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Posts posted by Skreezilla

  1. So with the 1.6 (12) Crew loss has become more important, but i have found that my ships go down way too quick especially against HE spammers - But my suggestion would be if the ship withdraws or surrenders from crew loss (if it is your own ship) and you win the battle the ship is not lost, as of right now your ship is considered sunk which makes no sense as why would a crew at say 50% loss sink their ship when you are winning the battle. I understand that you can't capture say enemy ships that are down due to crew loss as you could say the crew scuttle their ship. But your own makes no sense and is frustrating. I lost a CA due to mass spamming of small calibre HE shells the ship had about 10% damage only but crew loss was really high due to fire despite max bulk heads - and i lost the ship too. 

  2. So had a really odd bug strike me in campaign mode, if i click on a ship it would not show the details, but would also instantly kill it. So, if i clicked an enemy ship it would all of a sudden get hit by thousands of shells and the same for my own ships. I have no idea how this happened or why, not seen it happen or had it happen again but it was very odd. 

    I have not edited the saves or used a cheat engine 1.6 Beta update 12. 

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