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Posts posted by StuffinBeard

  1. Nautical miles traveled.
    Crew members starved/killed/mutinied
    Total wealth obtained and current wealth with it mavbe broken down to how much was spent on repairs/upgrades/ammo/rations/
    If multiple ships are possibly owned it could be broken down to how much for each one. Like 2000 spent on sails under the brig tab?
    Wreaks found
    Treasure obtained
    Fish caught
    All items traded


    EDIT: I agree leaderboards are for arcade games as posted below me here. Statistics for my own personal information would be good. I don't care to have anything others can judge me on either good or bad but information about how I'm playing my game isn't bad I don't think.

    Leaderboards Is one thing that has bugged me for years now...Why do I give a flying ---- if some body spent 3000 hours at a game and is number one in some stat that is irrelevant. I just don't care. Never understood it! it is just a way for a developers to try to keep people playing instead of actually making content or good gameplay. Such a waste of development time!  

  2. It would be cool to be able to name your own boat. Obviously there are player names. But, some ships have their names on the back. It would be nice to customize, just like we can customize canons.

    Wouldn't it be neat if your player name could be displayed across your stern! Instead of a colored name above your ship! A more realistice view with having to look at flags to see if they are friend or foe! People might not just target a certain player because he is good or not unless they spot his name on the ship not floating above his masts. Maybe if in a group your pendants would be colored the same so you don't attack friends. Maybe it is something only the group members can see? After your not in a group ( guessing groups will be doable ) it could go back to your choice of flag.

    I don't have the game yet but from watching videos it all looks real great except for names over the ships. Starts looking like CoD DM.


    Edit: I still think the names over head are a little arcadey but after being able to play a bit it makes sense at least in the DM PVP setting. Maybe in open world names could be off and once in a battle they could be displayed. I think it could add a whole lot of fun with flags without losing the immersion in the OW. 

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  3. I would like to see sails ripped off/damaged rigging if captains choose to push the limits of their vessels in heavy weather.

    I would like to see the names of each crew member, and a burial service for each time crew members die.

    This would be great.

    This is a bit away from gameplay wish but I would like to see a lot of wildlife!

    -Pods of whales and dolphins...schools of fish. Maybe being able to catch fish?

    -Sharks... If only to see some shape moving under the ship.

    -Seals on shore or swimming around

    -Flocks of birds flying about or the lone albatross.

    I not suggesting sea monsters ( even though things like that were believed in) just some ambiance.

    None of this needs to be interactive but it would make things feel alive.

    I know some will say that time is better spent making the game "play" better and I can understand that but I don't think selling a game short of its full potential should be stifled. I know most of you who found this game in time and can mess with it now are testing the combat model so you may be focued on that aspect. I only hope "if" they are truly going for an open world with trading and exploration they will concider wildlife.

    The game look so great right now and if we are going to be able to sail in an open world we need wildlife. Or at least I do

    Edit: adding more thought without starting new post 8)

    -I would like to see ocean currents that effect sailing as well as changing winds. I've seen some of the shots of large waves and that is really cool to me.

    -Sailing in bad weather should be hazardous or maybe have to hug the coast looking for a habour to hang out in for a bit. As long as the storms move by faily quick. Don't want to sit anchored for 30 mins! Maybe being able to see storms by the dark clouds moving along. Give you a reason to sail around an area that is having stormy weather.

    -Lightning would be neat too

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