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Britain - PvP 2

Cpt Lynx

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I do believe it is time for Britain to reunite. Since the birth of this empire, all thoughts have crossed paths. Rumours of treachery, Betrayal, and withholding valuable information.
Mutiny in British waters. Many would speak negatively against fellow comrades, rally other country men against, there own country men. Many papers have read "fear not!" even when advised from there fellow country men, Men have turned ill on deaf ears. Time to stop listening to conspiracy's.
Unite, extend the arm, Unite, swallow your pride. SOB have only sought out the interest's of Britain, our fellow country men. Every time news reach's my ear, ill words make a man sick.
Ports were lost, the innocent were caught in the cross fire. Cry's for help ran across British waters and a voice so quick to turn against each other, now looks for a brother in arms.
Unit! Let the worms leach on the dead, and the strong unit.

Edited by Cpt Lynx
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