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Capt Roberts

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Posts posted by Capt Roberts

  1. I have been playing for three years now & i always loved the storms. I do wish they came in a varied strengths though and more lighting effects too. Time of duration wouldn't be bad either. I never had a chance to play Sea Trials when they had storms but I think that would be neat to play in, beside it would level out the playing field of player skills. So please NA bring on the storms.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, Christendom said:

    It appears that GA has declined the 5v5 OW duel, as was expected.  lol..no show Hardy strikes again.

    This was your chance to settle a grudge and maybe pick up Carta in the process, guess not.  We won't make the same offer again.    


    Christendom again you tried to avoid my direct question to you, do you trust BLACK to judge a fair fight Yes or NO. Answer the question

  3. 6 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Feel free to attack Carta anytime you want and we'll be there.  I don't care about losing ports.  

    However, I do want an actual 5 on 5 pvp match to be determined by skill.  A 15 v 15 in a 1st rate port battle designed for 25 ships will be a whole lot of running, kitting and moving circles around with very little actual combat.  I have no interest in this.  Not to mention other variables like other clans jumping in or one of us "forgetting" to remove our friendly clans off our list or one of our clans mysteriously gaining 10 new players before the battle.  A PB has far too many variables and not enough fighting.  

    You want Carta so bad?  Come and face us 5v5 somewhere in a real grudge match.  Winner will get the port.  Scouts honor.  We're willing to risk a port here, you need to be willing to risk a 5v5.

    Sounds like you don`t want a public battle or trust BLACK to judge a fair fight?  I have a question though are you so incompetent to delete your friendly clans the night before the battle?.......Just asking


  4. 5 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Look again stupid.  Lol

    You're being challenged to a 5v5.  Are you declining?

    Your true colors showing maybe Yellow? .......Just saying it`s looking like that.....afraid of really losing a port?......Your fleet skills not up to the task? 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Pirate was going to be our original choice on global, but a nameless member of ours (cough @Aventador cough) wasn't a fan of the "flag" so we just gave in and stayed US.  After it was determined the US was too far away and wasn't ever gonna get it's shit together (still hasn't), we decided to move to brits.  Before we moved Brit, we were assured by various clans that we would get support in our timezone AND help fighting the US to take back the gulf and get marks.  Again, we were told by clans like GA that we would get support fighting the US.  We didn't, the tune immediately changed once it was determined we'd have to fight for ports.  One clan consistently helped us out, ARMED.  Our timezone differences limited what we could do together however.  In our time with the Brits we were consistently called spies by players who were upset that they weren't the "top dogs", constantly told to leave in GB chat and just overall distrusted despite being the main RVR force that showed and lost ships to the pirates.  The only successful full 25 on 25 attack that GB won before this most recent wipe was orchestrated and run by TF/VCO.  

    Anyway this is a rant.  We're pirate now, which is what we should of gone from the very start.  We tried to be helpful over in GB and got nothing but bitter comments in nation from players who do zero to participate in the RVR scene.  We've gotten more support in the few days we've been pirate from the various clans here than we did in the 3+ months as brit.  Oddly enough the pirates seem to work much better as a nation than the actual nations on global, which is why they always win.  

    GA never told  you we would support VCO in fighting the US, you were give a bullshit lie from others on how we feel or would help VCO in that war.

  6. "Hear ye Hear ye!"  


    The First Lord of the Admiralty has passed down an order to the Admiralty of the BRITS Fleet to lay down more keels. In anticipation of formal diplomacy, it is believed there will be a need for extra fleets in Allied ports to assist in their needs of territorial security.  All able-bodied half-pay naval reservists are to report to the BRITS Admiralty office in London for your ship assignment.

  7. We are still here looking for players to join our fleet. BRITS has a PvP /PBs group, a crew of lvl 50 crafters and a up in coming ship crafters  leveling their trade. We also have our own trading crew (if you want to PvE) that supports our fleets efforts in the production of our ships for everybody. We all help in the war machine in the production of ships at BRITS in some way. When a fleet member needs a ship there will be no question as to why you need a ship or if you have the mats to use to build it the only question we ask is what type and spec you want your ship to be built to. Our ships are always free to our members. We have over 65 active members in our fleet. There is no member in our roster that is inactive for 30 days or more, how many fleets can say that?  So if you want to join a fleet that works together to fight and build or trade give us a shout out in game so we can talk. BRITS officers are looking forward to talk with YOU. So don`t be shy give us a shout.


    May the wind be always at your back.

    Capt Roberts

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