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Bert Beard

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Posts posted by Bert Beard



    In conclusion, I sincerely hope that GL have a clear and concise roadmap for the future, with the priority being a means for player retention and not continually confusing the issues with statements like “economy may not be in the final release”




    I was quite focused on discussing the economy and crafting until the server issues forced me to forget about the economy.


    I can't imagine the dev's being serious about dumping the crafting and econ in the final release.

    Naval Action would be targeting a very narrow niche market indeed if they did that.


    But just the fact that rumor is out there and the dev's won't kill it is bleeding players as well.

  2. So, what your saying for PVP 1 to be exciting and dynamic it has to be so full that there's sometimes even a waiting list to log in.


    While PVP 2 sits almost empty most of the time.


    I'm not buying that.......you can find all the pvp and rvr you want with a server population of around 1,000 - 1,500 during it's busy time.


    PVP 1 doesn't have to have all the players to make this game fun........like it's some kind of contest.



    Most of you have no idea how much this hurts the game and the overall number of players playing Naval Action.

  3. Well yeah, this is PVP2's off hour.


    PVP1 actually has < 600 players during American prime time.


    It actually is not a huge improvement to move unless you think that "a very active game world [during hours I am not online]" is a huge improvement. The only real point of interest is that Euros trolling Euros by setting 0200 - 0600 port timers actually put it into American prime time on accident.


    Go check PVP1 tonight around 0200 - 0400 server time and see what the pop looks like. We took a port last night at about 0500 (1am our time) and I think population was right about 400 online.



    For whatever reason, way more Euros have bought this game.



    Yes, it's pretty obvious servers have their slow times when most players are sleeping.

    Only a very foolish developer would base their server demand when the demand is at it's lowest.

    It would make sense to me to base your server demand when the load is at it's highest.......through the course of at least an entire month.


    There are several times more North Americans on the EU server than on the NA server ........the campaign to make that happen was a success.

  4. The dev's need to get their server issues figured out because it's costing them lots of players........hundreds have quit playing for at least a little while because of several server issues.......mostly to do with PVP 2.

    - server migration that's being encouraged from PVP 2 to PVP 1.

      ( most don't migrate.....they quit )

    - unexpected & long server crashes ........like the 8 hour crash yesterday on PVP 2

      ( this alone cut PVP 2's population by nearly half from the day before.......how many of them quit ? )

    - waiting cues to log into PVP 1.

    - confusion on what's going to happen with the servers.


    This Naval Action mmo needs to get it's act together if it wants to live up to even a fraction of it's potential.


    To be honest, I think merging the two pvp servers is basically admitting failure on the dev's part.

    Get the problems sorted out, do what needs to be done to reverse the population drops and get this game rolling.


    And give the players a reason to choose between either PVP 2 or PVP 1

  5. It doesn't matter now and Krakken is right.......the dev's are planning to merge the servers.


    After the 8 hour surprise shutdown of PVP 2 yesterday the player numbers have taken another big drop.........down to 94 a few minutes ago.

    Never seen that before in the morning.


    That shut down was not good.

  6. What difference does it make? You knowing what the problem doesn't contribute anything towards the restoration of the server, I prefer them putting more time towards fixing the problem rather than sitting here making you feel better. 


    It's called consideration towards your customer and it only takes a couple minutes for one developer to show that consideration to a lot of players who were waiting for hours to play and who did not know what's going on or when the game will be up again.

    PVP 2 was down about 8 hours during primetime......what other mmo has that happened before ?

    There's only one other game I can think of that had an unexpected shut down for that long or longer where the players didn't know what the hell was going on............PotBS after the new developers took over.

  7. How would giving only PVP2 any kind of bonus still not cause imbalance?

    What kind of imbalance are we talking talking about.

    The kind where players move back from PVP server 1 to PVP 2.......yea, we can never have that can we.


    Maybe you think players will make their money on PVP 2 and then somehow use it to help them on PVP 1 ?



    So, anyone have a better idea that will help reverse the server imbalance..........be specific please.

    Remember.......a server merge is not a sure thing.


    Maybe even a developer or moderator could help out ?

  8. Except maybe the whole point of a game, that you have fun playing it.


    You know, driving boats, shooting cannons a people, screaming in rage as your boat sinks...


    That sort of thing.


    Frankly spending Dev time on a single use convenience feature to like this is a huge waste of a far more valuable resource than saving those players is probably worth.


    Hell, Admin even said recently the entire MMO and economy thing was/is a "test", and they may just toss the idea altogether before release if its not working.


    Hardly a promise to let you keep stuff.


    Dumping the crafting and econ was a passing comment from one of the moderators to end a silly argument.


    If they actually did that you would see a big drop in player numbers........much like PotBS.

    The dev's won't commit Naval Action suicide. 

  9. If there are 0 penalties for swapping servers ir faction and there was a gold and xp bonus for playing on the low population server then try hards ( just like now) would just swap between servers all day to which ever gave them the most xp till they reached max level then they would pick a server to stay on.

    In my experience every game that gave a welfare bonus just created new problems. The best solution is your first idea. Penalty for swaping.


    I'm a big believer in coming up with your own better idea if you don't like someone else's.


    Penalizing players for switching servers now after the damage is done would just ensure that the huge imbalance caused by the server migration would remain.

    Nothing would change.


    So Mrdoomed ........if you don't like my idea of a bonus for PVP 2.........what would you suggest could reverse the server migration ?

    Besides wishes and luck.

  10. I would be all for the penalty idea but would never support any bonuses, unless you want a bigger mess of swaping then you have now


    Not sure what you mean Mrdoomed........explain the swapping mess that would happen.

    This plan would be if we kept 2 main pvp server's........does not apply if we combine them into one.


    The server with more players would have more opportunities for pvp, port battles and a larger economy.

    The server with less players would have a bonus to compensate for less pvp, port battles and a smaller economy.

  11. There's two approaches to dealing with this server imbalance and still keeping 2 main servers ( other than doing nothing at all )


    A - penalize players for switching servers even more than what's happening currently or even force people to stay put.


    B - or the idea I mentioned before, the server that has a lot lower population gets a credit boost for pvp, missions.......anything that rewards money.

         The Dev's could set a automatic trigger.

         Once the less populated server gets below let's say 67% of the other server it gets a credit boost ( maybe 15% )...........have another boost when it gets below 50% ( maybe 25% ) .......etc.


        I prefer encouraging players to fix things rather than forcing them to.


       Before someone claims this could be exploited.......remember, money and assets do not move between servers.

    • Like 1
  12. Hey Captains.


    We have to admit we wasted some good dev time in Jan after release on the unnecessary features (listened to players a bit more than needed due to our previous position to always react to player wants fast)

    - namely

    • queues
    • autokick
    • new server
    • several backup and server stability related features
    • other things

    We learnt a lot and this might help in the future (or other games) but we should not have done it.


    Merging and transfer will happen after War & peace/rvr/port battles changes are approved by players and coded. It might take 1-2 months. If you want more action it is advised to just transfer to pvp 1. If you want more secluded environment you can stay. 

    We are going to discuss it this week with the team and maybe propose other options for captains moving to pvp 1



    Good news but an odd place to make this kind of announcement .......... under "National Wars and Piracy".

    Why didn't admin post this under "Developer news and announcements"


    There could be issues with players who have made the switch to PVP 1 but still have a lot of stuff in PVP 2 ......... wonder how that will be handled.

    Take a break, wait and see............stay in PVP 2 for now.


    Nice to see this problem has gotten the attention of the Dev's now .......... 4 or 5 days ago would have been better for those that switched.

  13. How about the developers pay attention to this as well......... instead of silence.

    This is regarding the exodus of players from server PVP 2 to PVP 1.



    This has now gotten ahead of the developers and gained critical mass.

    Rather than silence or encouraging the movement of players from server PVP 2 to PVP 1 ...........the moderators and developers should have had a plan and told us about it.


    I'm USA on PVP 2 and my clan leader has just sent an email to all members that an exodus has been under way from PVP 2 to PVP 1 and he will hang on in PVP 2 as long as he can but it's looking like our clan will have to start again on PVP 1.

    We are in a dying server that has been left to die by the developers and unless we like solitude we will all have to start from scratch on PVP 1.


    A few minutes ago PVP 2's population was under 190 ........another drop from the day before.


    I wonder if the developers realize that this kind of thing will piss off a lot of players from PVP 2 and more than a few will say the hell with this........I'm not starting over again after 2 months because of something this ridiculous...........And quit.


    This is basically the same as server wipe where you lose everything except your XP.

    • Like 1
  14. I like the direction Naval Action is going, the developers are listening to us and want our input........so I am impressed with almost all the changes.


    This awesome game is very unique so we shouldn't be trying to use other games as a model for this one.


    And if we did then probably the closest comparison would be Pirates of the Burning Sea and there were things they did very well in that game.

    But those developers screwed that game up so badly in the last few years that nearly everyone quit and many are here now including me.


    Naval Action looks so beautiful.

    I logged into my account at PotBS and it looks cartoonish compared to Naval Action.

    • Like 1
  15. There is no "drumroll" folder......I did a complete search of both my hard drives.

    So, where do screenshots get saved ?


    I've looked and looked and can not find the file they are saved to.

    I'm running windows 10

  16. Yea it looks pretty good and they seem to be paying a lot of attention to the details.


    But most of the work is done by volunteers isn't it ?

    And they are still in the early stages of development and it looks like there will be several stages before it's a complete, balanced game.........this will likely be years in development.

    The first gaming company that goes live with a solid, full fledged alternative to PotBS will win the race. 

    And right now it looks like it will be Naval Action.

  17. I'm afraid you guys are right.


    PotBS had a good chance at making a comeback last year when Portalus took over.

    Lots of talk and plans from Portalus and anticipation from the players, a lot of old vets were thinking of coming back along with the new players.

    But a rocky start, very slow progess with everything and then that sudden server shutdown for 10 days in September/October plus the PotBS website and forums are still down.

    The reality has sunk in that this is the same guys as before with FLS when they nearly killed the game in late 2012 and nothing has changed except now they have fewer resources and staff.

    The comunication from Portalus has been terrible, most of it is meaningless or not true anyways.

    The few patches they have released recently are only about bringing in more cash for themselves...........they erase comments on their website if players ask relevant questions about the problems or accurately criticise Portalus and have even artificially locked in the server population indicator to that it appears there's a lot higher pop's on the server's than what's really the case.

    Portalus are for the most part not honest with their customers......the players.


    A couple months ago I said Portlaus would be done by the end of February, but then I also figured out they only work part time on PotBS so their overhead is very low.

    So we'll see.

    The demise of PotBS will likely coincide with the launch of Naval Action.


    Naval Action couldn't come too soon.

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