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Posts posted by Nightmoss

  1. Perhaps just a bit of unlucky:) Did you turn survival mode on right away you saw the fire under your ship status bar in the left top corner, or just when you saw the fire visually?


    I can't speak for how the other member responded to the fire, but the instant I heard the "ding, ding, ding' I hit the survival button.  It was just seconds later and the ship was gone.  It could very well be a bit of bad luck as I know the RNG gods despise me.  :)


    Thanks for the response though.  I had no issues last evening and I sailed the snow for many hours.  As I've now hit Lt. Cmd and moved into a Cerberus the snow is likely going into ordinary for the time being.



  2. With the game already in Steam Early Access this may not be the place to post a question concerning the snow, fire and explosions so I apologize if this is inappropriate, but when I 'searched' the forums this is the only thread that came up.


    Is the snow historically prone to fire and explosions and if so has that been designed into the game?  


    The reason I ask is our small clan on the pve server has had 3 snow's catch fire and explode in the last two days; 2 for one player and one for myself.  My mission last night wasn't even at the 1 minute mark when fire broke out, I hit "8" and the ship exploded only a few seconds later.  I have asked in nation chat if others are experiencing similar issues and it did not seem to be the case.  My snow was crafted by a clan member and I believe the other was purchased from ship stores. 


    I'm very much enjoying the sim, but this was a curiosity I wanted to follow up on.




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