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Posts posted by Monsteri

  1. Look. I make my opinion simple.


    If I'm British. On British territory I get attacked. Everyone who is on my nation should be able to come to my aid as long as I'm alive in the battle.

    If there is diplomacy and Brits and France have peace and I sail to frenc waters and frenc player attacks me. He becomes a Pirate.

    No invisibility when coming out of harbor. Invunerability yes but no invisibility. Both still on when coming out of battle.


    If you get ganked you get ganked. That's it. Tuff luck. But if you have friends along and you get ganked you should get friends in battle to help you.

    No time limits on joinin g the battles. I dont understand what is the point in them. Just dont allow for joining twice.

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  2. Just getting my voice heard here. This new system with the ring and not being able to join and help your friend who is being attacked. Completely and utter shit. Same with the fact that you cant capture NPC ships anymore but can capture tradeships and playerships. Why is there even a boarding battle anymore? How the hell does that prevent ganking? Infact both of these new systems make ganking even easyer since no one can help you if you are being attacked. You should be safe on your own territory for gods sake.

    We cant protect our own tradeships on our own territory anymore because of this new system. There is no logic in this whatsoever.


    The ring in itself is a good idea. But there has to be more time to join the battle. I want the old timesystem back. That's when we could call friend to aid if someone attacked and if they where in somewhat near they could come and help. Infact I want more time to join the battle.

    Also. If the NPC fleets are as big as they are. I dont think that capturing ships from them is an issue. Devs. you are now looking only at PVP one and making all the decisions based on that one server. These decisions however affect other servers two like pvp3 where I currently play and the these gankingwars do not fit there.


    In anycase I dont even understand this whole ganking idea and why it is so bad?


    1. If in foreign waters. You will get attacked. Take measures to be ready for that. Sail during rain, sail with a fleet...

    2. If in own territory. You should get enough reinforcements to rebel the attack if needed. Period.

    3. If your nation is under attack and under war. You should not sail alone. And even with reinforcements you might still loose.


    The game should follow these simple realworld like rules and that's it.

    The key for many of the games problems to be solved at the moment is not artificial timers and rules. It's the real diplomacy where attacking even a friendlynations NPC:s have consecuenses that are not desiarable for the attacker. Like forexample coming a pirate.


    Wars should not be easy to start and they should be costly. So that nations would think before act. Also. Sailing still does not cost anything. Sailing a 12 victory group should be so expencive that no one bothered to do that just to attack one trader. That's when the gangking stops and also that is when the smaller ships become more important and everyone want's to have one. If one crew member get's 1 gredit per day the sailing with a Victory would cost you 800 per day. I think that it should cost even more. Maybe 3 gretits per day.

    Balls should also cost and take room from the cargo. So that ammo would not be endles. Capturing ship should reguire half of your crew to sail it to the harbor and you would only get your crew back by sailing there yourself. Recruiting crew should be very very difficult.

    So that the greatest recourse would infact be people.

    If you lost 100-200 crew in battle you should start thinking of pulling back even if your ship would not be sinking. Not because you lost the crew but because getting 200 guys recruited would be a royal pain in the ass.

    Perhaps you could even keep a reserve in town but you would have to pay them vages like for the crew on the sea or they would leave and go work for someone else.

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