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Posts posted by hiner

  1. Since the game portrays the battle at the brigade level, is it possible to allow the arty to fire through and over the infantry to simulate the breaks in between regiments and also the firing arch? Maybe have it so they hold their fire if friendly troops are in the impact zone. Just a suggestion.

    Keep up the good work guys!

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  2. Excerpt from a letter from Lee to his wife dated April 19, "...next fall there will be a great change in public opinion at the North. The Republicans will be destroyed & I think the friends of peace will become so strong that the next administration will go in on that basis."

    I think both of the arguments are valid, but you're both getting away from the original discussion about the removal VPs.

    Which IMO wouldn't be very beneficial. I'm sure the VPs act more than just objectives but in the tech side of the gameplay they act as triggers for the choices for the next phase of battle.

    Also if you notice, the VPs are all places of strategic importance. One can still win a battle with recieving more casualties than your opponent as long as you can drive them from the field or the objective.

  3. I got a couple of screen about the issue:


    From Seminary, the western slop of Cemetery is visible and arty units are active.


    From Cemetery there is a limited area visible on Seminary Ridge. There are some obstacles between but since they are on the (very light) slope perhaps they shouldn't block so much sight. We shall keep a note of that to see how we can improve it.

    Well if you guys want, I spent 6 days in Gettysburg earlier this month. I'd be more than happy to share some of the pictures that I took.

  4.   Example, stick a battery on the stone wall on cemetery ridge, and its LOS won't even reach to the Emmetsburg road, less than half what it should actually be able to see.  I think the problem is that the LOS program sees some of the open terrain types (fields, fences, crops) as man made structures that thus block LOS.  This would explain why you don't encounter this problem west of Gettysburg because the area between ridges is simple grass.


    Fix the LOS program so that it reads wheat fields, crops, etc as grass rather than mad made structures.  This error is very damaging because all the fighting on days 2,3,4 all take place where right now, artillery is basically useless due to the LOS problems.


    I don't know if I'm reading your quote wrong but one can clearly see Emmitsburg Road from Seminary Ridge.  Yes there are small swales between but not LoS blocking worthy.


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