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Posts posted by Heinz_Dieter

  1. At first, it is a nice game and i will play it for many houres more and hope that patch 1.09 is coming soon :D you all make great work 👍

    i have some wishes for future updates:
    -better visibale torpedoes (In big battles is the shown "!" for a few secounds on a torpedo not enough to see all torpedos. If you change the course of your ships to dodge torpedos, you will overlook some other torpedos)

    - i want a auto dodge torpedos for single ships (if they are not in a division) becourse i dont like the divisions they are stupid by dodging other ships and you can not quickly/easy remove damaged ships. so i controlle every ship by my self and sometime i overlook some torpedos

    - i wish me that i can change the game speed manually to "x10" and "x30" not only to "x5" if you are in battle (sometime heavy damage ships are try to escape and you have a heavy damage ship too and try to stop his escape, but you are a only little bit fast and it take many minuts in real time to get the ohter ship)

    - i want to select different AP and HE ammo for secoundary guns and main guns seperatley, not just for both together
    - i usually let you ships choose their destination automatically, but sometime i need to select targets manually. I want a button that switch back to "choose you destination automatically", becourse sometime the manually select target are try to escape and are to far away for good hit chance, but at the moment the only way to switch back to "choose you destination automatically" is to sink the select target or loose the vision on it

    -i wish i can save shipdesings from "Custom Battle" and can load it in my campain (if i have the needed technology)

    -i want to build different typs of the same shipstyp for "Custom Battle" not just one per type of ship. for exampel, at the moment i can only build one BB typ and can send them to battle, but i want two different BB typs in the same battle

    -if a fleet have a battle they all will return to the homeport. please let the user choose if a fleet or individual ships should return to port


    Thats all what i remember at the moment. if i have more i will post it under this post here.

    Thanks for reading and i hope you understand my bad english :D


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  2. Sorry for my bad english, but i hope you understand what i mean :D


    1.) What is happen?

    2.) What did you explain to happen?

    3.) Can this be reproduced and how?


    1.)If i have a engine with a Boiler and i switch the Boiler to "Force" or something other, to boost my engine efficens, it will also effect the engines without Boilers like Gas or Diesel.
    2.) that the boiler only effect engines with boilers
    3.)-choose a high year for best engines. for this case i choose 1940

    -build a ship and the only thing you need on it, is a funnle to see the engine efficiency

    -switch between engines with and without boiler and memory the normal engine efficiency

    -now select a engine with boiler and change the boiler to "Force" or something other

    -now select a engine without boiler (like gas or diesel) and you will see that the boiler changes also effects this engines without having a boilers

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