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Posts posted by CAR DOOR

  1. Small caliber main batteries (9.9" and smaller) on cruisers are still having issues firing consistently when secondaries are also firing on a target.

    The main guns of the affected caliber dramatically lose out on fire rate while the ship also has secondaries weapons actively firing on something, making them significantly less effective than expected at shorter ranges. This can be reproduced easily by building any cruiser - light or heavy - arm it with 9" or lower guns as well as secondaries guns. When a ship is in range for both and firing both, main guns fire dramatically less often while secondaries behave normally. turn off secondaries and main gun fire rate returns to normal. guns of 10" and higher behave as they should even with secondaries firing.

    here is an example. its from the 1.06 Beta but this issue has not changed in the newest version. most notable at 0:25



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  2. Done some more tests regarding lower caliber main guns getting interfered with by secondaries. The issue becomes most notable 20 seconds in.

    (quality is bad I know)

    Notice how 20 seconds in the main battery fires sporadically or not at all while secondaries are firing on a target, and go back to firing normally once they are turned off. This happens to any cruiser, be it light or heavy, with main guns below a certain threshold, as vessels with 10" or larger do not show this behaviour. 9" seems to be a grey area, sometimes they work, sometimes not.


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  3. Heavy cruisers seem to have a problem currently that makes them rather reluctant to fire at an ememy when it has a main of 8" or smaller, usually firing only one or 2 turrets, or stop firing entirely for several dozen seconds. This happens even when the guns are fully aimed, set on a target at low speed (16kn) with no maneuvering on either party.

    This does not happen to guns of larger caliber, with 9" inch and larger ones behaving and firing as expected, even though the higher resulting pitch and slower turn rate would make that theoretically harder.

    It also seems to be a problem unique to heavy cruisers, as light cruisers and destroyers do not have such a delay on their guns, and 8" inch secondaries also behave normally when used on battleships.

    Interestingly, the 8"/9" jump is also the games cutoff point between small caliber and heavy caliber. Perhaps there is a correlation? are aiming procedures between small and large coded differently?

    EDIT: This delay seems to have something to do with a heavy cruisers secondary battery, as it only is present when the secondaries are currently actively firing at a target, if there is no secondary present or not within its range, there is no such delay.

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  4. After playing around with the new torpedo mechanics, I feel like they have been nerfed a bit much. All of these are fired at a Transport at only 8km so this is an ideal scenario.

    20220614162828_1.thumb.jpg.6ba646a5f3bb2323cb504ae6f206eb78.jpg3x3 21" oxygen torpedos 7.5% dud chance for size and -5% dud chance for being oxygen-fueled implying a 2.5% dud chance in total. as you can see barely a km after leaving boat only 8 are left, one of them detonated before I was even ready to screenshot it.

    20220614163126_1.thumb.jpg.53a6130fb1fc2ee77950060758d22586.jpg4.5km from launch spot, torpedo 3 counting from the left has changed angle dramatically to the right, while torpedo 5 detonated in open water again leaving only 7 with one going far off-target.20220614163247_1.thumb.jpg.b746f7539eaba6ad900c0bbc9bde83d7.jpg

    Torpedo 2 and 6 veering off-course too at only 6km, a target further than 12km would probably not have been hit be either of those leaving only 4 left without a failure20220614163338_1.thumb.jpg.a69dce298053defe9e8bd12b25e55238.jpgAt 7km, torpedo 4 made contact with the almost stationary,barely maneuvering dummy ship. And it is a dud. It hit the target, it shows 1 torpedo hit in the top right.

    While the chance of each individual failure is rather low on its own, its common to see that out of a wave of 8 - 10 torpedos a good 3-5 will experience a technical issue of some sort, be it some sort of deviation from its course (with even a medium-small change in direction making them ineffective, with huge deviations being seemingly more likely), a premature detonation or just a simple dud on the occasional hit. This results that around only half of the 21" torpedos fired even have a chance to get somewhere close, decreasing odds the larger the torpedo is.

    In addition to misfires, the overall increase in accuracy of warships, especially secondaries of capital ships makes getting within torpedo range incredibly dangerous. Especially during the late  1910s and 20s with no access to oxygen torpedos, attacks have to be done from a lot further range, thus giving more time for enemies to maneuver, and also more time for a technical failure to occur within the torpedo itself.

    I understand that torpedos were laiden with a variety of issues and were not as reliable as we would like to believe in real life, but they did sink ships in quite large amounts. Perhaps lowering the chance for premature detonation or weighing further into smaller changes in deviation would make them a bit more usable.

  5. The German 13" - 16" (The High tech Turrets Mark 3-5) single and triple turrets have a way higher caliber than their twin counterpart, with 65cal base compared to the twins 55-ish. the quads are also larger by a good amount. Their ingame model is nearly identical in size, but the accuracy and pen are a lot better without the reload speed malus.

    In addition, when increasing barrel length, the twin version of those turrets has the whole turret stretch instead of just the barrels

    Its fun to test all the different things that are possible with the barrel designer, thanks for the beta release.

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