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Posts posted by Antihide

  1. Interestingly, it was not a big mouth when the Danes defeated you in one city .....

    I am sure , u probably again attack , in LATE night again.... pffff. and when u defeated in PB ?! u guys hiding in battle sreen, and LOG OUT ! u "brave" sweden...

    Them tears be salty ;)

  2. Id like to see some actual armed merchant ships, not the converted to 4th rate versions, but the regular merchant version.


    While these ships will undoubtedly be underpowered for their size, its going to happen in the actual game that an armed merchant ship will attempt to fight off someone attacking them, id like to see how it plays out.

    agree, I*d love to see some non-converted as well. We could really use some merchants for a change, no doubt that it will come into the game at some point. Soon the better. 

  3. I'm always a bit sceptical about the historical accuracy of documentaries, even more so when they are aired on popular channels.


    As we always should be, found this one interesting and quite accurate. The purpose here is anyway to have a place to post all the documentaries to easily find them. 

  4. I started looking for a thread that had was about and had many documentaries in it and I couldn't find one. So I'll try to make one here, feel free to link any good documentaries about trading, piracy, naval nations etc, and I'll try to keep it updated. I myself find it very interesting to expand my knowledge about this time period and to have a collection of documentaries easily accessible.

    If the mass enjoys this feel free to sticky it. 

    Enjoy, Antihide.

    The Great Ships: Pirate Ships - http://documentaryaddict.com/the+great+ships+pirate+ships-10245-doc.html

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