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  1. Hi all, I'm using Ultimate General to help our 6th grade teachers do a lesson on Gettysburg before they head there next week. I wanted to show them the 20th Maine defending LRT before also showing them the clip from "Gettysburg". Which specific battle in Custom Battles would be the best option to load up (Union Left Flank at Stake)? Also, my History is a little rusty. Chamberlain would have been in de Trobriand's Divison? I was looking for Vincent's Brigade but I don't see them. Thanks in advance.
  2. Just wanted to let you know that it runs well on the Surface Pro 3. I just received a Surface 3 (non-pro) that has a different CPU chipset. I'll try it on there as well and report back. This was playing via Steam. One cool thing is that if you play on the Surface, you get the functions of the PC game but the touch capabilities of the iPad version.
  3. Good to know, thank you! I wonder if I can run it off a Surface Pro 3...
  4. Thank you for the replies. Any thoughts on the iPad version running on an iPad 3?
  5. I not only want to play the game myself but would really like to use this game to showcase tactics and battles for our 6th grade students. Can I jump to certain battles? I specifically want to show them Pickett's Charge and Little Round Top. I was going to use Sid Meier's Gettysburg but that is way too dated anymore. Also, how does the game play on an iPad 3? Leaning more towards the Steam version but might have trouble showing that off at school with no computer really having a decent graphics card.
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