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Posts posted by Jazoray

  1. Play in windowed mode, it helps.


    It not the best of ways, but it gets the job done.

    i am playing in windowed mode :)


    Playing in windowed mode for me does what OP describes (game starts in geometric center), whereas full screen snaps to the primary display. Still, since easy workarounds exist I'd consider this a low priority.

    agreed, but it's still something that should be tackled eventually. And considering that Unity offers to handle monitors by itself, it should be relatively easy and quick to implement.
  2. i have 2 monitors side by side.


    when i launch naval action, it appears on the geometric center of both screens. Half of the game window is on one monitor, the other half is on the second monitor


    i can move the game window to the proper monitor after the initial launch freeze, but i'm really trying to be more lazy.


    please pander to my laziness by letting me choose a monitor where the game should center at.

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