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connection time out at start of battle

de With

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Hi all,

So to summarize my problem: 

Open world everything works fine, I can sail, trade, chat, everything. 

The moment I tag a ship to enter combat (AI), the battle opens but after the timer I'm straight away stuck. I can't set my sails, raise them, shoot cannons... nothing! Except I do see occasionaly the AI shoot, sail with ackward movements..but chat remains working (nation, global etc!). After a few minutes I get a Time Out and I return to login screen. When I relog the game opens again in Open World and all seems good un till I go for a battle again. 

Anyone an idea? I have reported the bug a few times but never had any feedback. This problem only occurs when I'm playing from home (I play on a MSI laptop) so it probably has something to do with my network. 

On recommendation I added the Google DNS to my network, even though it did work for a second ( I could set sails), it went back to the same old problem again!


Please, any suggestions are welcome!!! 


Thank you

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