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Posts posted by Yojimbo252

  1. Somehow my question seems to have been construed as a request for a cheat guide or all an encompassing list to give me victory because I don't know how to play.

    Nothing could be further from the truth and whilst I do appreciate the responses, please do not presume that I don't appreciate the depth of the game.

    I was simply asking some general questions about reload rate.  It's not a concept that is covered by the tutorial and if it's determined by factors other that star rating, it's not immediately obvious.  Some concepts like star rating are made open information whilst others like reload rate appear to be hidden.  I simply want to gain a better understanding of the game which brought me to this forum and thread.

    Now interestingly the following statement makes no mention of the actual unit in question as a determining factor for reload rate apart from star rating...

    "Elite/Crack units have a better reload time, however, there is also the Condition factor that should have taken in mind. Units with higher Condition reload faster and so on. That means that you cannot relay just in the rating of a unit because reload status is a dynamic factor and not static one."

    So in the quoted examples, is there something special about the Iron Brigade and Cutler's Brigade that affords them faster reload (apart from star rating) or did the author observe these 2 brigades whilst they happened to be in good states of condition and conclude that they have faster reload rates simply because the other brigades that may have been in lessor states of condition?

  2. Thanks for the response but it didn't answer the question.  As per my original reply...


    "I appreciate the number of troops per brigade and the number of stars of the brigade are displayed" ... So I get that bit.


    "...but how can you tell which brigades load/reload faster?"


    The part of the tutorial that I quoted seems in my original post to suggest that some units can reload faster with strong morale whilst others can reload faster with just medium morale.  The Iron Brigade and Cutler's Brigade are stated as distinct examples.


    I infer from this that whilst morale might be closely tied with the star rating of the unit, reload is a different concept and not tied to the star rating.  Is this the case and if so how can I tell which units reload faster irrespective of their morale?

  3. The key to being a decent multi-player general is knowing about your enemy and the tactics you use to face them down. Each brigade is different than the other. Some brigades have larger numbers this comes in handy when you fire your volleys against weaker Brigades sending shock into their lines, Some have stronger morale this means they will stand under fire longer and fight better in hand to hand combat, still others can load and reload faster the benefits of that is obvious. Knowing which units do what is key to the tactics you use to fight against and utilize when facing other units. Units like the Iron Brigade have both Strong morale and can load and reload faster than normal units. You never want to throw away the lives of the Iron Brigade needlessly. If one of your crack units begin to suffer large losses pull them back reorder your battle lines and bring them up in a spot they wont lose so many men. Cutler Brigade has medium morale but can load and reload faster than normal brigades. On the confederate side Avery and Louisiana Tigers are very strong with above average load and reload times. These are just a few and knowing which units do what is key to victory.


    I appreciate the number of troops per brigade and the number of stars of the brigade are displayed but how can you tell which brigades load/reload faster?


    Note that I have the iOS version in case it differs from the PC version.

  4. I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find any answers.


    Is multiplayer for iOS planned and if so is there any eta?


    I've completed the single player campaigns from both sides on the hardest difficulty and there's really very little gameplay left.  I would love to be able to play vs other players and it would be a shame for such a fine game to gather dust on the virtual shelf.

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  5. For the first and third I am not entirely sure, but for the second the penalty is a lower reload rate along with the already existing condition drop that moving brings.


    Ok thanks.  Just for clarification I thought condition only drops when you're running/charging not just moving?

  6. Firstly, I recently bought the iPad version and I'm loving the game.  Very well done.

    Just a few questions that I've not found the answers to:

    1) Is there any bonus for 'enfiladed fire'.  ie. Firing into the flank of an enemy unit?  I appreciate the enemy unit suffers increased morale loss but any increase in casualties?

    2) Is there any penalty for firing on the move?  ie. Ordering a unit to close distance and the unit opens fire en route as opposed to being completely stationary?

    3) Is there anywhere we can see the details for combat modifiers?  ie. What is the actual affect (in terms of percentages/numbers) of being fortified, being elevated, low morale, low condition, unit skill rating, ranges, etc?

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