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Black Bart

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Posts posted by Black Bart

  1. Why should you limit any faction at all?

    What Nation A is able to do, so should Nation B.

    It just happened that Pirats are considered a Nation like Neutral is also a Nation and without major attribute settings to ALL Nations I don't see why Pirates should be limited in any way.


    well because have you not noticed when you create a toon on a nation, nations goes from (Easy-Very hard) !!! there is NOTHING that are diffrent from any nation atm... all are equal, it just happens to be that pirates have large player base because "Hollywood"   either they should remove that "skill" req for a nation or rework nations, wich i hope !! because nations need to have up´s and down´s compared to others.  els its just comes down to wanna play the most carebear nation..

  2. just nope with pirates.. pirate nation need a total makeover, making them more neutral, iff attacking ports the port turns to a free port... unable to craft bigger then 4th rate ships..  


    the game presents "pirate nation" to be VERY hard.. and there is no easy-very hard in this game.. all are equal... pirates need to get a BIG nerf so its hard and more realistic..  -% to trade crafting ?? and +% to sailing speed or boarding !



    i wanna be a pirate, but shit no atm as they are the biggest nation on every server... and are just a nation like the rest

  3. its a fine idea, i like more if ports who got attacked by pirates turned into Free ports and not faction... and flags for conquest as a pirate would be cheaper due to the port would be free port..


    and perhaps make all pirates "red" to each other... there are no point in a pirate wanna jump another pirate, and if hes friends come, they will be on deffenders side.. and get banned to shoot friendly ship.   


    shps who joins should get yellow "3rd part" and could shoot on who they want

  4. I find it pretty ridiculous how some people seemingly just want to push pirates down by whatever means, then call for pirates beeing more "historically accurate" and invoke "realism" as reason. It seems to summarize and translate into: weak and useless.

    The same people then get mad when pirates actually play like pirates and take abusive game mechancis for their advantage.


    There is absolutely no problem at all having different (!) game mechanics to make factions unique etc, but plain taking away options is boring and stupid, it is no meaningful addition in the game and will weaken and over time kill the affected faction.

    It makes a faction just boring and weaker, thus it will not be taken due to better options and bleed players until it reaches a point where it is so weak everyone will leave. All the "historically it was..." argumentations are kind of cute when you realize this is a online game, where people paid money to have fun...

    You want to play hardmode? Well its your decision to buy / build ships of the line or set for yourself the restriciton to do not. You don't want piratse to attack ports? - Then Don't participate?

    If you really wanna go historical, by all means do that. For the beginning I suggest: for the next 3 weeks consume stale and occasionally bacteria infested water while eating only hard and somtimes moldy bread, and if you are lucky there might be some insetcts as protein sorce in it. And don't forget to spend time outside at night in wet clothes while it is raining and a cold wind blows. Oh and no more medicine, that would be cheating.



    Now to beeing a bit more constructive:

    If there is meaningful choice and customization per faction yes, but not just by only taking stuff and options away. It becomes autowin for one side while the other dies.

    • Pirates should not get higher tier line ships? Fine, but provide alternative mechancis to combat the lack of strength there. Probably improved frigates that are really mean when going for captures (like: fast, overcrewed with bonus to boarding combat so they can take on 2nd / 3rd rates with their huge crews... priates live from boarding and got experience with that after all. Combined boarding / additional pirate-boarding equipment or something also would help).
    • Reduced availability and strenght of line ships automatically changes the port battle mechanic anway, since raw firepower will be lower, so if pirates manage to capture a port it was harder and more work than nationals with a load of lineships. Just raiding ports for loot becomes probably the better (time/effort/reward combination) option automatically.
    • You want pirates to be weaker when building big ships? How about improving the ship capture and modification options to offset it? (Since you have to capture you cant select what exactly you want to minmax on build, which everyone else can)
    • You want pirates to not become deathblobss (aka what every national group does daily)? Probably strengthen the game mechanics for solos or small pirate groups and make sure they can not just be wtfblobbed and ganked in minutes. This is happening all the time, because people can simply communicate in chat, in real time, form monsterfleets and go gank someone. They can just organize a good defense against a single pirate looking for 1v1 fights in seconds and blobb him to oblivion. (Hey how about the realism topic here? Remember how nelson used his trusty chat console to coordinate trafalgar? Good times.)
    • And while everyone can become a pirate anytime, switching from pirate to something else is impossible right now. There could simply be an option to first become a privateer for a nation and after a while where only the nations enemies were attacked and not the nations ships, you can join up.


    TL;DR: Different mechanics are fine, but there have to be meaningful choices with a somewhat balanced foundation and tradeoff for every weakness, or its just utterly wrecking one nation which will die off because it's just worse than any other option.


    the only purpose for all these treads are that when you create a chart there is nations and (easy-very hard) to play... and atm none is easy/very hard to play... all are equal so either remove that (mode) and all are nations, or make nations unique, typical like you say, crafting for pirates would lead to faster ships, cuss needed.. and bonus to board.. we all tryed to capture AI bigger ships with smaller ships. so its not a problem  for pirates to get line ships.. 

  5. If you remove pirates ability to craft larger ships i will uninstall game


    lol bye maty, go play a carebear game, or world of warships....  you a that type of person who ruin most games because "to hard for casual" seen it over and over.. cry cry and cry until Dev makes it faceroll, quest mission crafting or all shall have acces to end game.

  6. Pirates love to exploit this game and if there was a bounty system pirates would just claim each others over and over till the cows come home.


    well pirates sink or cap those with Bountys on them, and the loser gets Dura lose or lose ships ?  it could work, if you got "killed" by some with the bounty report. like a mission.  EVE have bounty system and you dont see them exploit it :)

  7. only raiding ports, and not able to craft ships of the line, would be a start to make "pirates" hard to play.. 


    if pirates wants a 3rd rate they need to cap it..


    and if we go further, -% in crafting/trading & +% in sailing/boarding. it is piracy and cap cargo/ships not attack ports in line ships.. this is not "black sails" were we attack Charlestown :D

  8. only rading.. crafting should be only for frigates, and not a crafting 3rd rate of the line :P  and a pirate vision would never be with larger guns. it would get mobility and speed.. you cant get and cap another ship if they sail from you aye maty !!!


    what hard would it be, if pirates just craft there ships of the line ?? nahhh they never done that... its "very hard" and demands a grp to take down a line ship and cap it, wich means teamwork.  els pirates are just another nation in black :P



    unable to craft line ships, gets -% in crafting/trading and +% in sailing/boarding.


    ups and downs



    Safe winds

    • Like 2
  9. hey guys, i find it abit boring that "pirates" is just another nation with black flag! dont know if any have the same feeling ??   But i wonder if they could not implant in the future, that Pirates cant build 3rd rates and up, but need to capture them if they want them., and gets a -% in trading/crafting but +% in sailing/boarding.  In my opinion it would make the Pirate nation "hard" to play, but more realistic and dynamic and force players to board, cap and engage enemy ships to get higher rate ships.. and ofc rats vs rats, when other rats spots 1 solo rat in a ship of the line, and wanna take it..


    just some ideas for making pirates as pirates and not another nation..



    Safe winds


    Black Bart

  10. well think openworld... you cant have nameless ships sailing around,, how should you hunt pirates or other KoS targets...  if it is a openworld / mmo you need the captain name over it, or like in WT/WOT class ship type..  its only up for debate now because we only have pvp battle module,  its only a alpha and train peps to sail proberly.. no need to remove names.. 

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  11. they postet diffrent nations and such, so many diffrent ships/types is comeing...  the whole market is player based, so a pirate could easy buy a big pirate ship if he pleases.. and dont see anything wrong with it.. if hes supporting the pirate nation/faction..  jolly roger i think it was called... 

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