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Mike the Bike

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Posts posted by Mike the Bike

  1. How about an option where, in an intense battle, ammo is slowly played out.  The units strength would slowly decline from 100% to 75% to 50% to simulate an ammo shortage.  Then after an appropriate amount of time, the units strength would go back up to 100%.  This would simulate the arrival of an ammunition wagon and disturbution of the ammo.  Of course, if the unit took damage during that time, the strength would reflect that also.  A special case should be made for a surrounded unit, which in reality couldn't receive any resupply.  In that case, the units strength would slowly decrease to 0 and it would surrender (disappear from the map) or it was relieved by other units and eventually resupplied.  The definition of being surrounded would be determined by the developers.  This would be simple and not take away the fun of the game by added a cumbersome supply system.


    A question: when I click on a unit, the map darkens except for what the unit can see.  This is well done.  However, when clicking on a non-occuppied shot the map remains dark and still highlighted on the area that the last unit could observe.  It will eventually lighten up, but it would be nice if the map would immediately brighten when clicking on a neutral spot.


    Also, would it be possible to allow facing at the end of the movement path?  I know that this can be done with groups.  It would be nice and more efficient for this to be an option for individual units.


    Great game.


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