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Posts posted by Efferat

  1. Brothermunro,

    I've had a similiar problem as to McGib. Latest version and DIP 1.7.5. Shows DIP 175 in the news with the version and such, i've triple checked the install.

    I think it has something to do with specific hulls. Basically the ship designer is throwing a displacement limit on these hulls without giving you the "Cannot Build: Above Displacement Limit for xxxx"

    for example, USA 1920 Experimental Dreadnought III. Anything above the minimum displacement will not work. It will let you design, and save it, but if you change countries or years and come back it will have reset the hull size.

    I started to check the hulls but quickly found out it seems like there's a bunch that will do this. USA and German specifically. Can anyone else verify/replicate this issue? I can throw screenshots in later if you'd like


    EDIT: This is in the shared designs designer

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