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Posts posted by Looneynl

  1. It is casuals who ruin the game.

    U think in the 17 hundreds who would be able to deploy 3 other ships out of thin air just to come help you out. You think then it was possible to go in an closed instance so nobody can join the fight?

    Ok there are some abusing strategies.

    But man go find yourself a group then. And be strong in numbers so you dont have to fount on ai for your victory...

    Again nothing worth of input that matters with the case ahead, we are playing in the year 2015, not in the year 1700+-.

    We are playing a Pixeled game , wich is out of context of what happend irl back then, cause just be honest no one knows. its all tales . but whats there to believe.

    Never counted on the ai to "bring me victory" heck, hoped the "Demast option" acutally would work and not shoot at the hull of the victory (as thats not demasting , correct?)

    Was a Deadmans attempt to try to gain the speed advantage on a fastly superior ship .

  2. Nothing to do with the fact if im a pirate or not, and you all know it.
    if i was weaving another nation flag you all would of reacted the same way, so it doesnt add up. we are here testing the game. we all do a part of our testing reports back , and this unsportmanship behaviour isnt tolerated i would say.
    Pirate,dutch,French,danish,swedish,american nor brit. we all have a code of honor and dont do ganking regardless of the fact. else i would of done my share of seal clubbing wich i wont do nor ever will do.

  3. Let's see from other side. 


    Your friends on Yacht and Renomee attaking me to let you run away. Proof



    They use game mechanic to let you run. So when they do it it's - normal, when we attack them - it's gank, looks like at one-sided logic) 

    Also when was you hero when you peoples hold ships of the line on yachts and renomee?) 

    First of all, i never attacked a person thats not sailing the same class/br. so you must of mistaken me with some one else..

    Second of that, i even helped your "Comrades" Mr essex (when he was in need of assitance when he was about to sink with his merc.

    and Besides that i was Fleeing, cause you guys seem to have it aimed on me with 2/3 first rates and a 3 rd rate.

    Also you have gained the location without knowing this by just sailing , therefore it was not fair to start off with.


  4. I don't think this is tribunal material?

    What you are saying is you tried to split them and it backfired and then you made the mistake of calling reinforcements which inflates your side's BR with useless AI but more enemy players can join :)

    The problem is that any kind of BR limit + reinforcement system can and will be gamed and (imho) should be scrapped entirely; Vic+Santi BR is way too low which exacerbates the problem but the players didn't do anything wrong from what I can see.

    They didn't even have someone from your own faction join your side to increase BR enough so their friends can get in.

    And no, the vic engaged me outside> i send my snow escort to retreat, so none could join, but the Santi joined therefor i had the idea of lets call in some reinforcments, and get that vic of my butt(wich didnt work as intented) after 50 mins of kiting, they managed to get me afterall, regardless of that. i got ported to the port closest, and decided to switch ships as i just ranked up so i could finaly fully crew the st pavel, and helped some friends level up wich were struggeling to get there honor kills made.

    so we engaged a lonely frigate , wich i demast. meanwhile the russians in question from the attack earlier were camping the battle outside(as they were watching my stream appearently.

    so then the camping /ganking started. but the persons that got ganked(vic/santi/pavel vs privateer etc) the guys cant post any screenshots as we await Moderator aproval


  5. Started off with me sailing a 3rd rate, backing off  sailing true neutral waters and this vic started to engagae. 1 vs 1 okeej i dont mind. ended up with a santi joining, then a Connie and a pavel and also a pavel waiting outside the battle for me to get out.

    After that i got back into my free port, where i helped some of my fellow pirates out with getting some kills, then heard they are waiting outside the battle for us to come out and then it all started.
    i asked my friend to engage them one's just so i can get the chance to get out, cause it was the same setup  of enemie's waiting outside  waiting for me to be visable so they could gank me.
    The screenshots will tell the rest of the story.
    after i got away, they started to engage my friends that were in a renomee, privateer and even one in a merc (and they were target by the santi/pavel and victory. they will post there screenshots after i posted this.




  6. I agree. Having to sink 20 ships to be promoted to 1st Lieutenant is a bit much.


    Especially since I have to use a Brig or Snow with insufficient crew numbers!

    Honor kill system aint that big of a fuzz.. you havnt gotten to the part where you need to farm 20k/40k exp and cant think of the one after that;)...

    If they where to keep the system, either let it be kills or exp. not both. or if it is Both, tweak the exp part...(but as far as i know and/or heard this is mainly a testing phase to cover all ships... but could be wrong, so many gossip happening lately...)

    altho have to say to it that ppl should be aware not everyone has 4+ hours a day the time to play to get some kills/exp farming going, specially if an avg fight is between the 15 to 45 mins . (and no i dont want it to be easy either) but it shoudnt be as the way it curently is.


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  7. Maybe you should of digged abit deeper and look around, there are plenty of post about ppl in the same situation as you are, and all have the same reply.

    Option A:  Mail the developers with a reason proper enough Why you should get invited, and they might concider it and let you able to  buy a copy.

    Option B: Wait till early accses, no date has been said/set.

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