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Posts posted by Voodeux

  1. I just always seem to hear people complain that SOB doesn't involve or ask other people about alliances and what nation we are attacking, thought maybe an entire coalition was a better idea than lots of them, but whatever you think is best.

    I feel you and while SOB does have that type of reputation right now, deserved or not, we want to ensure you that this isn't the stance we want to take with you or your clan. We want a cooperation and sharing of information of course and we and I am sure as well feel that this can be accomplished without mud slinging as that only serves to weaken the British Nation as a whole. If you are planning a major change in policy toward xyz nation we would of course love to have that information in advance so that we can either change our war plans accordingly or provide you with feedback in why we think that is a bad idea and will of course provide you the same type of information. While it will be up to the SOB, ISSB or whatever other groups that become involved to implement or disagree with said changes at least it will allow us to better understand where the others are coming from which can only serve to further the community.

  2. Having multiple coalitions is pointless, why not just create one massive coalition for the whole Caribbean?


    Because the goals and concerns of those that live in the north will be completely different from the goals and concerns of those that live in the south. Perhaps we misunderstood you or you misunderstood us during our discussion on forming a group that meets to discuss issues on a weekly business but I hope that we can clear that up pretty quickly. How you prosecute your warfare in and around Haiti has little interest to us and we wouldn't dream of involving ourselves in the planning of it, nor do we feel the need to go and seek input in the matters of how or where we are operating in the south unless it would directly influence others in a negative manner. Meeting to discuss these types of things weekly is a good idea because it will help us and hopefully you in shaping your plans for the near future of that meeting as well as allow us to plan together how and what we should do in the case of a national emergency where we would all by necessity have to work together to overcome.

    I'm sure that the guys from RGQT or ROYAL will correct me if I'm speaking out of turn here but that's what I got out of our meeting and would be very happy to re connect with you and the lads to discuss any confusion.


    Voodeux Delacriox

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  3. While I honestly do care about your situation as well, I think it would serve both you and myself more if you posted your own thread about it happening to you as well. That said good luck with your situation Malice and I hope its rectified quickly.

  4. Yup snapped this up myself and its downloading now. I figured if this games mechanics were what you were thinking of to use as a basis for Fleet Commander might as well jump in and see how it works. If you guys ever want a souvenir from Vicksburg lemme know. I've got about 50 Minié balls from touring the battlefield over here.

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  5. If you are looking to just record you can us OBS now as well. Does very good and seems to me at least to be very "light weight" on the resource usage. Granted that doesn't help you fix shadow play which I loved when it worked, but it's a good stop gap.

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