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Income and GDP bugged in multiple ways in campaign mode:


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1) Choices made that affect GDP in a positive manner from events (I've not checked choosing negative GDP modifiers) have no effect on GDP per the politics screen and per the income reported by individual provinces, at least within the first 6 months of the choice.

2) If I open the ship editor (by going into ship design tab and either the view or the new-design buttons) and then exit the ship editor back to the main game, my GDP has changed for no apparent reason.  This is repeatable on the same turn and/or turn to turn.  I don't need to actually _do_ anything in the editor.  This also changes each of the province's incomes, and not all by the same amount, percentage, or even positive or negative modifier.  Doesn't change the growth modifier.  I've confirmed that the growth modifier in Politics tab is accurate for the income of the individual provinces but not actual GDP since there appears to be other multipliers which affect GDP like transport capacity.

3) Help document says minor nation alliances are supposed to add or modify GDP, but they don't.

All this occurred on: Windows 7 Ultimate, no game mods, Austro-Hungary, Legendary difficulty, create own fleet, 1890 start, occurs any time including when first creating the fleet and later during normal game play.  (1) and (3) not checked on most recent build ( but (2) continues on said latest build.

A note: This was also submitted about a week ago via. in game bug submittal and no change in game seen, so see my other bug report on bug submittal... :P

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