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Posts posted by Rekab

  1. Not trying to protect anyone but as far as I know they attacked you some good distance away from plymouth.. (at least day away or something).

    + They did not know such events were happening. When they found out about such battle they arrived to plymouth area and followed the truce.

    + They don't speak english so not sure they were able to comprehend your requests to let you go

    + RAE attacked them before and sank them, are you saying that if in the future if they ask RAE to let them go to some event you will do it?

    I understand your concerns, but:


    1- They attacked me 3 minutes away from Plymouth, because when the battle ended Trafalgar was about to start in 5 minutes, and I had enough time to go to Plymouth, buy a new ship and get in formation.

    2- I (and Oleski) informed them while they were ganking me what the deal with Trafalgar was and why I asked them to just let me go.

    3- One of them does speak english becuase he talked about the deal that they had with other members of RAE.

    4- I can't speak for other people, but if someone said they had something to do or they had no time for PvP I would let them go, but that is just me. I have also never ganked in a disproportionate advantage because I think there is no honour (and no fun) in it. These guys have actually attacked me twice already 4v1... I understand not everyone shares my point of view in this matter, but I wish people just battled in some how balanced fights rather than only attacking when they know they are going to win.


    Also, I never said they should have not attacked me. It is an OW after all. I am just saying that they did not follow the rules of Trafalgar, but I could understand how this was "new" to them and maybe did not understand what the deal was. Maybe I was a bit harsh asking to exclude them since it was only the first time they did it (that I know of), but there should be no excuse for them for now on.

  2. I would definitely welcome any opportunity to fight in arranged battles. Perhaps this could be extended to other days? - they wouldn't need to be on the same scale each time


    One idea that came out of my guild RAE was to simulate a British attack on a Spanish gold convoy. Instead of just making it a regular battle there could be some rules for which the Spanish side wins if X number of cargo ships (they could be 3rd rates with low tier cannons for instance) survive after 1 hour of battle, and the British side wins if X are captured. Of course there would be a escort and all that, but that and other rules could be discussed if you guys like this idea. Let me know and I can discuss with RAE ^^

  3. I definitely think players who do this should be excluded from the Trafalgar but you would need to provide some sort of evidence


    That is fair. I am going to ask Oleski (or Ragnar Lodbrok 2 as he is known in OW) to confirm what happened. He entered the battle after they attacked me and asked what happened, so he saw who the pirates were. I will try to contact him and ask him to post here.

  4. Do you really expect pirates to be honorable? Not surprised that they attacked you.


    As I said, they are in their own right to attack me or anyone whenever they want as it is an Open World. I am just asking to exclude them from future Trafalgars as they did not follow the rules for this specific battle.

  5. Hi, I am not someone that complains much, but one of the rules of this battle was to not attack anyone on the way to the battle. Last Saturday I was on my way to the battle (only 3 minutes away from the meeting point) and was attacked by 4 pirates and ended up losing my Constitution (which for some reason I later couldn't repair at port although I had 5 durabilities, not sure why). Anyways, I got very mad at this because even though I asked nicely at the beginning, they didn't let me go (they did not sign in the spreadsheet so they had the right to attack me as it is an Open World). I ended up getting sunk and bought a new ship (a renomee) and joined the first battle. Not that much of a deal. 


    I left after the first battle and disconnected. Just now I went to watch the video of the battle on youtube (from Alex Hekkink), and I also saw the second battle that took place that day. In that second video I realized that 2 of the pirates that attacked me before the battle actually joined the second battle. It is against the rules to attack someone going to the battle and then joining, so I would like to ask to leave the following pirates out of the battles from now on: 


    - Cptn Gamover

    - yazzus


    Thank you.

  6. Hola Akenh!


    1- El juego es y que yo sepa siempre será pay to play. No creo que tengan intención de hacerlo gratis en ningún momento.

    2- El juego, aunque aún en proceso, tiene buena pinta y los desarrolladores siguen metiendo cambios constantemente y leen el foro con regularidad para escuchar feedback de los jugadores de la Beta.

    3- De momento sólo está la Santísima Trinidad como barco español en el juego, pero creo que están desarrollando una fragata y puede que un navío de línea de 3ª, pero no estoy del todo seguro. Ahora mismo hay cerca de 20 barcos distintos en juego.


    Por otra parte, creo que no están vendiendo más claves del juego por el momento porque creo que no quieren meter mucha más gente en la Beta. Dicho esto, hay gente que ha escrito a Game-Labs pidiendo la clave (y llorando un poquito) y la ha conseguido, pero no te prometo nada. Luego quería decirte que tenemos un clan español (RAE) y que somos unos 8-9 jugadores regulares (de un total de casi 20). Luego la nación española tendrá unos 25 jugadores regulares por el momento incluyendo a los de la RAE.


    Saludos y ánimo a comprártelo si puedes!

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  7. Hello everyone,


    We have created a Steam Group called: Naval Action - Real Armada Española. If you would like to join, send me a private message with your Steam ID and I will add you and give you access (maybe you can even join the group by yourself, but I am not quite sure how Steam groups work...). Once we get more people involved (currently 7 of us), we will start organizing battles between us or other clans to get ready for OW.


    Hola a todos,


    Hemos creado un grupo en Steam llamado: Naval Action - Real Armada Española. Si os queréis unir, mandadme un mensaje privado con vuestro nombre de Steam y os agrego al grupo (quizás os podáis unir al grupo directamente sin mi ayuda, pero no controlo mucho Steam, así que no sé exactamente cómo funciona). Actualmente somos 7, pero cuando consigamos añadir a más gente que pueda estar interesada, empezaremos a organizar batallas en preparación al Mundo Abierto.



  8. Hello everyone,


    Just wanted to let you know that we have planned to meet tomorrow Sunday 8th of March at 8PM CET to play together and start knowing each other a bit before Open World comes out. By now, all of you should have received a private message from Comandante Gómez with the TS3 channel and the password. Once you enter the channel you won´t have immediate access to the Naval Action room though. You will just have to wait in the lobby for a few seconds and one of the admins will give you access right away (after your name put "Naval Action" in (brackets) so we know that you want to play with us. Example: Rekab (Naval Action)). 


    Do not worry if you don't speak Spanish. All (or at least most) of us know how to speak English well enough, and we will keep the conversation in that language if someone doesn't know how to speak Spanish. Everyone is welcome to join! We will be on the TS3 channel until 8:10 - 8:15 PM waiting for the people that might arrive late, and we will start playing together once everyone is on.


    Hola a todos,


    Quería informar que mañana Domingo 8 de Marzo a las 8 de la tarde CET (hora española) hemos planeado quedar para jugar todos juntos y empezar a conocernos antes de que empiece Open World. Quedaremos en el servidor TS3 que el Comandante Gómez os envió hace unas semanas por mensaje privado (la contraseña estaba incluída en el mensaje también). Una vez entréis en el servidor, esperad en la sala general (o lobby) unos segundos a que os demos los derechos para entrar en la sala de Naval Action porque así sin más no podréis entrar (para saber que queréis entrar a la sala de Naval Action, poned vuestro nombre seguido de Naval Action en paréntesis. Ejemplo: Rekab (Naval Action)). Entre las 8 y las 8:15 estaremos en la sala esperando a los rezagados, y hacia y cuarto empezaremos a jugar todos. Os animo a los que os apuntéis los que podáis.


    Un saludo.



  9. Hello everyone,


    I decided to play today a few games today but I got disconnected from ongoing battles twice saying that I lost connection to the game, and I got back to the lobby. In the first game, I thought it was just that I lost internet connection or something, but in the second one I had a stream on the back and that kept working just fine. Is anyone else getting randomly disconnected as well?


    It is very frustrating because in the 2 games I was the biggest or next to the biggest ship on my team... Now I don't want to play anymore until I know what's going on so I don't screw my team again. Also, I am not sure why this happens this way, but if you are playing a game and get disconnected, you should be able to go back to your game, not back to the lobby and start a new game. It just doesn't make sense.


    Any ideas why this might have happened? 

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