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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Yay got my key....And a massive hangover from the rum last night
  2. Patience... the French are 33km away they need sinking.Here is a English man waiting to sink some French ships...Dutch ships...Spanish ships. If they don't fly the Royal navy ensign sink it i'm a privateer at heart. Until they called me pirate.
  3. Give me my key or i will keep posting shanties lol
  4. Heres another old English sea shanty Sally Brown. She laid low more English sailors than the French Dutch and Spanish put together...... Then she married a dirty soldier.
  5. Arse biscuits (Worse than ships biscuits) No key yet, Heres a English sea shanty to keep me going
  6. Oh god the rum bottle is getting light, Yaarr i shall check my email again haha
  7. Wheres my key dont want the rum to run out before my key to the treasure chest turns up. Mmmmmmmm Spanish gold shiny shiny
  8. Ah that sucks glad i bought mine this morning then
  9. Start blowing in my sails Scottie more POWER hehe...... ("She can'nae take any more Captain") BTW what you mean there stopping selling it tonight? (panic) I postee on our forums already with some sweet video links.
  10. I went to the shop and bought some rum haha (Bad head tomorrow) Keep checking my email incase i got lucky like my mate Bun and got a key. And watching all the youtube videos, Posted on our clan forums to drum up some support should be a few guys would love this game Yaarrrr (There ive said it my first Yaarrr since Pirates of the Burning Sea the rum is getting the better of me.
  11. Thanks i will make sure i read it Gutted though my friend bought it yesterday (Sunday and got a key on the same day) He will be sailing a frigate i be stuck in a sloop or somthing hes going to send me to Davy jones locker if i have to wait a whole week for a steam key lol. Nurse wheres that rum and wenches.
  12. Ah thanks for your swift reply omg i got to wait a whole week to play this arrrggg lol If i had some rum id be drinking it now.
  13. Bought this great looking game but still cant seem to download it, Cant find it in my steam account. Any help?
  14. My friend Bunathon has got his key to get in the alpha i still can join him as i have not got my key yet. Your a lucky lucky ship captain Bunathon. Send me a key so i can send him to Davy jones locker
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