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Posts posted by LennyFroggins

  1. Scourge of War did have some issues, but I didnt think it was bad enough to remove the games!

    Hmm, I wonder if that typo is in the game files as well, if so it's needed to work.

    BTW there is a configurable value for fallback duration you can set higher if you dont want to have to keep making sure your units are falling back.  A lot of that sort of stuff is personal preference, a balance between what happens when you forget to check back up on a unit: is it worse if they fall back too far or too short?

  2. I think that a Commander View is too ambitious for this game. All I did was unlock camera tilt and add a keybind for it so that I can more easily see how high one bank of a stream is compared to the other without staring at shading and movement-tracks, but I mean to play the game top-down as normal.

    IIRC there was a game from about 2010ish called Scourge of War Gettysburg that had all the hardcore goodies like locked view to your General, physical couriers.  If you pared it all the way down to the most realistic you basically had to ride your General around while receiving reports via courier from your generals and sketching troop positions.  I remember in one game I lost track of Hood's Texans until later when I discovered they had gone on murder spree in the US backfield and none of the couriers to or from could get through to my avatar.

    I think I have an idea how I can change the AI logic on some of that stuff, but I'm too busy playing the game to fully figure out the J+P mod before I start messing with it for myself. :D   There's a function that sets a distance at which your AI cannon re-targets to approaching infantry from counter-battery.  I think default is ~700 and I set mine down to ~400 IIRC so that my close-support cannon do not switch targets as much.  I think this works by setting a threshhold to re-check target.  Theoretically setting this to ~200 or below could mean that if an infantry brigade trips that 200f line while another one is retreating, the cannon will re-target the next approaching. 

    But IDK, that value should be in the AIConfig file if you want to play around with it.

    A lot of modding is changing something and testing, testing, testing.  Also this game you cant just have "test scenarios" saved because if you havent noticed, when a battle state is reloaded the AI recalculates the situation compared to no interruption. 



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  3. If Tasselhoff wants to lessen the impact of the supply re-supply being automatic he could come up with a fair value and adjust the Logi skill accordingly.

    Q: I never really thought about this but it seems like your brigades still get the bonus from skills that are greyed out because of the addition of rookies or commander change.  I had one of my 2nd tier maneuver Inf units with that skill greyed out still deployed a larger skirmisher component.  Is there any way to change that?  Or I'll just RP consider those to be "unit doctrines" and try not to recruit all rookie units with a LG before dropping a Colonel on em.

  4. 20231221233345_1.thumb.jpg.744d7a6a9f96519334bf9a5df428c58f.jpg

    (Malvern Hill, showing an example of terrain height but its more useful in telling minor variations and wondering why your elite unit is keeping a bit chewed up more than usual)


    That might be in the .dll file somewhere.  I have a reason to poke around in there this weekend if I get time and I'll see if I can search up that option and if so I'll male a .dll for ya. 

    I didnt find anything to do with the supply refill in these files, but if you go into the Mod/Rebalance/ folder you will see AiConfig.txt  Configfile.txt unitmodifiers.txt  and in those files you will find all sorts of fun ways to tweak aspects of the mod to your liking.  For instance, in ConfigFile.txt I made the fast-forward speed x12, and the minimum size for all units to be 100 men so that I can recruit a specialist unit and staff it full of almost all veterans (why my Inf gotta have 500 newbies along for the ride?).  In unitmodifiers.txt I changed the "limber on move" distance to 200, because it was annoying me how far my heavy batteries wanted to push the guns without me telling em to horse up.  There's all sorts of things you can do. Play around. :)  It's also a way to adjust difficulty if you learn the game better midway through a campaign.


    Below is my super-duper funtime modding learncode experience: I got tired of getting my units absolutely wrecked because the shading on the maps is not always really easy to read for elevation.  So I found a .dll decompiler called dnSpy, used my extremely basic knowledge of modding to find camera controls, and set the zoom in to as far as the game seems to let you go.  Then I thought, hey, ChatGPT 4 (free bing.com version) probably knows the Unity engine so I asked, and yes it does. 

    So I deleted the part of the camera control code that obviously changes the tilt with the onscreen button, and asked BinGPT4 to write code that binds camera tilt to Page Up/Dn (reversed, Dn pans Up).  Now I can zoom in to the ground and tilt the camera up to level and see exactly how much higher one hill is that the other!  It also looks prettttyyyyy coool, if a little wonky.  If I get time soon I'm going to see if I can figure out how to stop the dark No-LOS shading from seen through terrain (not a problem Game-Labs ever needed to fix lol, so probably easy if I knew what I was doing).

    Below is the stock latest JP-Rebalance Assembly-CSharp.dll with just the camera controls changed.  Unless I also tweaked something else in there while poking around but I've been playing a bit (Malvern Hill, US) and if I changed anything else it is either minor, or awesome, so dont worry bout it. 😎



    All of that to say that: modding is fun and you can learn it easily today and damn I wish I had AI back when I was writing Crusader Kings 2 scripts! Dont be intimidated to poke around and make changes, especially now. Back in 2012 one of my mods for CK2 was included in all of the big mega-mods like CK2+, AGOT etc and eventually that mechanic (that I taught myself to write and basically had to write a big ole logic horseshoe to get around the lack of a certain class) made it into CK3 because it is that essential. Modders put the passion into games where the guys making it might just be jobbers on a deadline. 


    Panda: questions for you sir. 

    1) Do you know any free AI coding assistants that could decompile and read the entire assembly dll?  Because GPT4 could absolutely answer questions about the whole file and the interconnectedness of it all if it didnt have such a tiny character limit.

    2) Do you think the graphics could be modified to prevent things like unit flags, LOS shading, trees, from being seen through the ground?  It's gotta be possible in this build of Unity since it doesnt look like infantry sprites do. 

    3) Would it be possible to add Division commanders to the battlefield?  Based on my Ctrl-C skills it should be right?  Give them a skill tree (Corps would have to be rebalanced ofc) and a much smaller command radius.  So there's an in-game bonus to keeping division cohesion and it plays that much more like Sid Meier's Civil War games.   I'd also make Road Column toggle-able but make the column thinner and longer (which should change the time it takes the unit to reach formation).

    4) And my Ultimate Goal would be to create a hybrid of the Historical submod for yours that plays more like SMG on the Regimental -> Corps scale but without the complex communications and a more narrow line width.  As part of that would be working with the full-size raw maps to see if it would be possible to go about naming CPs all around the maps and then having a randomization script that allows you to input Size of Battle, Attk/Def/Meet, and Map and it will choose CPs and spawn areas like SMG and SMA had, which made them infinitely replayable.  Really too bad that even with the WinXp Compat patch (lol rite) the resolution on those games is garbage.

    5) Any resources on Unity, AI or otherwise, that would help me with stuff like customizing maps and such?  Danke for all your work!  I kinda slept on this game after buying on sale because of how stock played until I got your mod and am really loving it. 












  5. I second the call for an entire series based on UG land battles.  The art is BEAUTIFUL.  My favorite games growing up, and I was a total weirdo for it I guess because no other kid knew about it, were Sid Meier's Gettysburg and Antietam. I really with someone would remaster those games for modern resolution.


    It only needs two things: ability to zoom the camera down as close to the ground as the unit sprites allow or an isogrid system like SMG to you can see elevation better, and the randomized battle feature from Gettysburg.  The latter is super important because it gives infinite replayability.  In Gettysburg the map was fully labeled with all the features: some of them famous hills, farms, orchards, but others you'd only know from studying maps.  So the randomize feature let you choose difficulty and size ranging from Small Skirmish to Meeting Engagement to Large Battle.  The game would randomize a capture point or two, set each side up as either attk/def or meeting engagement, and randomize brigades and batteries. It wasnt always a fair fight but that was the challenge.  Of course small skirmishes were possible because SMG was at the Regiment level.  Modders did release maps for other battles using the Antietam/South Mountain system but I bet those websites are long dead lol.


    Man no offense to UG but after writing that I want to play Gettysburg again.  I wish I had the cash to buy the rights to get a few artists and coders together to release an anthology series based on the UG platform.  From Napoleon to the beginning of WWI.

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  6. No problem!  Loving the base J+P as is.


    I looked through the txt config files a bit and didnt see anything obviously related to that.  Maybe in the assembly dll, I've never looked into how to dig into those in a game before. 


    EDIT:Yeah its in the dll by process of elimination. If I have time tonight Ill learn how to dig into it.


    EDITEDIT:  Figured it out.  It's in the .dll under the class  CameraController.  I couldnt figure out how to edit it myself so I just copy/pasted the entire CameraConroller class over from the Historical Rebalance for J+P version.  :)  Easy to do.

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