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Adam Creutz

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Posts posted by Adam Creutz

  1. My thoughts


    I have read thru what all of you have written about roles and charachters and I can only say that I have no thoughts on that myself. Rather I will try to add my toughts on the subject on names being displayed in the OW.


    Remember I only write my thoughts as of now and you're free to add to them or to not like them. 


    Names in OW:


    I think that names of players in the open world should either be shown or not, it doesn't matter for me as long as it applies for every player regardless of what you sail or do. Having some players basically hidden feels weird if some players are not.


    My explaination for why names should not be shown for anyone is that from the distance you can first hail someone it sort of makes sense to just be able to know nationality. Then if you should see the name of the captain (if player) when you're inside attack range or when you are in the battle instance, I have no idea. 


    Please remember and consider that my thoughts are just that they might change or become opinions but so far there thoughts.

  2. I have some problems.


    1. When I pressed F9 for HD screenshot the game started using a really big amount of ram so I had to close in the windows task manager.


    2. When using the right mouse button to look around in the open world the sound stops when you click the right mouse button.




    Is there some of these that you want me to provide more info about, or more files? 

  3. Den enda flaggan för mig är våran goda tretungade örlogsflagg. :)

    Jag kommer aldrig att stryka flagg, inte ens i förlust. Det är det dödsstraff på!

    Jag kommer inte helt att samarbeta, men Danskarna och Norrmännen får nöja sig med att jag bara besvarar eld efter att jag (Eller dem jag eskorterar) blivit beskjutna.

    Kommer mest att hålla mig till att eskortera folk som vill bedriva handel. B)

    So atleast not hostile, just observant and a neutral attitude.

  4. It's like the Teletubbies baby came back to save Sweden from the giant, evil, crying Elk. It's the best by far. Love the creativity. :)



    WTF? I have never heard of these giant Swedish moose requiring not one but two fighter jets and a karate chopping man from the sea to vanquish!


    Not my creation, got it from r/SWARJE.


    The elk is not to be vanquished it's the mighty elk. Protector of the wild animals, King of the forest.   :P

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