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Posts posted by Splice

  1. The final exam is simply too hard. I understand that the game developers want it to be hard but right now for myself, a new player, its just frustrating. I've tried it around 5 times now and each time I'm left frustrated. My latest attempt I reduced one NPC ships sails to 58% then kited the other away while using stern guns to hit his masts. Eventually I knocked down two of his masts by which time the other ship caught up. I kited that one away but was simply too badly damaged and was sunk. 

    I think one of the biggest problems is that the Exams are found under the Tutorial section. New players, such as myself, feel the need to complete the tutorials and exams before we consider moving to the main game. When you feel frustrated at not being able to complete the tutorial section you feel that the game is too hard and simply leave. 

    A decent compromise would be to put the exams under a separate button rather than having it found in the Tutorial. Recommend that players move on to the exams after they finish the tutorial, highlight the rewards that are awarded for completing them, but don't make it feel like you have to complete them in order to join the main game. 

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