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Sir Darric Vandhelm

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Posts posted by Sir Darric Vandhelm

  1. In light of the somewhat negative post, I would like to wish the rakers many happy jorneys and battles in a different part of the open water to me....

    I actually like the fact Dorans Rakers are clear in their intentions. I think there is a great deal of honor seeking out duels. As this is the stated aim of the guild, it means you know that in open world, you need to be prepared if you meet Mr Doran, MG, SCL, Balck or any other members. Don't say they haven't warned you.

    • Like 1
  2. I didn't see this thread earlier, a very interesting set of lists and it does support my theory that SOL were a common ship class. This list shows* the made up nearly a quarter of the royal navy's active ship strength in 1800.

    As per our discussion in the other thread about permium ships, I now believe my source was referring to ships for sea service and for harbour service which are both in commission and in ordinary. The total numbers for the years is very close to number for 1790 of 197 SOL.

    Very good stuff sir!

    *usual caveats for Internet sources apply.

  3. Yes, I am, as "Mr.Nock"

    (I have a bit of a love affair with the Nock volley gun, if you've watched any of the Sharpe series you'll know what I'm talking about ;) )

    Got a bit of a kick to it... Developed for the Royal Navy too. Shame it wasn't successful..

  4. haha well too bad it wasn't an overall Victory

    Personal ones are better sometimes, sorry we sunk your toy, but you did get a few broad sides on us...

  5. It's a color/colour kind of thing.  Both are right, depends on your flavor.

    Dam your eyes sir, they are certainly not! A true gentleman would rather tear his tongue out than say colour with no 'u'. True those colonials, tend to misspell everything, hence why we plan to keep the sugar isles... Well those and the rest of the world.

    Back on topic, a very well informed, professional guide, however I hope the meta doesn't replace fun.

  6. Other threads have talked about options, but I still support repair as a crew focus option, perhaps as a new skill or tied in with survival. Total repairs are limited only by repair supplies that are available on board and crew numbers.  This seems realistic, and interesting for gameplay.  It would need working and testing obviously.  It would also be realistic to have very minor repairing going on while in the midst of fighting if supplies and crew are available.  There would be an effort to plug holes and such going on even while under fire.

    I like the idea repairs are tied to with survival. I also would like a focus in survival mode (kinda like selecting ammo type). You have the option to either; fix leaks, remount guns or repair. When the fix is made, you then need to select the next activity.

  7. Grim,  yes admirals had a personal flags and would raise there flag on the ship they choose to command.  These officers were 'flag officers', hence the term 'Flagship'.  It was a kind of message to the fleet that here was the boss.  Victory had jervis's flag at the Battle of Cape St. Vincent and Nelsons flag at the Trafalger (amoung others).


    I think it would be fun if in a group, you could tag an enemy and the system would send a message to the team to "attack the 1st rate" and this would then be signalled using flags.

  8. Yes I agree the zoom aspect is also all wrong. I withdraw my suggestion of zooming. However the view should be inverted to be correct.

    I think viewers will at first be confused and then learn just how difficult it was to use an 18thcentury telescope. They will get used to it.

    This seems a realistic over fun question to me. I'd prefer the fun. A far bigger issue to me is the ability to look out of the prowl of the boat with a telescope as opposed to being limited with the sides.

  9. I just finished a book that went over numerous letters and other accounts from folks who were actually at Trafalgar, and it seems in some cases entire quarterdecks were nearly swept clean of officers due to precision fire from the tops of enemies which were alongside in the fight.  Then you have the case of Redoutable, where the Captain Lucas had spent an inordinate amount of effort in training all of the crew in marksmanship and swordplay with the idea that boarding was going to be his primary method of fighting (luckily for the British, I believe he just missed one or two opportunities to board Victory).  His crew, as you mentioned, were responsible for Lord Nelson's death.   I agree, your average Jack couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, but for Open World, being able to train your crew in boarding related skills would be a good thing to have (at the expense, of course, of other skills for balance purposes).

    Yes, the fighting was apparently very close, and the top men were that, the best marksmen. On land the rifle armed troops from the 60th, 5th battalion, 95th and lights from the KGL did the same. I think this is were the skill and preparation of crew skills will come in as I would like to see both the average jack and top men reflected.

    • Like 3
  10. Ooooops, Prater I do believe you are correct. My most sincere apologies to Sir Vandhelm. I have removed my post.

    Having re-read the post, I quite like the idea.

    Prater is correct, indeed I was discussing in game ranks. that would explain not being able to find a similar thread as we were talk across purposes.

    I think prater raises an equally valid point about society rank. Maybe we should have the option to display this instead of other ranks (navy/trade etc...)? I know in the games I have been guild affiliated, I would have liked this rank, which is awarded by my peers displayed, rather than one created by the game because I sunk a 1000 npc generic ships.

  11. Precisely.


    There are some possibilities. Carronades and chase guns mounted on swiveling carriages were sometimes able to elevate and blast the enemy's fighting tops.


    And several months ago I argued that we should be able to give our marines and sharpshooters priority targets for short periods of time in close action:

    Suppress Upper Deck Gunners>reload penalty for exposed gun decks

    Suppress Officers>interruption of officer skill bonuses

    Suppress Sailhandlers>yard rotation and sail changes are slower

    Suppress sharpshooters>guards against falling victim to the above penalties


    People didn't like it because they had a kneejerk reaction to the passing resemblance to PotBS skills, even though these are reality-based and logical. They forget that blackpowder warfare isn't a twitch FPS.

    It all depends on how it's done. If you just hammer a button on a cooldown timer, then yeah, it's a bit WoW/PotBS. I like the idea though. Possibly issue a standing order? If crew members can provide buffs by presence, then a debuff could be good.

    Back on topic, in land battles of the end of this era like Waterloo, muskets had a general range of around 50 yards (150 feet). After the first volleys, accuracy went to pot due to the smoke. On land, the ground generally moved less so the chance of hitting was higher. I can't see the average "marine" who were often soldiers or even cavalry in practice, being able to hit a barn door at that range in even moderate waves. I'm careful to say average as skilled marksmen have shoot at least one national icon in these conditions.

    • Like 1
  12. I agree with the comments above, painting the ship is essential but it needs to be tasteful. Ideally break the ship into lots of areas to paint so you could make various schemes as per the pics by Mirones and RAE_Cmdt.Cavero.

    I dont like the idea of looting paint and feel it should be bought, either from npcs or a player trader. I just can't reconcile not being able to buy paint, but it's looted from other ships.

  13. Networking


    If this game had multiple shards like World of warcraft it would split the community up and mean less enemy ships you would encounter in your ventures. To counter this Naval Action really needs a single shard cloud setup like eve onlines Tranquility cloud server with a node assigned to each region. Another idea would be a hybrid system where the background simulation, political/economical information is on a server while the instancing with other players is handled via multiple P2P sessions I think elite dangerous has something similer to this. A piece of software Game-Labs may which to explore is called RakNet which is a Multiplayer game network engine. - I have no real opinion, but if pushed a single open world is preferred.



    The World


    I suggest that the devs don't attempt to create whole coastlines of continents and countries but rather limit sailing to regions based around interesting geological locations, like ports, small islands, shipwrecks etc. This way game-labs can make the world as big or as small as they like. This would still be open world because players would not be limited to what region they travel to. For example when opening the map it should show water territories where you have the option to "set sail" to a region and your ship will then start sailing in that direction automatically with the option to cancel it and regain manual steering by pressing an WASD key. Gameplay wise traders will still have to plan journeys because some regions will be more dangerous to travel through than others.  - Persisent interconnected worlds are better in my opinion. I want to see coastlines.





    Fast travel should be limited between certain ports within your own nation and cost a travel fee. This makes sense because in those times the most accurate Nautical charts would be regions of a nations own waters. I also had an cool concept for teleportation to happen through "whirlpools" which would be the equivalent to eve onlines "warp gates". - I would prefer no fast travel, or limit like PotBS to virtual travel between ports with your ships.  i think you should have to pay dock charges to store ships.  I don't like the idea of whirlpools. 


    Ports and land


    Any land related activities should be a bonus to the core game focus which is ships. Actual controllable avatar characters are not necessary. Ports should be non-pvp areas where players can safely dock their ships. Ports should also be the market hubs of the game. Harbor entrances could be patrolled by NPC's or have artillery on the land that would blow up aggressive players outside of certain nation ports. Pirate ports should be have no such added protection. - Ports will always be the focal points of a game about ships. PVP will always happen around them as that is where ships have to go.


    Clans and Fleets


    It would be awesome if clans form fleets and make ship doctrines to fight each other. So say there is 30 different type of ships... A clan may only choose to use 6 different ones in battles but bring multiples to a fight with the same kind of fittings. This will add organisation to a clans navy. - Please don't call them clans, call them squardons or fleets or something, but not clans.  I would rather the games drives the type of ships the groups bring.  Hopefully, not all 1st rates because the smaller ships have uses.





    There should be no skills or experience in Naval Action, this just makes things a grind fest and Naval Action should be as its name applies Action! The reward you gain from destroying another ship should be gold or equipment, these should need be looted from the water.  - I partially agree here.  I don't what crew skills per se.  However I do want an open world with things other than combat.





    Gold & Silver doubloons. -  No make national currencies, pounds, francs, guilders, etc. as a minimum.  



    Artificial Intelligence


    Random events just as Krakens, whales, schools of fish, dolphins are all things that would make the open world more interesting,  - I like the idea of dolphins and birds, but open world, trading etc should take priority.


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