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Posts posted by Blackburn42

  1. This actually brings up a good point.

    Will it always just be deaths that get counted, or will injuries where men have to be taken away be counted as well? What about desertions?


    I thought more about adding a wounded counter on each brigade. And that wounded counter randomly substracts and add to the casualties counter, to simulate the soldiers that couldn't make it. When a wagon arrives in range of the unit, the wounded will begin to get to the wagons. When the wagon leaves the area of effect, the wounded are carried away. The next day, a random percentage of the unit's wounded will be brought back to the front line and a random percentage of them will die due to their injuries.


    The problem is that each brigade would have 3 counters: Casualties, Wounded on the front and wounded on the hospital. I'm not sure if it'll be more fun to play with that system. 


    In addition scattered on the map should be some kind of "Depots", allied wagons can refill supplies and evacuate the wounded there. But, both allies and enemies sould be able to destroy them and capture them.


    As a disclaimer, this is only an idea of how the resupply system could be used for more mechanics. I'm not really sure if it is doable in terms of code and if it'll be worth it regarding the gameplay itself.



    EDIT: I don't really think ammo sould be implemented in the game. 

  2. Maybe a resupply system similar to the "Wargame" series, where units rearm from Ammo Trucks. Plus, you might be able to simulate the evacuation of the wounded throught that and the next day, both morale and casualities wouldn't be that severe.


    Anyway, if this gets into the game I would stick only to computing groups of wagons, similar to how cannon batteries currently work. 


    And this might be a silly idea, but do you remember "World in Conflict" online? Where on a 5vs5 match, one guy managed the Air Force, another the Infanty... Can you imagine having 2vs2 matches in this game where one player controls the army and the other one the logistics? I'll actually be fun only if the logistics system is deep, and that may cause problem on making the AI to use that system. 


    Anyway, I'm very glad that the developers are having in serious consideration the opinion of the backers. 

  3. I think that a map would be nice on the "Plan your strategy" window. The text is pretty cool but sincerely, I may not remeber where "Seminary" was and by providing how would be the battlefield if I chose certain option, might fix the awkward situation of having to play in a bad postion.


    It may be difficult to implement or maybe it'll "casualize" the game, but I really think that a simple minimap would help choose the next day's strat.


    I have more minor issues but they're already being covered on the forums so I won't insist more.


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