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Unexplained Loss of My Main Ship After Ship Switch AFTER THE BATTLE


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I am writing to report an incident that occurred during a game session in *Naval Action*, which resulted in the unexplained loss of my main ship.


### Incident Details:


- Date and Time of Incident: 13/062024

- Player Name: La grosse chloe 

- Main Ship Name: Wapen von Hamburg

- Second Ship Name: gros ventre

- Type of Battle: Battle against an AI (one ship)


### Incident Description:


During a naval battle, I successfully destroyed an enemy ship using my main ship, the Wapen von Hamburg. After neutralizing the enemy, I decided to switch to my smaller ship, the gros ventre, which has a large hold, to loot the resources from the destroyed enemy vessel.


However, shortly after teleporting to the smaller ship, my main ship, mysteriously got captured with his flag turning to white. At that moment, there were no visible enemy players or ships nearby cause we were in battle mode, leading me to believe this might be due to a bug or an unintended game mechanic.


### Consequences:


The loss of my main ship represents a significant setback in my game progression. I have been unable to recover the ship, and this has severely impacted my gaming experience. I just bought the Santa Ana and with my main ship missing, grinding the XP is more tough than ever


### Request:


I kindly request an investigation into this incident to determine if it was caused by a bug or another abnormal situation. If confirmed, I would appreciate the restoration of my ship or equivalent compensation for the loss.


I can provide additional information, such as screenshots or other details, if necessary.


Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter, and I hope this issue can be resolved swiftly.


**Best regards,**


La grosse chloe 

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