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Posts posted by zeeph

  1. [...]and we don't know if it will be the last wipe


    Thats the only reason i started this thread. I want to know if there will be another after the next, or if probably there will be another.

    So if there will be another, or only probably, i like to know when the release might be. I dont need the excat date of release, but something like in 6 month, or 12 or whatever is enough for me.I only like to avoid that i have to contact regulary ppl to ask or to read through all patch notes in the future.


    I dont care If people still dont believe in the next assets wipe, nor do I want to discuss this topic. All i wanna know is in the upper sentence to read. Anyway Iam sure that at the end of the day everyone will know about the upcomming assets wipe.

  2. Theres no reason for me to play untill the last assets wipe.

    Actually when i would continue to play I would loose a lot of my time for nothing. Its no fun to work towards a goal, that will wiped away.I cant be happy with something new that i will loose anyway without beeing responsibly for that and even in pvp idc anymore if an enemy would loose a ship in a battle, because ye...

    That doesnt mean that Iam a cry bitch as soon I loose a ship in battle, without that feature i wouldnt play that game.


    But dont misunderstand me, if you ask me I would recomment to continue that game and test every feature they will implement in that time.Because NA is a great project and I will have a lot of fun in the future with that game, like I had before.But my friends and I decide to stay away untill the last wipe.


    @Twig: And a Admin said yesterday that there will be one, pretty enough official for me.

  3. When me and my friends heard before a few month, that there will be a port wipe, we decided to stop playing and waiting for it, because we saw no sense in waiting hours for PB timer for ports that will wiped anyway later.

    So i asked since that every few weeks Naval Action Players if the port wipes already happened. Before a few days i heard finally that the upcomming conquest changes includes regular map wipes, which meant for me that it would pretty silly to wait any longer. I started again playing, made some progress, just informed my friends that they should play again and then i got the info about the Gold/Ship wipe that will come in 3+ month.

    Iam not in the mood to start asking in 3 month every few weeks for probably some more month, if that wipe had already happend, so Iam asking now if theres another wipe after that (probably before release?) and if its so, when is the release of the game?




  4. Mich würde interessieren, was die DEVS sich von diesem Wipe erhoffen? Sehen wie sich die Karte entwickelt, angesichts der neuen politischen Regeln und der Verfügbarkeit von Großkampfschiffen ab der ersten Minute eines Neustarts?


    Ich spekuliere mal, und behaupte rotzfrech, dass wir spätestens nach 1-2 Monaten eine ähnliche Karte wie jetzt auch haben (ob die doofen Schweden jedoch wieder dort Fuß fassen, wo sie jetzt auch sind?)  :).

    Wobei ich mit ähnlich meine, sieben zusammenhängende Reiche ohne jegliche Außenposten in anderen Teilen der Karibik. Würde mich jedoch freuen, wenn ich mich irre.


    Das System wird umgestellt. Es wird sowas wie Seasons geben. Es wird möglich sein die Weltherrschaft an sich zu reißen, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe. Danach wird die Karte resettet. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es mit Belohungen einhergehen wird.

    Also ist es eher unwahrscheinlich, dass die Karte am Ende genauso aussieht wie jetzt.

  5. Iam doing far more solo pvp than fleet pvp. Iam sometimes in battles like e.g. 1vs4 and sure ill die if i dont manage to flee. But i dont whine afterwards and iam not even annoyed that this battle wasnt even.


    My best solo fight i had was me vs 6. They came  from all sides and it was a great and intense battle. I was sure that i wont survive this and I didnt, but i did not gave up and fought to the bitter end. That was so much fun!

  6. 1.5 rule might come back

    I tried the positional reinforcement with it and without it .

    I like it less without it - thus it might come back if we don't come up with the better thing

    people learnt to stick together. and there were more even fights.


    Please no BR rule. Other pvp full loot games doesnt have rules like that, and thats good so. From the start of the Project NA till the end of it, you will have to deal with a zillion request´s of guys who will whine to the eternity and back, because they have problems with griefing, ganking and finally with pvp and dying in general. Those requests are usualy from ppl, who will later die in their 1st rate and prolly never touch the game again, or at least pause for a few days, because they like to shoot stuff, but cant handle to die.

  7. I updated it before a few days, because of star wars battlefron.


    Naval Actiion runs smooth for me with all @ the highest settings except antilising what i only would use with x2 (40frames+), because x4 would drop to 18.

    But fluid graphics doesnt help against bs and crashes :D

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