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Status Updates posted by Grognard_JC

  1. Hey Havelock!



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    2. Havelock


      i wish i could find a replay anywhere to see the exact moment that happened^^

    3. Grognard_JC


      I had found the replay to make the video. I can't remember this guy name. Blond, beard, Captain hat, german accent. You may recognize his voice.

      To your defence, your allies had not really helped you if I recall well. The ones in your back had not followed you, they kept behing those still in movements. This happends all the time, but one hastes when it happens to you.


      I havent been play NA for months btw. The everyday campaign got the best of my strength and I had no social life anymore. I hope they have slowed down the pace. It was way to demanding to keep up.

    4. Havelock


      The second person talking in the vid is Zorfidius Divus, or PlakRocks since you prob found his video on Twitch.

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