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What to mod to make the AI scrap their fleet less often?

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I feel like I am outperforming the AI simply because I don't scrap my dreadnoughts every 5-10 years.

I usually have a fleet of 200 ships after 20-30 years of playing a campaign, some refitted, some new and some ancient, but these outdated floating target dummies are not only valuable for blockades, naval invasions and catching torpedoes, but most importantly give me a lead in army logistics as well. I don't mind scrapping a few DDs, CLs or CAs, but once I get to the first Dreadnought hulls, I usually never scrap my BBs. Ships with 20k displacement upwards take ages to build and are decent enough when refitted regularly even once outclassed by most BCs.

The AI on the other hand never goes beyond 60-80 ships, most never make it past 40 ships before scrapping some older vessels. I can understand that for nations like Spain, which has a rather weak economy in the beginning, but this also happens for the UK and US, that could support a larger fleet.


Is there any parameter I can modify to make the AI less eager to scrap old vessels?


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