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Posts posted by Totoche

  1. I want my money back.

    It is not because You do not remember the promises you do make i do not remember them!

    And the fact that you make people participate in the testing of your product how imperfect it is so you do not pay them to test this game but let them pay you?!

    So I am asking my money back for having lost my time in waiting for a product you shall never providing in commercial terms this is stealing!

    I f during production of a product and this is a commercial product that producer changes the characteristic of this product the customer may change is mind and is down payment shall be refunded. This a common commercial law. But maybe not in the Ukraine democratic republic?!

  2. Hello,

    Actually in the we buy our ships with gold, in reality in did not work this way at all !

    In reality it did not work so at all. It varies from nation to nation and form period in history. Let me explain. In Great Britain in some periods it was purely a question of family if your family was in the navy you were in the Navy and if your father was a commander you were a commander or you bought your command, nearly like in the game, in another more recent period in the same country the Navy command did understand that commanders had to be chosen only by merits and exams and some time (in rank). In France before the revolution it was a question of family and/or money during and after the revolution only on the merit of the commander how did follow a school education! A little longer after the revolution it was more mixed with professional families how did follow certain schools but the results where more mediocre side. All other nations even the USA follow the same rules with in some variations in time periods.

    In the game the XP’s should buy ships, in the Navy of each nation at least, and so also automatically the command going with it. I have never read or heard of a captain buying is ship in the war Navy?! Did you?! In the civil or trade navy you can buy your ship or ships. In some periods, the early one, you could buy your command in gold but never war ships how where the Navy’s propriety how could afford them (in France even the wood to build them was propriety of the nation or King).

    So to make it simple I say: at each level of command you should get a choice of new “WAR” ships to command once you are in your port of origin (capital).
    Equipment: the basic should be provided but all the extras could and should be bought with your own money.

    • Like 1
  3. J'ai participé à des Alpha pour IL2, COD, BOS et maintenant pour BOM et ce truc ne m'est jamais arrivé, je vous assure que dans le monde de la simulation aérienne il essaye quelque chose comme cela et il ne vende plus jamais un jeu,
    De plus le faire sans communications, les discutions dans le jeu le prouve, ils y a des joueurs qui se demande toujours ci il y a une mise à jour,ils ne communique pas asser.

    Ce qui vient d'arriver c'est un manqué de respect envers une personne et par malheur pour eux c'est moi?!

  4. J'avais un "Basic Lynx" et 5 "Upgrades" dans le port de Macao après la mise à jour je constate qu'il ne reste que un "upgrade" par "Lynx",

    Pour moi une perte seche de 4 modules d'"upgrade" soit 60,000 pieces d'or pas une petite somme,

    C'est du vol! La banque m'a voler mon argent (mon or) et je parle ici du team des dévelopeurs,

    J'ai bien encore une multitude de "upgrades" dans les ports de Macao et Fort Royal mais c'est simplement invendable pour l'instant,

    J'ai donc crée se post pour protésté contre ce vol car sans conteste c'est du vol et pour une just compensation des dommages subits,,, :o

    Tous à vos claviers!!!


  5. Ignoring problems does not make them go away and maybe people do have the need to talk or write their opinion in the way they feel not in the way other think they accept it,,, :wub:
    One can say or write terrible and horrible things in a polite way, But another can write nice things in a terrible or/and horrible way,

  6. Traders in this games are accessories but in real live they where not but the most important part of the live lines of the nations between their colonies and home countries or their bases and the bases of home land.

    There should be first more of them.  Second the crew should be less numerous at maximum a fifth or a tenth of that a navy ship or boat, the captain of this boats or ships where of not so great quality there where exceptions.

    Secondly the fact of convoys there where convoys and those where mostly escorted but one ship or boat for 10 merchants is the rule if there was a rule it was often less. Anything could be a escort but mostly it was not heavier than a  light frigate.

    I hope this open the debate and enrich the game with new  realism. ^_^


    I hear remarks about ships with gold from Mexico and the golden fleet destine to Spain but due to the type of cargo most of this where nearly or where war ships.

    • Like 2
  7. Done in options also and exit the game and enter again done also to no result thaaa! :wub:

    the global, help or nation windows are not there no communications! but and the results at the end of battle are not there also even if they are in the character result box. no xp no gp.

  8. :angry: My E-mail address is: *email cencored*


    So please do send me a e-mail when the game is finished and ready to be played in PVE in the Open World.


    I cannot really play in the current version of the game it is shit I feel like a murderer each time I enter a combat and I do not know if I shall fire on a human player or a non human player how is PC driven.


    There are also many other reason like he fact that the equilibrium of the game is od or inexistent.


    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

  9. Anecdote:
    Voici l’histoire je sors de Fort Royal avec mon vaisseaux un « Mercury » de 10 caronades de 18 livres.
    A deux encablures du port je repère et intercepte un « Brig » de transport qui m’a l’air suspect.
    De nationalité Française celui-ci ne m’oppose aucune résistance lors de son abordage.
    Mais le plus surprenant c’est que toute la flotte en rade c’était mis en branle est ouvre le feu sur le navire au drapeau blanc celui qui n’est pas occupé par un Capitaine ?!
    Vous auriez dû voir la liste de vaisseaux venus me prêter main forte pour la capture de ce malheureux « trader Brig » non armé, plus d’une page de nom de navires du « Santisima » au modeste « Linx ».

    J’en ris encore.

    Mon navire sous la tempête;

  10. Today I was ambushed by two non-players privateer at a Harbour while I was typing some messages to other players!
    I did not leave port but was not in port!
    So they attacked!
    Is this a bug or normal?!
    For me this is something that should be not admissible to players and from players. But it seems normal behaviour from non-players?! strange and no fun at all?!

  11. A ship/boat that lost more than 50% of his capacity or/and 10% of his crew could strike his colors. It was also a question of moral of crew and command. More "victories" more moral?! More battles less moral. More time for less battles more moral.

    More than often a ship/boat that struck his colors did regain his liberty because his ennemy could not capture him and he go away. But during a battle with ships of the line the ships how struck colors where more rare due to the "dishonor" effect if a captain did. -_-

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