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Alvar Fañez de Minaya

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Posts posted by Alvar Fañez de Minaya

  1. Please Mr.kenway. Stop this nosense. When spain has just four ports ( baja, mariel, bahia honda and mantua) brits still try to conquer mantua three consecutive nights to erase us from the game.... This has been the help that we receives from brits. You can't say british help spain..... Please don't say it again..... It hurts eyes... You can give all arrounds to the history, but the truth is that the only faccion that try to erase us from game was britain..... Spain will never forguet the british "help".

    • Like 3
  2. Quizas mi oferta anterior podría considerarse una ofensa puesto que tanto florida como bahamas ya estan ocupadas..... Nuestra generosidad con los ingleses debe quedar patente.... Ofrezcamosles toda la costa oeste de US... Desde Alaska a California..... Eso si que no lo ha ocupado nadie aun.... A cambio de mugeres y conttoy que son las dos unicas que no quieren soltar. No me digais que no es una oferta creativa....

  3. Yo fuí de los que cayeron a las primeras de cambio............ Los ingleses decidieron romper nuestra línea justo por mi barco, y me sacaron de la línea al embestirme..... Me conseguí rehacer y dejar al que me embistió como los zorros....... pero ya estaba muy tocado..... conseguí entrar otra vez en juego, y fue entonces cuando oí a Black..... Alvar, focus en Nosequién (no me acuerdo ahora de su nombre)........ Estupendo, ya tengo un objetivo........... (busqué al susodicho y viré a estribor para ir a por él).......cuatro minutos después, el objetivo estaba hundido............ Pero yo también........... lo único que pude hacer mientras me hundía fue ponerme a babor de pepe para pararle unos cañonazos mientras andaba repartiendo estopa a un inglés..... Solamente pude mandarle una andanada al british antes de convertirme en una piscina con palos.............. 


    Enhorabuena a todos, fue una batalla épica.............. Nos falta simplemente un poco de desarrollo (algún santisima y victory mas es necesario, ánimo muchachos, a subir) y acabar de limar algunas asperezas para ser una fuerza temible, un poco de confianza entre nosotros y daremos miedo........ Os lo digo yo........

    • Like 2
  4. Halsey, I sign your words, all of them .. I thank our allies who helped to free some of the pressure that has allowed us to try and change our situation. And of course our "enemies" who have given us several days of fighting, odds but gentlemanly (except some few rare cases) ......


    You all do great this game..........


    We will continue fighting every centimeter to regain a faction that can face as equals to the rest of the factions ....
  5. We British have been called pretty much the same - perhaps we've got more in common than we thought


    True, it happens because many people don't undestand that this is a game, and they need say that the other is.....treacherous, liars, disorganized, bunch of noobs to have a justification for the attack to their country..... You do that against spain when you take our territories, and people do it now with english people to take their ports......... (Includded me..... I suffer all your words against Spain and I'm happy with this eye by eye..... Yes, another biblical reference.......... ;)
    We don't need offend the enemy, this is a game.......... we don't need justify our attacks because the otrer is bad or arrogant or noob....... we have to understand it... Play should be the only motivation to attack and defend...
    • Like 1
  6. Actually it seems like you already pushed the war between brits and spaniards. I wonder what the deal was. Giving them south cuba back? Or north cuba?

    Right after Misteriosa several players joined the pirate party. I guess you have some screenshots of this too.


    Sorry, but Spain has enough reasons to be at war with the redcoats until the end of the game ..........

    We don't need to have relationship with pirates or another faction in the game for it. To have a common enemy unites us, I will not say no..


    But what the British have done with Spanin gives us enough reasons to sink all English ship with which we stumble anywhere map. And have fun doing it....

  7. Even the Sweden vs Dutch thread is probably an anti Brit flame war. First rule of the forum: You must flame Great Britain.


    The one who sows winds, reaps storms.


    They flamed Spain in forum, but time put everyone on their place.

  8. They have so far, that's why Spain has 4 ports.


    We're trying to stop the guns doing the talking...


    Spain has just 4 ports because you have conquered the rest.
    So your game with spain is finished and you want that guns stop talking.
    But Spain loosed all the ports. Our game with england starts now to take back those ports or at least make guerrilla warfare.....
    First rule for guerrilla warfare sayd....... Don't let the invaders used all the resources in first line combat......... the rear should be another battlefield..........
    Easy to understand I think....... nothing strange to the art of war,,,,,,,,,,,
    A country begun a peace talks when has something to loose............. 
    I repeat......... the arrogance of the redcoats reduced spain to nothing...... so we have nothing to loose...........
    We will have peace with Brits when we have again those ports conquered or when brits has the same number of ports than us.......... 
  9. lol yes in that case I'd actually feel sorry for the Danes..  :P


    One doesn't negotiate with the Spanish Inquisition... you accept their demands or WAR!




    Oh....... Still trying...... I'm sure you can fall lowest.................


    But as I am a Monty Pyton fan from years......  


    I will let him respond you.........




    • Like 2
  10. My attitude has always been the same... Lets talk!


    Even now I speak to both sides (in PMs) however having sat in meetings with your diplomats it's been a difficult time. Thankfully those diplomates have shown their true loyalty and have left the Spanish nation.


    And sir I fear nothing! ;)


    Perfect......... Two big nations with no fear..............


    let the guns speak..............  ;)

  11. I have always been respectful to Spain (not always agreed on things)... however receiving a PM prior to the Spanish declaration of war from the Spanish which simply said!


    "Hijo de Puta!"


    For me shows a level of immaturity not seen before and brings great shame on the Spanish nation in game.


    Of course I am not personalizing you, how little we have spoken, have shown me respect I appreciate .....
    I also tell you, if I had my way, the person who told you that would not be in the same faction that I ...... I have an age, and not admit anyone to insult me, and if I'm in a battle and someone insults you, I can assure you that will not stay silent .....
    But you must also recognize that your attitude forum while you were the absolute winners, left much to be desired, and it was totally different from what you show now ..... Which indicates that far from following razing, looks the fear in your eyes ......
    The stupid man insult before and now ........... hiding something before the insult, and now flatters ............
    • Like 2
  12. It is fun to see all these wolves that before insulted us, called us arrogants and other barbarities to justify the assault all Spanish cities as have now a skin sensitive lambs who only want to see "that great nation that is Spain peaceful and in the place it deserves "......


    You really gives you no shame now read you compare what you were saying before ........ ??


    What is your real attitude ?? ..... ..... Now Before ?????? ????


    I find it revolting .....

    • Like 2
  13. A brief acclaration of the actual spanish situation for those who still want to offer us peace......... The cemetery peace.....




    "We are in the year of our Lord 1700. All Spanish territories in the Caribbean are occupied by the redcoats ... All? Do not! One small village of indomitable Spaniards still and FOREVER holds the invader ".


    For those who still have doubts............ FOREVER ¡¡¡¡¡.

    • Like 1
  14. Hey compay, I'm a Spanish faction player.


    And the problem I that I still do not understand which is the official position of the majority of spanish clans on this important matter!

    I know victor, but this topic is not the best place to talk about that.

  15. Is there some official decision of the major Spanish clans taken on the topic?


    In this case it should made public in a more "formal" way.


    It's in the interest of all Spanish faction player knowing the official position of the clans on this topic.


    Sorry but the topic "Spain is dead" is not the best place to ask us about that..... I find this topic offensive.....


    I don't know if this is our official decision or not......  I just can tell us that spain is not dead.....


    If you want any negotiation with spain, please call our diplomacy members.....

  16. You can bring many voices if you wish as long as they all agree with eachother I'd be happy...


    One voice for what?...


    You know nothing Jon Snow.
    You have taken all ports, we have nothing to lose and nothing to worry ............ Your arrogance has led you to wipe us off the map not allow ourselves even to 10 ports by sign peace ............... Now we can only fight with you ...... In any part of the map where you fight; you have Spaniards try to help anyone who faces you.........
    Just fight to regain what you have stolen from us ......... That is peace that we want to offer .......
    We will be the biggest pain in the ass that you have had or may have ..... And all it will be able to thank the arrogance of your leaders .....
    Spain is not dead......... Thank you, Spain is more united than it has ever been .....
    You know nothing John Snow .....
  17. Well,but you surrender or not? Im waiting in Habana beach for 5 minutes more taking a bottle of wine and a cigar


    Yeah mate........ I'm in habana beach too.......... Your cigar smell fine....... ;)


    Still waiting..........

  18. We are going to teach the spaniards a lesson they will never forget. And the rest of the server will see what happens to the ones who opposes us.


    All the server must know. That's not a game...... Nobody must opposes us......... British will play alone or else with people that do as they want...... If you think this is a war game, your'e mistaked....... In a wargame people want that someone opposite him to play........ British not.... british want to play alone......
    Muahahahahahaha........... Your faction is a joke...... A british giving lessons................. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    Please, say some joke about the spanish arrogance.............. Muahahahahahahahaha
  19. Buenas tardes...... Lo siento, pero no soy capaz de entender cual es el problema que hace que los españoles estemos dando este vergonzoso espectáculo tanto aquí como en el juego.


    Llevo post y post leidos de reproches entre facciones.....  Señores mandamases de clanes...... ¡¡¡¡ Que esto no es un juego de clanes. !!!!............. ¡¡¡¡ Que estamos todos defendiendo la misma bandera !!!!........... ¿No sois capaces de entenderlo????...........


    ¿Nadie es capaz de entender que mientras no haya una voz unida de todos no pueden existir las alianzas???????............... LOS PACTOS ENTRE UN CLAN Y OTRA FACCION/CLANE NO SIRVEN DE NADA !!!!!!!..........


    Mientras no haya una voz unida, ningún clan tiene derecho a firmar nada por otros y obligarles a cumplirlo........ ¿Tan dificil es de entender????........... 

    Por favor, dejar de discutir quien ataco tal noche a quien o quien no defendió a quien............. Si uno de otra facción está atacando a uno de la nuestra tenemos que defenderlo y punto.......... Esto no  es un juego de clanes............


    Si hay alguien que se encargue de la diplomacia, por favor, que abra un p.to post oficial de diplomacia, y que ponga en mayusculas y bien grande con quien está aliada la facción española, y con quien está en guerra............. Y que nos quede a todos claro........


    Y por favor, los piques, en privado............ esto es vergonzoso.........

  20. Lo he escrito en otro sitio........ el problema que tiene España en este juego es un simple error de los programadores....... Al intentar hacerlo lo más histórico posible, le dieron el 70 % del mapa. Y consecuentemente (y aquí está el error) las flotas que pululaban por el mapa eran en un 70% españolas........ ¿Que quiere decir eso?......... Que los demás paises se han hinchao a sacar puntos xp sin moverse del sitio cargandose las flotas IA de 3rd rate que veíamos pasar, mientras nosotros teníamos que hacer misiones como gilipoyas para pillar cuatro miseros puntos.


    Además, como es normal, al tener el 70% del mapa, el desparrame de jugadores españoles por el mapa, y la atomización e incluso los malos rollos entre clanes no ha tardado en aparecer..........


    Ese sencillo error, como una bola de nieve ha originado tooooooodos los demás problemas.......... es normal que nadie quiera estar en un bando, que solo hace que perder ciudades, perder batallas porque cada vez hay mas y mejores barcos en los bandos contrarios sin saber nadie por qué....... Es muy frustrante..........


    Lo que no pienso aguantar es que un niñato con menos cerebro que un mosquito me insulte en un juego por noseque pajas mentales se ha hecho con otros jugadores...... ¿Ok?............. 

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