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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. One big PVP server. Combine every PVP servers to give everyone more people online at all time. It's not uncommen to see only 200 - 700 online, that’s quite few for this big map (On the new PVP server). Soft wipe every account (Money, ships ect.) then combine every server. You know the servers EVE Online have, (Yes they are big) but if you could get a fraction of that, that would be great. It wwill allow larger fights and even more trade. Leave a small server for the PVE carebares as well. Could we have a "clear chat function" as well, would be nice.
  2. Invicta Est is recruiting, we're looking for international players, wherever you are, you are welcome. We have a homepage, Mumble and sponsors paying for it all. We organized in 2014. We’re a den of debauchery, violence and sin. (Do what you wish here)
  3. So if anyone is willing to change server because of the wait time on PVP 1, you are more then welcome to come and join us.
  4. We are on the new PVP 3 EU, thanks for reminding me. If you are on there, we will gladly help you sailors out.
  5. Welcome to Invicta Est. Our Homepage - Our Forum As advertised, we are sailing for Danmark-Norge. Every man or woman willing to fly the same colors as us, are more than welcome to join us on our adventures on PVP EU 3. As of this the moment we are a small clan looking for sailors. We have a homepage and a Mumble server with room for 250 people up and running all the time every day. It´s all free. You don´t have to be Danish or Norwegian to join us, we are an international clan with room for everyone. If you are still interested, you can apply on this forum or our own HERE, or use chat in game and talk to either: Nirtirtur, HunterDK, Erhard or StUffz.
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