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Posts posted by JJWolf

  1. I don't like the idea of making ships cost an arm and a leg to build.  I kinda support the current system but It would need several tweeks to make it work.


    the real problem I have with making a brig cost 300k to build would be, no one would pvp in anything but a free ship.  makes the game kinda boring imo.


    if anything, we should reduce the cost of ships to make it so anyone could afford them and make the upgrades cost an arm and a leg.


    however, I think it should cost a lot of labor hours or real hours, depending on how you want to look at it to build ships.  as it sits, it seems like it does take a lot of time to build a decently sized ship and upgrade it past basic.


    If you read my original post I'm articulating to removing the limitation on craft hours and charging fees instead to craft, that can be balanced by reducing required materials or reducing recipe ingrediants, whatever means necessary, it will force those with Alts to have to pay for all crafting and prevent them from having the double or triple free hours they get over the people with a single account.

  2. No teleporting with cargo ever it will not happen. 


    And traders will no longer go in search of goods, risk is barely an issue, it's ludicrous to believe traders will sail 5 hours in one direction to do a trade run and then do the same amount of sailing just to return, the distances are too great and there is nowhere near enough profit in it to sail that long, it'll be easier to earn money doing PvP and PvE.

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  3. While we are waiting for a final decision on how best to implement diplomacy may I propose a suggestion for the Devs that may work in the simplest form: *(Numbers are placeholder only, these are to be adjust to suite based on Devs opinion)


    The levels of diplomatic relations are set at specific 'diplomacy point' levels:

    • Allied (+2000)
    • Friendly (+1000)
    • Neutral (0)
    • Hostile (-1000)
    • At war (-2000)

    The entire concept is run on increasing and decreasing 'Tension' through naval conflict and time that has past. Pirates would be exempt from this system and be permanently at war with every other nation (hello letters of marque and privateering!)


    To 'increase tension' one only has to initiate combat with a specific nation (e.g. British vessels attack Spanish vessels and lower diplomatic relations)

    To 'decrease tension' one must either:

    • Attack a nation that is viewed as Hostile or At war of the nation they wish to improve relations with (e.g. British vessels attack Spain's enemy France which improves relations with Spain)
    • or Tension will ease over time so to keep nations hostile or at war would require consistent aggression on behalf of either or both beligerants (e.g. Britain refrains from attacking Spain to ease tension)

    Diplomacy points are applied per vessel attacked as follows:

    • Attack a neutral/hostile/at war nation's vessel is -2* diplomacy (+1* diplomacy to all nations who are hostile or at war with the nation of the vessel that is attacked)
    • Attacking a friendly nation's vessel results in -2* diplomacy with ALL nations
    • Attacking Pirate vessels is +2* diplomacy to ALL nations
    When you 'Attack' a ship(s) on the OW, it creates the instance and the vessel/fleet that you have initiated the instance with is initially placed into a stance that reflects your diplomacy attitude.
    Once a certain small % of damage has been done to a neutral or friendly vessel it changes it's stance and becomes hostile to you and anyone on your side and the diplomacy impact is then applied. This will also resolve the 'accidental' player nation attacks resulting in unintentional pirates.


    Pros/Cons of each diplomatic relation with a nation: (You refers to anyone in your nation)


    • You may group with allied nation Captains
    • You may join battles to support Allies (Only against nations neutral or below to you)
    • Allied nation NPC vessels will enter combat to support you (Only against nations neutral or below to them)
    • Allied Captains may join any battle to support you (Only against nations neutral or below to them)
    • Initiating combat against an Ally is considered an act of Piracy


    • You may group with friendly nation Captains
    • You may join battles to support friendly nations (Only against nations neutral or below to you)
    • Friendly Captains may join your battle (Only against nations neutral or below to them)
    • Initiating combat against a friendly nation will apply -2* diplomacy to ALL nations
    • You cannot initiate port conquests


    • You may group with Neutral captains
    • You may join battles in support of neutral nations against nations with neutral or lower diplomacy
    • You may attack Neutral nation vessels or below
    • You cannot attack neutral nation captains you are grouped with
    • You cannot initiate port conquests


    • You cannot group together
    • You cannot join battles in support of hostile nation
    • You may initiate port conquest (-1000* points)
    • You may be attacked by hostile nation NPC ships

    At War

    • You will be attacked by hostile nation NPC ships
    • You may initiate port conquest (-500* points)
    • At war NPC vessels will join combat against you
    • You will be attacked by At war NPC vessels


    Anything else I've missed? Any suggestions to improve/change this?


    REMEMBER: This is as a proposal just to introduce diplomacy so we have working relationships with other nations. This is purely so that it can be built on from here to whatever the Developers decide on with help from the community.






    EDIT: Formatting

    EDIT: Added idea on resolving unintentionally turning pirate

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  4. Missions, do them at another port where there are less people


    This isn't a solution, particularly for PvE where it just shouldn't happen. If someone is not in my group they shouldn't be able to enter my battles on PvE and they should be locked out of my PvP battles after a set amount of time or when the conflict has moved a certain distance away from the starting area. Open battles are an invitation for griefing and/or stupid mistakes by newbies.


    I have taken to either flipping the trader I'm trying to cap or flipping the theives ships outright who are trying to steal it, depending on conditions and ship positions. Dishonourable conduct attempting to steal other captains prizes will be punished one way or another.

  5. Currently crafting a ship and selling it to the NPC shop nets a return of ~30% profit based purely on cost of materials when sourced from the cheapest locations. There profit of 30% on the cheapest possible production is consumed when one attempts to combine it with a return on labour hours invested (Snow = 1245 hours). When one counts labour hours into the cost of making a Snow, one is running at a 31% loss on average crafting ships and selling to the NPC shop. The ship sale price needs to be bumped up by 30% so that if I make a basic ship that will never sell on the Ship market, I should at least be able to cover costs and trouble for my time from the NPC shop when I sell it. 


    The second issue is the pittance recovered from breaking up a ship. I have tried to repair captured ships and broken up 5 dura ships but they all still give about 3% of the materials that went into making it. How can this be? Surely there's more salvage from a Brig than a Rudder Part, 2x Rigging Parts, a Small Carriage, and 2 Canvas rolls...

  6. I would suggest to remove the link of XP between PvP and PvE servers then if this idea was implemented ( unless that has already been done without me realising lol ). Because higher rank on PvE will be able to bring big fleet ships to help them grind missions/AI ships, meaning they can take on bigger ships for more XP, so they have the luxury of Ranking up faster vs PvP player without AI fleet ships.


    Oh how I would love for that to happen, it seriously does need to. I don't think it is fair at all nor is it helpful when one logs from one server with a fully crewed Cerb only to be forced to sail a Basic cutter in 1LT missions or go trading until they have enough to buy a ship worth sailing... :'(


    Players should be tied to one character per server, not per account. I should have to create and train completely separate characters on each of the servers to give players more options to explore different game styles.

  7. In fact, why not make it so the only thing 'Repair Kits' do is repair 'modules'? (Pump, Mag, Rudder, maybe Rigging?)


    Change 'survival' mode to be a very slow repair to all portions of the vessel (flood level, hull, mast, sails, crew) while armour values do not change from their most damaged value. If a vessel has been de-masted then sail repairs within a battle instance should only ever be to the remaining sails, not replacing the mast itself. At 0% side hull integrity on even one side should flood a vessel without going into 'survival' mode quick enough and when more than two sides (3-4) are at 0% the ship should not be savable at all, floundering and sinking within minutes. This would emulate damage and repairs far better than currently.


    The 'survival' mode should enforce no ability to fire/reload cannons along with rigging response times being greatly slowed down (more than currently to emulate a lack of available crew). Non combat/seaman Officers such as surgeons and carpenters could have positive increases in repair/recoup speed for the vessel and crew.


    Just an idea...

  8. POIs could also include:

    - a merchantman fighting off a Pirate and you have the choice to leave or join in to defend the Trader - XP/Gold reward

    - a small/big clash between two nations you could join, one nation is the owner of the waters in which the event occurs and another they are at war with.

    - a ship being strangled by a kraken...


    Crew Morale should increase during/after battles, in most cases crew lose morale when they are not busy or excited, it's just like bored troops on deployment, you have to give them something to do to keep them out of ttrouble.

  9. I've crafted dozens of ships since OW was released and no one has ever even tried to attack my trader's cutter.


    Outside the hotspots, the risk is negligible. Players could travel to the coast of Mexico and level up in perfect safety.



    Now, if NPCs could be made to actively chase players with active trade missions, that would be a different story.


    I've had NPC aggro in the last several days while trading, I even had it coming from a fellow British Traders Cutter (with contraband) - I did laugh it off since he had no guns but the Spanish Constitution that chased me wiped the smile off my face pretty quick when it threatened my load of Compass Wood...


    +1 For combat missions, make them from mission port to a port that's 2 ports or 15 mins or so away. This gives reason for people to actually go between ports more and you can have fun with it.

  10. Agreed, with this amount of players trade isn't Lucrative any more, even with knowledge of what a port is consuming and produce in a day!

    I sailed for hours to get rid of me cargo for a reasonable price not make los on the haul, because my destination port says "consumes (product)" and when entered port around 2000 where already in shop!? And i would a substancial amount of money if i sold it there!

    Then you see that a port consumes that product in a day, but imo it's to low for 2200 people on a server?

    So my question/suggestion is the same as the OP, and make the consumation of the products related to the amount of players on server so everybody can trade a little bit and make it more lucrative for us?


    +1 While trade holds are much better, the profit is not there because of very low consumption.

  11. I think ships are not cheap at all. It depends on how much time you can play. I can play 1-2 hours a day max and since the start (5 days) i managed to accumulate 30k gold. I don't like the idea that i would have to grind for more then a month to fight in a brig five times. The pvp goes this way: If i have to grind for the ship 5 hours (week) and then have 5 lives (weekend fun), i will probably don't worry to lose it and enjoy it all. If it is 50 hours (month or two of grind) I will be cautious or not play at all. Losing ship is not always based on your skill, like you have to go to battle for your clan or get ganked by superior numbers. So you will always lose ships.


    I know it is difficult to balance the game between hardcore players who play all day and people with jobs or other responsibilities. That is one reason how free to play works. People with time buy for ingame money, people with jobs pay with real money to get things faster. In the end free players are making the community and the developers and servers are paid with people who pay the real money. Usually the second group doesn't have time to write about things on forums so they are not so vocal. But without them the game dies.


    I'm pretty certain most people who play this game have jobs and don't have huge amounts of hours to spend playing, it's even worse for those of us in Aussie/NZ who lose 45-120 minutes to maintenance during our prime time.


    Let's look at grinding for a Brig (NPC price = 46k) as an example of ship cost. Your first two ranks will likely be while sailing a basic cutter so there will be no cost incurred for repair or replacement. To reach the third rank requires 2000 XP, so if we conservatively base Gold and XP earned in battle on the same ratio as missions award (2k, 50XP) then in the time it takes to earn the XP to fully crew a Brig you will have earned approximately 80K or more. That's not including any goods or ships you may acquire in the process or any trading or crafting.


    What I'm advocating with the change from free labour hours to a cost based system (oh no increased cost) but it also needs to go hand in hand reducing the amount of materials required in crafting to keep the cost at it's current level. e.g: change the Iron Fittings recipe to require 4 instead of 6 Iron ingots, reduce carriages from 3/5/7 to require 2/4/6 iron fittings respectively. Reduce ship recipes to halve the number of fittings. etc. etc.

  12. NPC's need to stop selling ships, period!  Ships have such little value in this game and there are very few gold sinks (Always kills a game long term).  Stop NPC's selling ships and let the money flow through supply demand of crafters/traders.  If a crafter can get 300K gold for a brig good on him!  Reward the time and effort, open up the game and make ship losses really hurt. 


    Disagree, NPS ship sales should provide a ceiling price for basic ships at something like 50-100% markup to prevent price gouging, this is an even more acute problem in smaller nations. The NPC ships also provide a baseline of ships available to purchase without the massive economy larger nations have. If NPC ships remain as basic builds and someone can get 300K for an exceptional Brig all the power to them for providing a rare vessel and the price will adjust to reflect it.

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    We plan to deploy a minor hotfix on the 23rd of January during maintenance.


    Patch contents

    • Chat fixes - currently chat windows are disabled by default and have limited size. New chat will hopefully be able to serve up to 2500 concurrent players in global and help. We found the problems causing it and rewrote the chat code over last 2 days.
    • Extra warning for player deletion - extra explanations added to the player deletion to stop players from making major mistakes.
    • Coal production expanded across the region
    • Iron production expanded across the region
    • Other minor fixes
    • Probably new bugs.



    Are you increasing the price of NPC ships to provide room for player crafted ships for sale with some form of margin? Alternatively reducing the required number of parts in recipes to reduce costs? 


    Love the last note, it's so frustratingly true:


    • Like 3
  14. well just an outpost so people actually spread over the map instead of buying everything they need in the nearest port and thus making it more expensive.

    The cost of making a ship is allready high. you still need to gather resources and craft the items you need. extra costs will only make it an extra painfull grind.


    The painful cost of ship making is appropriate, it shouldn't be cheap by any measure, the immediate problems in cost I see are twofold. Firstly the current supply/demand amounts can't keep up with the population leading to massive shortages and over supply in some ports, secondly selling those crafted ships to players is just not profitable or as to compete with the NPC price leaves almost no margin if you used resources purchased at the lowest prices.

  15. Since there is currently a massive issue surrounding labour hours, costs, crafting, and multiple characters, I'd like to put forward a public vote on several options that could fix a lot of the issues.


    Question 1 surrounds the ability to craft in any port, I'm proposing it be only available in ports with Outposts constructed, regardless of nationality. This can lead to increasing cost for Outposts in ports to balance with the second part proposal. It does bring in the inherent danger that if the port is lost, a Captain would need to construct a new outpost elsewhere, hence the slightly more versatile option of restricting to only Nation ports.


    Question 2 is with regards to cost, I'm proposing the removal of labour hours as such, replace it with set timers to craft and a cost associated with the craft request. The number of consecutive craft requests could be limited to 2 (increases based on say every 5 levels in crafting to a max of 12 consecutively at level 50). This removes the abuse of multiple characters accruing free labour hours by forcing a cost to be associated with crafting along with hard limits on craftable product per request.


    At the end of the day what I am looking to achieve is to find a solution for the Developers to increase the number of characters per account (nation restricted or time restricted for differing nationalities, whatever they choose) and alter the manufacturing economy to prevent the exploit of 'free hours'. Sure a labour hours pool per account might work but then it still doesn't address those sharing an account with family. I'm sure there are many parents/siblings out there who want to share the game with family but don't want them touching their captain come hell or high water!





    EDIT: Formatting


    Edit2: *snippet to further explain Q2* What I'm advocating with the change from free labour hours to a cost based system but it also needs to go hand in hand reducing the amount of materials required in crafting to keep the cost at it's current level. e.g: change the Iron Fittings recipe to require 4 instead of 6 Iron ingots, reduce carriages from 3/5/7 to require 2/4/6 iron fittings respectively. Reduce ship recipes to halve the number of fittings. etc. etc.

  16. all prizes belong to the player doing the most dmge to him. There is no such thing as stealing. Its thoe person who does more dmge gets it.

    For the next run if you cant convince your "ally" to let the ship go. Shoot a bit on the hull to make sure you did more dmge than him.


    Also: if it was wthout any chat possibility Id say let the case go.

    I had a similar case yesterday where I wanted to cap a trader. But my "ally" went ahead and shot him so ofthen that he got the kill and the ship prize. Instead of me who was waiting forever to tack a trader ship.


    I did the most damage to the adversary's hull by reducing it to around 50% on both sides and reduced the crew to 24 while the accused simply reduced the sails more. If prizes were based on damage I would have been awarded the prize. He boarded it twice including when it was down to 3 crew so he managed to finish it off in boarding to be awarded the prize. The mission was mine, the highest damage dealt was from me, and I had prepped to capture it yet simply because he can poach the prize he shouldn't be sanctioned? I would rather they allow me to host a local instance so I can play SP than put up with dishonourable fellow captains being allowed to legally steal prizes without repercussions. I could have attacked him after the battle but would have been branded a pirate, though I chose the gentleman's path of appealing to the British Royal Navy to sanction their captain for the dishonourable action.

    I was under the assumption that only players in a group could enter combat together on the PvE as I've never had anyone drop in before and never was allowed into other battles, so I was surprised when he waited for me on the OW and then jumped into my battle to steal the prize.


    If the captain is not to be sanctioned then I shall endeavour to place the dishonourable scum's ship in Davey Jone's locker should he dare enter another of my battles and plead my case for amnesty afterwards.

  17. I, Captain JJ Wolf of the British Royal Navy allege at approximately 1830 AEDT (0730 GMT) on the PvE server, the British Captain known as StonedSmurfz, entered my midshipman admiralty mission and waited for me to grind down the adversary's (Pirate) vessel and then swooped in to steal the prize. StonedSmurfz stole a Privateer vessel that was rightly my prize for the taking by virtue of the extent to which I battled the adversary.


    The battle started with my reducing the pirate vessel below 80% sails with chain munitions after which I then switched to ball munitions to reduced the adversary's hull armour to approximately 50% on both sides.


    The accused hung back from the fight and further reduced the adversaries sails to approximately 75%.


    I then switched to Grape munitions and closed to within spitting distance of the adversary and proceeded to 'duke it out' in close by raking his decks with grape while forcing him to constantly turn into the wind, reducing his crew from 69 to 24, while this occurred the accused continued to hang back.


    Once the crew had been sufficiently reduced, it was at that moment when the accused crashed into the adversary just fore of midship and quickly pulled him behind me, grappling the adversary. I was then forced to sail around the melee and return to the adversary's side to attempt a grapple of my own of which I succeeded but was unable to finish him off before the adversary disengaged me with 3 crew remaining only to be quickly and cheaply cleaned up by the accused.


    This conduct of a fellow British captain, StonedSmurfz, in stealing prizes is unbecoming and I request the alleged be sanctioned for his actions.

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