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Posts posted by PiR

  1. Hello,


    I have two questions for the devs and anyone who knows the answers.

    How the Politic and the Diplomacy between nations will be implemented? It’s maybe too soon to ask but the sooner the better and it will play a major role in the open world gameplay

    And about the 24h Battles I was wondering if more precisions will be available. I knows the général attention is on the upcoming open world ( with reason), but I see a true potential in this Battle.

    Please, forgive my English and carry on the amazing stuff.



  2. Hello,


    Good suggestions overall. I totally agree with the crew number being more important . Every ships should have a point when crew is no more longer able to fight due to casualties, especially when a part of this crew is occupied by survivability matters. I think the fighting potential of a ship is the first to get weakened by casualties. Correct me if i am wrong, but actually I think that, when we are losing crew % we are losing the same % of fighting potential, maniability and survivability. I wanted to add that losing fighting potentiel actually mean losing reloads speed whereas firepower. When we are losing half of our gunners they actually reload all the guns with the double of time, but instead they will reload the half of the guns at the normal speed.

    That all for me, forgive my English.



  3. Hello,

    As I understand it, the main difference between Privateers and Pirates is their status. Privateers had a para-military status which allow them to act under the laws of war. They do basically the same actions as Pirates (and the Navy), such as robbing at sea, taking/pillaging settlements and killing peoples, but in war time and against enemy factions. For the Navy and the Privateers this is warfare, for civilians that are not under military status this is Piracy, Pillaging and Murder. Crimes currently allow to Pirates. I wanted to add that all pirates were not always being heavily hunted down, in some periods and areas they were at least tolerated if not encouraged, which add to the confusion. Sorry for my English.



  4. hello, I have two little ideas about sails management that I want to share, however I have just few knowledge in real sailing so this may be silly. Feel free to comment and once again my apologies for my english.


    My first idea is quite simple, I wonder if it is possible to have two battle sails settings, one “slow” battle sails setting (the current one) and one “fast”. The “slow” setting with only the topsails as it is now and the “fast” setting with the topsails and the topgallant sails. I find the current battle sails setting a bit slow in some situations and the half or full sails settings annoying when aiming. Also with the upcoming fire this maybe an interesting feature . About the keys I have just thinking at this, one tape on B key does the “slow” battle sails setting, a second tape on B does the “fast” battle sails setting, a third one “slow” again etc etc.


    My second idea is more about the sails management and trim of the tension of sails. I was thinking that the transitions between two sails settings might take longer with a delay between the order and his application. however to keep a certain control on our speed, we could increase or decrease the tension of our current sails setting. Maybe with the W and S keys, W increase the tension and so the speed whereas S decrease the tension and the speed. My sailing knowledge are limited but i tough it make sense. It also add some possibility when the wind damage will come. Of course we have to find news keys for sails settings and one problem stay with the fore and aft and jib sails.


    I hope I am understandable and it make sense.



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  5. Hello, I wanted to share some ideas. Please forgive me for my limited English.


    Actually the lower was our crew’s percentage the lower was our fire rate, manoeuvrability and survivability all at once. I think it will be better to lose fire rate first then manoeuvrability and at last survivability, an idea to represent a basics sense of priority.It seems logic to me that the first priority is to float then to move and finally to shoot (at least it will be in the open world).  In the future and in the open world a more developed system of crew management will be needed but for sea trials an automatic system should be enough.


    About the fire rate, I think it will be better that when we have left the half of our gunners they will reload the half of guns with normal load speed whereas loading all guns with half the speed. So a wounded ship is going to have more shots opportunity but with less firepower.


    Thanks for reading, cheers.

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