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Posts posted by Flixerine

  1. Die "alte" Hanse existiert seit Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts nicht mehr. Da Naval Action ja im 18. Jahrhundert spielt, mussten wir wohl oder übel eine "neue" gründen. Wir versuchen natürlich ein wenig historisch genau zu sein. Ich denke nicht, dass es ingame irgendwelche hanseatischen Flaggen geben wird. Unsere Flagge ist ja auch selbst erfunden und eine Kombination aus dem hanseatischen weiß-rot mit dem Adler des HDR. :)

    Wäre es da nicht besser eine wirkliche neue Hanse zu machen ohne das schon ab da schwer geschwächte HDR? Also wirklich von den Städten ausgehend die damals auch an der Hanse beteiligt waren und vielleicht jene die daran historisch gesehen interesse hatten. Weil das Heilige Römische Reich hatte nie wirklich eine Flotte oder größeres Übersee-interesee, der Städteverbund Hamburg, Lübeck, Danzig, Rostock, Riga etc schon.


    Aber vielleicht mag ich einfach nur nicht den doppelkopf Vogel auf gelbem Hintergrund, erinnert mich zu sehr an die Habsburger...


    Könnte aber im Spiel schon lustig werden, eine art semi neutrale Städtemacht, die gleichzeitig was für uns Mitteleuropäer ist.

  2. Since I shouldn't vote for them all, even if I want to, I only picked those that I'd actually want to see in use in the game.  Also there some silly ship designs...especially the danish and dutch ones.


    But was fun going through all of them and seeing the variations, I hope it'll be that different when meeting others in the open world.

  3. We plan to add musketeers to ships. unfortunately visually there will not be a lot of them because of performance issues (or we have to have them look ugly). 

    Swivels will be added later. Some of the good ideas from this topic will of course will be implemented 

    keep them coming please!! :)

    I rather have an accurate number representation than good visuals, if I had to chose between the two. Personally I think it would look cool to have small arms fire in between the big cannon fire when two ships are very close to each other, but I don't know how that would have to be made ingame so it would take out a bit of crew or something. Also it is really a case of how historically accurate it is, but I can imagine it happening in very close combat when in boarding distance.

  4. Honestly, before there is a focus on any human avatar, the ship is much more important. I'd rather have a well customizeable ship, with paint and flags, equipment etc, than someone I can walk around with, if I'm mostly using the ship perpective anyways. It's really something that can be added later when the game is already running well, and there are enough people playing and funding expanded developement. I don't see the game being sold well enough just yet before a steam release, otherwise they could probably hire a few more people to focus on that, until then I'm happy even without a human avatar.

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  5. The Poll is flawed, as many from central europe vote for west europe by accident, thinking there to be only east and west available at first. :D Plus completely forgetting about any potential northmen.


    But I guess that is what the post is for.

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