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New Dreadnought Hulls, Guns, Etc. for Imperial Japanese Empire

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So... I'm one of the players.. who "mostly" only plays Japan, and I feel like It's Lacking a bit in terms of Hull's Bridges and designs of guns..

Lets take the Modernized Dreadnought hulls, It's almost Impossible to recreate a Proper version of lets say... Hyüga or Nagato. due to the limitations of the Hulls and bridges etc. Which I feel like is a real shame.. due to the potential it could have for the player, if they had a bigger variety of hulls, to choose between.

 bridges and secondary bridges  Its a bit Lackluster, only having the bridges  for building the Füso or Kongo Class,  I feel like we need more possibilities for building,  Maybe add the bridges from Hyuga or Nagato?.. Maybe even take some of the blueprint ships like Amagi etc. 

Boilers:  Lets just say it like this... There is waaay to few choices between boilers. I often find myself having a hard time building a proper "historical" ships, when i have a limited variety of boilers,  We need some of the more "blueprint" designs of boilers.. Like on the Amagi.

Guns:  I only have a few minor Issues here...  but.. the biggest will probably be the 12.7cm/40 Type 89 DP naval gun. the 5" gun in the japanese line. is only the one used on the Yamato.  but if you take a look on a lot of the other Imperial Japanese ships.  they use the Type 89 in another mount config.  I do really miss the ability to Choose the mount that the gun is fitted on. so it not only has to be the Yamato version. but also could be a version from another ship,  same princip goes for the  Type 96 25mm gun  (2" when reduced in size) There's a lot of different gun mount for that, being either the enclosed or open version.


Last but not least..... PLEASE for the love of god... add the Takao Class Heavy Cruiser  bridge to the game....  you already got the hull.... and i need it so terribly bad.

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