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Cpt Shadow

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Posts posted by Cpt Shadow

  1. Just now, Cpt Shadow said:

    Battle of Trafalgar DLC proposal

    • During testing there was once a panel that made the battle of Trafalgar possible, it used to be organised by players on a Saturday evening as I am sure you are aware (several youtubes of this).  This is no longer in the game and I understand that.  I think this could prove to be a nice feature if added in a limited way.  It would increase enjoyment of the game and draw players into a weekly event that was a lot of fun. 
    • There is no current large sea battle option that nations can buy into (lets say 20 players a side).
    • I propose you put back the sea battle option under the name of 'Battle of Trafalgar'.  Open the option on a Saturday night and Sunday night.  You can dlc entry to the battle and the player takes there own ship in.   So you buy the 'Battle of Trafalgar' option and this allows you access to the sea battle at weekends.  Those of us who played it in the past know it worked and you do too.  😛

    Captain Shadow (AKA Laurens De Graff)

    Only dead fish swim with the tide

  2. Battle of Trafalgar DLC proposal

    • During testing there was once a panel that made the battle of Trafalgar possible, it used to be organised by players on a Saturday evening as I am sure you are aware (several youtubes of this).  This is no longer in the game and I understand that.  I think this could prove to be a nice feature if added in a limited way.  It would increase enjoyment of the game and draw players into a weekly event that was a lot of fun. 
    • There is no current large sea battle option that nations can buy into (lets say 20 players a side).
    • I propose you put back the sea battle option under the name of 'Battle of Trafalgar'.  Open the option on a Saturday night and Sunday night.  You can dlc entry to the battle and the player takes there own ship in.   So you buy the 'Battle of Trafalgar' option and this allows you access to the sea battle at weekends.  Those of us who played it in the past know it worked and you do too.  😛

    Captain Shadow (AKA Laurens De Graff)

  3. I didn't want to wait for the wipe to take a look at how it will be.  After 4000+ hours and full docks and warehouse, I reset my account last week.

    My thinking was, find out what it's like to be at zero, spend a week playing from that position and see what I come up with.  I think I can see how it's going to go initially.

    So it went like this for me, took some passenger deliveries on the yacht.  Put 6pd on yacht, took a trader brig,  did some cargo deliveries.  That was reals and gold set. Did the first part of the exam crewed the dlc Herc, ranked up a couple, did the final exam and dlc requin.   You probably can do that in a day at a push with no interference.  The first day there will be interference so.. 

    Left it at that point because then it just becomes grindy.

    It was easy to do this with clear seas this week, so not a clear picture.  My guess you will see requin out on the first day.

    Conclusion, you can get up and running quite quickly, then its just repetitive but I guess the requin players will have a good time initially. 

    If you have not got DLC Requin and DLC herc ... I don't think you are going to be smiling at the start.

    • Like 2
  4. Can someone tell me.  Preferably admin.

    If I reset my character or even character and nation.  Will I still keep the testing gifts, the yacht and the Pandora?  I am assuming there would be no problem with my DLC herc and req since those are bought on steam.  So yes if I reset my character, will I keep the yacht and Pandora?

  5. 1 hour ago, adriancairns said:

    we are not testers


    Why Early Access?

    “Sea Trials is a long age of sail tradition. Captains of that time had a chance to test their vessel and provide feedback to the Admiralty on what needs to be changed to make the ship perform better. Extensive sea trials are required by the Admiralty to fully test if the ships in the game are seaworthy and ready for fighting.”


  6. I enjoyed playing the game, yes I believed them when they said your XP is safe.  As time went on I  thought they will surely wipe everything.   I could not really understand why they said your XP will be safe (I do now) so I went along with it.  No regrets I had a good time (4000+ hours)  

    When the DLC ships were introduced, I thought to myself, if the wipe takes out everything I will just DLC a couple of ships and play occasionally.   That's what I intend to do, no more grinding for me.  Nope been there done it, got the badge.

    On the topic of,  'you will keep your name, your name will not be reset' ... seems an obvious move to me, what better way to sell the DLC forger ;)  (good business idea, It has to give them some return).

    On reflection of the whole situation, I can safely say I had my money's worth.  For new players the game will be ok, however, I think they missed the boat, the fun was had in its development in my opinion.

    Looking forward to summer outside now. 



    • Like 1
  7. All the bleating about pve and pvp etc ... wake up, yes its the pvp server but the game by its very nature has to include travel such as trading, which to me feels like pve ... if you want it a pure pvp server then scrap the shops, stop the trading and sell ships online and lets play 'world of warships'.   Its a total joke.   Look there is not a trader that sets out on a two hour sail from the gulf to the other side of the map that sets sail with the intention of pvp.. yet if they dont do that trip then maybe some pvp ships dont get built... so its part of the game to have pve aspects in it.

    While im here, one other totally stupid issue is, you will be disconnected, do they really expect a trader to sit at the screen for hours on end doing nothing.... if you want pvp then make it pure pvp  ..... oh yeah forgot they tried that 'legends' .... how did that go?.... ermmmmm 

    • Like 5
  8. I wonder if this is just to address the Patrol 'crazy ring'  ... i mean I notice that not much goes on now .. its just whose going to patrol bla bla bla  ..  and the local waters are empty .. so maybe this is to try and get people wanting to gank in the safe zones back... see how it goes but Im moving in the direction of playing other games now.  This game used to be good, not so enjoyable now which is quite sad. 

    Just as an example, I frequently have experienced enemy players just sailing straight past me because they are going to the ring, nothing much worth doing outside the circle ... thats how it seems.. otherwise why sail straight past an enemy player ... its happened loads of times.  Yes I realise we are still in testing, its the only thing thats keeping me in ... living in hope! 

  9. 11 minutes ago, SKurj said:

    Let the new 'patrol' missions be the new hostility missions....





    I dont think its a coincidence that they included the 'crazy circles' PATROL ... given that they are going to sell ships.  You need ships to be used up don't you at a rate that's not sustainable .. think business.  £$£$   Could it be used with ports, most probably... will it be? Probably not ... 

  10. Basically, it's port attacks have become pants and they have spent a lot of time getting to the point where its pants...  The original version where we sailed with a flag was quite good fun but I can see why they changed it.  There are too many things now that just don't make sense to a player.  I can't even be arsed to list them .. it is what it is.


  11. I could go in legends yes and show you what I mean.. the main one that seems to come up stormy is the battle for Salamanca.  When that starts in storm, visibility is very poor and I think the map function is disabled to stop you seeing the enemy until they approach. Its also heavy rain, poor visibility and waves that mean you have to pick your shots.. so they are already doing some of this, just not in the main game.

  12. yes definitely was shorter than the tow, but one thought occurred to me. Could he have retagged me at the last minute? Because whilst i remained in tow but i rotated me ship expecting to go into battle, I guess that may have caused him to retag at the last second of the tag but still had at least 20-30 seconds on the tow.  The thing is the tow actually towed early its like the tow was generated by the tag timer.

    So the exact scenario, as near as I can get it was, towing with 40 seconds left and tagged i then stay in tow as i rotate my ship the tag timer appears to reach zero and I tow to port where i am sitting with the tag circle round me.

  13. Whilst moving items between ship and warehouse suddenly half the warehouse items vanish. Leave the port and come back in and they are all back, only a tiny issue so never reported but its happened several times now and seems like a really minor thing but I'm starting to think if we don't report the really small things they may build up into a host of tiny things.

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