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Posts posted by CaptLouis

  1. Couldn't disagree more! I'm not at all interested in the one off, special ships with some mass appeal from one particular action, but more in the prototypical designs that spawned large classes or a revolution in ship building. Customising, quirky but popular ships is exactly the opposite of how I'd like to see it go.


    And while I'm at it, we need way more classes of sloops of war than anything else, plus many more varieties of light frigates. 3rd rate plus, great, but not the be all and end all.

    • Like 3
  2. I'm very keen on these suggestions and see the 'pirate' role as heavily nuanced in this era. BTW, what is the key date or date range for this game?


    Further to Lt. Obiquiet's point, this is all about timelines and geo-political shifts. I see it as crucial to model shifting national alliances and resulting ROE changes in some way, rather than just having everyone at war with each other for ever. Large scale collaborative wargames (both digital and not) have often run sandboxed 'games' with distinct timelines, rules, setups and historical backrounds. These 'games' are driven by historical events that re-define the rules based on historical timelines, but sometimes elect to keep variability from the purely historical to keep the players challenged.


    A historically accurate flavour should ideally also come from Letters of Marque, in addition to out and out piracy. There is potentially also the capacity to have false colours and forged Letters of Marque, as well as a distinction between Letters of Marque and Letters of Marque and Reprisal.


    Thanks for starting the discussion again with piracy and neutrality considered as two facets of the same dynamic.


    EDIT: Lord Hood is right, a pirate SOL is a ridiculous contradiction in terms that spoils this great game.

    • Like 2
  3. The one that gets the blood going... Indefat, definitely. Think about Pellew's unbelievable exploits and it's a no brainer. How can a merchantmen excite people?!  ;)


    Agamemnon is another really interesting choice, as it is at the bottom of capabilities for the rating but had an amazing career.


    The most historically important though has to be Temeraire, especially the Duqesne flavours...


    But of course, I'd love to see them all.



    EDIT: I'd really like to see things like Portland class 4th rate and most especially, ship rigged sloops like Cormorant or Merlin class, but I'm just getting greedy now.  The 'tech tree' for this game is amazing if honoured!

  4. Issue:


    Bow wave anim appears above foredeck sporadically


    Steps to reproduce:


    Ship - Brig

    Sail Trim - Full Sail

    Point of Sailing - Dead run

    Camera position - In gun mode looking directly for'ard


    Expected behaviour:


    No water anim should penetrate hull




    NB: I'd add a screenshot, but alas I am on a different computer.

  5. Interesting thread, and the esprit de corps online is great so far. Makes me think of a couple of things though, especially when this all scales up:


    1. Duelling - for settling the really rancorous disputes, how cool would it be to have a mini-game with your choice of weapons at dawn, accompanied by your seconds etc.


    More seriously...


    2. Rated vessels firing on unrated vessels. This was completely outside the ethos of war in this era, UNLESS fired on first. Maybe it should be impossible for a rated vessel to fire on an unrated vessel until damage is received from that vessel or that vessel damages an ally.


    3. I still maintain that ramming should cause you to lose all or most of your rig and force survival mode until you have cut free the wreckage.

  6. Sailing, damage, boarding in that order.

    A finely simulated and integrated sailing/damage model would be the next gen feature that has never been achieved before, apart from in the crudest terms. Weirdly enough, also having an arcade like mode for easy playability for non grognards would hugely increase sales.

    Boarding is essential, as it is such a huge part of the reality that this game attempts to simulate. The level of verissimilitude is the big question, mainly governed by technical/financial constraints on development. I'd vote for a high level, as this could be very salesy.

    A full complement of ship types is obviously a DLC opportunity. I'd love to see the key types at launch, particularly 74s and frigates.

    Ship's boats, stern boarding, false colours, letters of marque, bring em on when you can!

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