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Léonel Aucher

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Posts posted by Léonel Aucher

  1. (message made with google translation, please let me know if some words are not understood) Hello, I'm a huge fan of 20th century warships. For a very long time I played World of Warships and I always had a dream, to be able to play a game where you could design your own ships. It is therefore with great impatience that I awaited the arrival of this game. And after playing it quite a bit, I wanted to highlight a few points to improve.

    Very important correction in my opinion:

    - remove the grid and the collision system of certain objects (such as barbets) to propose a placement of objects with an XYZ axis. (for example there are hulls with decks on several floors, I don't understand why I can't put a barbet between the two instead of leaving a big gap...)

    - to be able to place the fireplaces at the same height and no longer have to place them in certain specific and very restrictive locations. (still with this XYZ placement).

    - I would also like to see the addition of "decoration" pieces to place in addition (bonus) such as parts of cranes, footbridges, reconnaissance planes (just in decorations I do not ask that they be functional) , lifeboats to be able to place on the turrets (as on certain American ships), ventilation system...

    -addition of material proposals on certain parts of the ship, for example in the options of the hull chosen, that one can have the choice between 3 or 4 different deck colors. And also be able, depending on the country, to put period camouflage as an option.

    - be able to modulate the height of the barbets to be able to put three turrets in a row without them being in the way

    -be able to use cruiser or destroy elements on a battleship, for example the main tower of the admiral graf spee on a battleship

    -instead of offering 3 types of identical 3d element but in a different size, why not have an option for the scale to be the same?

    - have more 3D elements to pose with each time the possibility of activating or not framing and collisions. And when I say more 3D element I make a list below of these proposals.


    Idea that I find relevant but which are not excessively necessary:

    - To be able to have a storm system with big waves decreasing the speed, the accuracy... of the ships

    - have these massifs generated randomly when required for battles passing through a strait for example

    -be able before the battle to fall the way in which these ships have been arranged (because each time the first minutes of combat are caothic from the moment you want to modify the formation of the ships)

    -To be able to move and adjust the decks of the hulls of ships, for example on certain hulls there are sorts of beaches on the sides, it would be nice to be able to increase them (to see putting powerful secondary turrets there) or shrink them (to see put a bigger structure on the main deck). Same for ships with main decks with several floors, it would be great to be able to choose the place where each deck stops and starts (even if it is only a few meters it will already be there)


    3d element that could be added :

    - Konig main tower

    -the chimneys of borodino

    -colorado turret

    -secondary tower at the Gneisenau

    - Bismarck turret

    -the turrets, the main and secondary tower of the richelieu

    -main tower and turret of HMS Nelson

    -main and secondary Nagato tower

    -Kongo main and secondary tower

    -main and secondary tower and turret of the Pensacola

    -Bayern main tower

    -derfflinger main tower



    So I summarize what I ask as far as possible (the game is already very good as I said). Have the ability to place these objects where you want by disabling collisions and the grid. Have more element to fill the bridge, be able to have more customization in terms of colors (of the bridge, of the hull and can also be funnels and turrets (like Arizona)). And here I think that have like with these things a game very accomplished.


    If you are a game developer or just someone who wants to interact with me, that would be my pleasure!


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