument but the timing really does suck.
  2. Hi admin/game designers/maintainance team. We buy a game for an amount, to play and have some fun and unwind. But why o why do they always do service and maintainance on a gad dame WEEKEND???? We work hard and when we actually get chance to have some down time and enjoy what we bought the do repairs and upgrades etc on a Saturday morning when im actually free for a good few hours. You have all week to add this stuff when most are at work. Shouldn't priority be to have everything running smooth for when people can actually play.... Thanks for the loss of my free time which I don't get much of...
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