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Oliver H. Perry

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Posts posted by Oliver H. Perry

  1. I don't see where that contradict what is being discussed. Here there are not rights violations, just an oppressive rule being questioned and a bunch of users complaining about being censured without a legitimate cause.


    "A bunch".  3??  Out of how many thousands of users?


    Perhaps you should focus less on your "rights" and more on being respectful to your fellow forumers and the staff/developers.


    F R E E D O M

    O F

    S P E E C H


    F R E E D O M



    What are you even talking about?  These are Game Labs private forums, not a US government controlled/funded property.  There are no free speech rights on private property - these forums.  The owner of the property can ask that you stop or be removed at any time.


    If you want to use the forums, you have to agree to follow the rules.

    • Like 8
  3. One might think that riches and progression in rank are isolated to those who run missions, interdicting small vessels off of our shores, but one would be mistaken.  Mr. Merrill has the right of it!  Defending the poor people of the Bahamas, and indeed our own countrymen on the East Coast is of imperative importance, and in that defense I believe every Captain would be quite pleased with his opportunities for wealth and advancement in rank.  The Pirates are strong, but if we hammer them again and again, I firmly believe that we can reduce them to a heap of squabbling, infighting rubble.  Set sail to the south and join the fight!


    Free trade and sailors' rights!

    • Like 5
  4. I will say that USS Viper did pull a few of those scurrilous dogs out of the water, however, they did not long survive their rescue having been run up the yardarm in short order.  The counter tagging at Road Rocks was very prettily done, however Viper and her consorts, upon realizing they could not get to the true battle in time, made short work of two pirate Brigs who had the audacity to get in the way.


    Free trade and sailors' rights!  Long live the Republic.

  5. So, it's basically pride and martyrdom?


    That the Developers are going to wipe everything and "fix the timers"?  No plans at this time to be frank.


    You are being offered the ability to play the game.  To have a good-sized set of allies to help you hold Cuba and your territories.  To have fun.  If you don't take it simply to "force the developers to make a change", you're going to be sorely disappointed.


    I'm not here to represent the American faction and rub sand in your face, I'm simply here to point out that you're being offered a playable game for the immediate future by some folks that genuinely, in my opinion, want the best experience for everyone involved.  Many of these folks have been testing since before Open World existed, and have been deeply involved in shaping the game the right way - through logic and discussion of game mechanics from a non-selfish standpoint.  That you're speaking of "surrender" and "forcing the developers" instead of accepting that help and working with us to shape the game in a positive direction really baffles me.


    At the moment, it's possible for a nation to be wiped off of the map.  Some of us are working in the background to suggest mechanics and other approaches that still allow meaningful contributions from all time zones.  Why don't you join us in helping the game by accepting an agreement to restore a good spot for your new players (so you can keep them instead of driving them off to other factions permanently) and then join us in finding good, common sense solutions to the problem instead of intentionally stabbing yourselves over and over again with a knife while yelling "that'll show them!".

  6. I ran into a couple of FTS up at Sunbury today attempting to harass United States mission runners.  The first ran from my Privateer after I gave him helluva mauling, and then ran again from myself and Captain Gambi in his Niagara (I utterly failed to execute the tag correctly and he was well out of range at match start).


    While chasing him down, we came across a friend of his, the dastardly Vanoiress.  True to form, when Vanoiress tagged me, his "friend" put his sails down and didn't come to aid his compatriot.  I ran him down, chaining his sails to ensure my compatriot could catch up, and after a quick repair (the bugger was good at sniping the bow to cause leaking), rejoined the fight as he was being mauled most severely by Mr. Gambi.  He put down sails to invite a boarding, a most curious choice considering he was down to 32 crew and Mr. Gambi's ship still had nearly 130.  I came up on his stern quarter as the boarding started and killed 17 of his crew in a single broadside of grape, ending their will to fight.


    Shortly after that battle, I encountered Vanoiress again as he was harassing a United States flagged Trader's Cutter.  We exchanged chain as we closed, and as the friendly Trader disappeared into the distance, I then began working his hull with my 18lb'ers.  Once again, he put down sails and invited the boarding, and despite several attempts to pull me, which I broke by falling off the wind a tad, once again fell prey to my grapeshot, sinking shortly thereafter.  It is my fervent hope that Pirates and British alike will understand that Sunbury, despite its penchant for seediness and regrettable acceptance of ships which are at war with us, is not a good place from which to attack the shipping of the States United.


    Free Trade and Sailors' Rights!  Long live the Republic.

    • Like 2
  7. SKurj,


    You don't know my job, where i work, or why, plz think just 2 minutes before posting, it is 0012 here, and finding another job is not that simple.

    Find something else please.


    Oliver Perry,


    You're right, i managed to play the game without paying anything, because what i do is Pirating...

    Bite if you want.

    I'll just keep saying what i think could be good for the game, and also for my fun, i admit it.


    So you're completely unable to defend your assertions?  Calling everyone else elitist for daring to demand the developers get their due reward for making such a great game?  Threatening to start a negative comment campaign to damage the game's reputation?  That's pretty telling sir.


    Also for your fun?  So you're admitting to trolling?

  8. @ Oliver Perry


    Well, let's try to clear it.

    What i think is that now, the majority of players are hardcore gamers, but tomorrow, that small community will have to share the game with EA players. Those new players may be more casuals gamers, not all of them of course, but (my guess) more than now.

    This amount of casual gamers should increase at release, and maybe they'll become the majority if the game satisfy them.

    If not, well, some can leave bad comments on steam for example, potential new players will read the bad comments, and decide not to buy that game.

    At this moment, the game will lose money indeed because if the gameplay was more "open" or "casual friendly", they would have paid for it.


    I'll bite.  As someone who has, maybe, 2-3 hours a week to play (I'm about as casual as you get), please explain to me how requiring either one character per server, or multiple characters that must all be members of one nation but share a single crafting pool, benefit only hard core gamers.  Please also explain how this will drive off players who would have otherwise purchased their own copy of the game.  Please explain why you think you are entitled to have more than one player play the game, with all functions independently, without paying the developers, who are relying on this game to put food on their tables and pay their mortgage.  Be specific.


    Edit - While you're at it, please also explain why you feel it is ok to blackmail someone by threatening to badmouth their hard earned labor because they won't give you something they've worked so hard on for free.  I'll wait.

  9. Elitist is the word in think of too.


    And did you think about the fact that more players like us will come, and if they are not satisfied may ask for refund, make bad comments, and prevent people from buying the game?

    And if they are not enough people playing, how long do you think the game will last?

    "il n'y a pas pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir"

    We are telling you things but as it doesn't suit to you're vision, you just throw them away...

    Compromise plz, it won't harm you, you'll just have to tolerate another gameplay style.


    So let me see, if they don't allow multiple players per account, they're going to lose business?  Whose business, those who wouldn't have paid anyways??  :rolleyes:

  10. The software is buy once, play forever.  That changes the overall structure of accounts to some degree, as compared to a monthly subscription or F2P setup.


    Let's look at the two major use cases here:


    Case 1 - An entire family shares a single Steam account, on a single PC.  Dad, brother, sister.  It's pretty simple to say - "If you want to share an account, you'll need to set some ground rules.  You're all going to share a nation (and if one of you messes up, there's going to be a black flag flying over all of you), you're all going to share crafting time, but at least everyone gets to sail on our limited gaming budget.  Go out and blow some folks up!"


    Case 2 - Two roommates/wife and husband share a single Steam account? That's a tad silly.  But ok, you want to do that.  Further, instead of each of you paying for a copy of the game, you'd rather share a copy.  See Case 1.  If you're going to insist on having three accounts that are fully independent and have full functionality, while not giving the Devs their due and reward them montarily for making such a great game, why should they award you for trying to cheat them out of the money for the extra copy???  That's ridiculous.

  11. And you know why i argue for split labor hours.


    If it is a shared account, when a player uses labor time to craft his ship (for a snow now it takes maybe 900-1000 hours, haven't done the maths), the other player on the other character, thinking during his way back from work "oh nice, this evening i can craft my snow", logs into the game, open the craft menu and...ooops, what happened!!?


    -Hey brother/ daughter/ whoever, what happened to the labor hours?

    -Nothing, i needed a Snow, i had enough labor ours and the mats, so i crafted it.

    -Thanks, i too needed a snow and i have the mats, so what now?

    -Well, just wait for your turn, don't play, sail to say you're doing something...

    Etc, etc...


    Plz take that kind of event in consideration, as it may well happen quite often with more players in the future.


    If it's that important to them, then they can buy two accounts.  Otherwise, you're wrecking the economy of the whole game for a fringe case where two people want to have full functionality but only buy one game - we used to call that Pirating back in the day.

  12. I also have a GTX970 and zero crash issues.


    I'm not saying there is not a problem in the code, there is plenty of optimization left to perform prior to full release, but 99/100 times, these issues are caused by a local driver/hardware/other software combination.

  13. Perhaps American Sailors wrongly impressed and held in chattel were sighted and the American ship was moved to free them from the chains of British slavery.


    Were they affiliated or unaffiliated Captains?  If affiliated, perhaps a letter of protest should be sent to their superiors.  If unaffiliated, while we deplore the action, we are hardly able to take action against our countrymen without being branded pirate by our Government.

  14. There are many people who would be more than willing to make flags for Game Labs for free if they could add a customization option to the ships.  The community or moderators could vote on the "stock flags" list that players have access to by default (restricted by nation of course).  After that perhaps there is a way to get pre-approved flags added, or even premium flags. 


    There could be customization options to replace all the flags on your ship.  There could be alternate national flags and not just alternates for the small ones.  For Example, you could have the Swedish Flag that is currently in game but the player could switch it out for the historical Swedish flag with swallow tails.  British players could pick between the White, Red or Blue ensign.  There could also be the option for the historical British flag of the time period. 


    Griz and I have made a lot of flags to replace those already in game and I have posted some of our results around the forums.  I would be more than willing to make alternate flags for free because I have modified many of the flags and I want an easier way of getting my modded work in game than the current method :D



    There is a problem with flags with words if I remember right.  The backside will be inverted but I'd have to double check.



    I personally do not want to see customized sails.  Maybe if there is a weathered version so they aren't so pristine, but no different colors or coat of arms, or anything like that.


    I'd kill for the opportunity to fly the original Navy Jack from the back stay, or anywhere really (yes, yes, I know, you didn't normally fly a jack unless docked, but it's my favorite flag from American History, bar none).

    • Like 2
  15. No thank you, this is supposed to be an Age of Sail game, which celebrates the awesomeness that was naval combat in that era.  One didn't just slam a far larger cannon onto a deck - there were many things that went into constructing a deck/side that could accept a certain size/weight of cannon.  There had to be enough room to work it, the deck had to be strong enough to hold it up without letting it fall through, the tackle had to have anchors built strong enough to deal with the recoil.  I don't want a game where people are sailing around with lime green sails and hot pink hulls, firing 4 32lb carronades off of a Lynx.  It's ridiculous and there are a number of other unrealistic games out there that can slake your thirst for weird, a-historical combat with vehicles that do not even remotely resemble real age of sail ships.  This game is to celebrate the reality - as much as possible without sacrificing good gameplay and fun.  Let the guys that want flame throwers and weird hybrids play something else.  :)

    • Like 2
  16. It is an odd thing. Everybody is annoyed, or at least everybody in TS, the forums and game chat is annoyed, by the slow speed into the wind, yet a few people fight tooth and nail to keep it in.




    Seems like alleviating a universal annoyance would be the wise thing to do.


    Because the way it was eliminated in real life was by inventing the steam engine, and subsequently the internal combustion engine.  Wind powered ships can not move against the wind.  They must beat upwind or heave-to until the wind changes to a more favorable direction.  We're actually privileged that in the game, the wind always moves in a quick, highly predictable manner.  If you're coming up to a port that may be hard to enter against the wind, and the wind is beginning to shift into an unfavorable direction, you can plan ahead to come in behind it, leaving yourself in a position where it is shifting farther and farther into a more favorable direction as you approach.  Failure to plan ahead doesn't absolve you of the responsibility of sailing your  sailboat.


    While Prater used a reductio ad absurdium argument, he's also correct in his way.  There are plenty of things about the age of sail that the modern gamer might find annoying, however, "it annoys everyone" isn't a valid, nor good, reason to remove it from the game.

  17. Admin, the IP Boards forum says that it "merges" the username/display name, and you can "select which one to keep".  Would you consider asking them a question to see if it is truly a merge?  If so, if you chose "keep display names" and someone didn't have a display name, it would use their user name.  I believe the setting is asking you what to do if there is both a display and a user name for a user, and if that's the case, choosing to keep display names is an easy choice as those of us with display names chose them for the reason we didn't want our user name.


    I suppose the better question would be - if you were to choose "Display Name", what would happen to those users without?  Is the upgrade script smart enough to just assign those users their UserName instead of nothing?

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