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Posts posted by gsg957

  1. I would like if they added division management, what I mean about this is that instead of selecting ships to form task forces being able to create divisions in port and assign them to task forces would be a lot better. I like to play with really big navies. my biggest issue is when I play battles with a large taskforce the divisions mixed different classes of the same ship, for example in one battle it mixed a fast battleship with some dreadnoughts in a division and having to transfer create or disband divisions on every match is tiring. I think creating divisions would be a nice add since when you jump on a battle with a task force all the divisions exist to your liking and then you don't have mixes of fast and slow ships on the same division.

    Divisions should be created in ports or in taskforce screen. They can receive any class of ship as long as they are the same type (battleships only battleships, destroyers only destroyers, etc.) division can be transfer to taskforces but you will have to wait until they reach the task force. divisions are loaded in to battle as assign (I think this will also decrease the loading time since the game will only have to place the divisions and not creating them from 0, I am no expert so please let me know) last two things are important, a screen with active taskforces and divisions to keep tabs on them. finally adding filters to the fleet and design screen since like I said I like to play with huge navies having filters would make the game easier for me since I can keep track better of the fleet and the designs will be also good since I also make a lot of designs.


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  2. On 4/21/2022 at 2:41 AM, Ouchtime said:

    I think torpedoes need a realism upgrade.

    • Making a successful torpedo attack need just as much data as a gun attack. The game have accuracy for guns but not for torpedoes. We need the ships to build a torpedo solution before they launch and not magically have a 100% correct solution at all times.
    • Torpedoes are NOT 100% accurate, even today.
      Torpedoes never go exactly where you tell them to go. Factors like guidance system inaccuracy, ocean currents, waves, etc always make torpedoes deviate from the aimpoint.
      We need the torpedoes to deviate from the set course. No more synchronized salvos at 20km.
    • Torpedoes are NOT viable in heavy seas.
      Rough waves will cause torpedoes to get confused how deep they are and cause them to deviate from the set course.
      There is a good chance that the torpedo will run under the target if the waves are to high. 
      Torpedoes should be disabled in rough seas.
    • Torpedo detonators were quite unreliable in the early years.
      A torpedo needed to strike the target reasonably perpendicular to the target. When the impact angle approach a shallow angle the torpedo is more likely to glance off rather than detonate.
      We need a ricochet chance for torpedoes just like we have for shells.
    • Torpedoes can't be launched all at once from a single launcher. They are launched in a ripple salvo. If you try to launch at the same time the torpedoes crash into each other even before they hit the water.
      We need 2+ launchers to ripple fire.

    Although I think adding those things may be on the far future or in mods I do would like to see the ripple fire because I honestly disliked the fact that they got fired all at once especially when my destroyers go at full power and they just send a salvo it feels almost depressing.

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  3. 17 hours ago, Vanhal said:

    Also please tell AI that crusiers except one weird exception did not had 40+ torpedo launchers.

    You are referring to the refits to the IJN Kitakami and IJN Oi of the Abukuma class that got five quad 610 type 93 oxygen torpedo launchers per side. I actually recreate them in the game and the were ridiculous especially in cases when the enemy fleet bunch up they got multiple kills with a simple salvo.

  4. So I discover a bug but I close the game before I reported in Game so basically the problem was that during a battle everything was going really well for me sadly since the end battle didn't appear I just leave the battle given that I leave at a point were most of the enemy fleet was sunken already I expected to give me victory. however instead of give me the victory it was a minor defeat since by some miracle the enemy fleet revive and sunk several of my flagships( my most modern ships) when I start to check the list of enemy ships many of the names in the list were ships that in the manual battle were sunk. I know it tells you about the randomness of leaving mid battle but still it should have take into account from the point you leave the battle to actually count for the ships. to be honest this cough me by surprise and was really frustrating given the fact that many of my most modern ships had pretty decent health and then getting them sunk by a revived fleet was really frustrating. 

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  5. I mostly play the German Campaign because I love the fact that I can fight in a really underdog situation, however no matter how modern my ships are or how cripple the enemy navies are or even if you triple the allies VP, my campaigns have ended in Major defeats and it's all thanks to the fact that Austria-Hungary can't fight. At some point of the campaign they will receive the event of revolt, the issue is that no matter what if Austria-Hungary gets that event is game over. I tried everything, aggressive fighting, sending fleets to blockade ports even try to send fleets to the Adriatic Sea but is all in vain. I am not complaining the event happen because I also got the event myself during some really poor campaign. That being said I think is needed an with the utmost speed (despite I don't know programing at all, I don't think this solution will take that much effort) if one of your allies has that event you should get a notification asking you to keep fighting or to surrender. To be honest if had a chance I would have sunk the Austrian ships myself so I could get to fight 3 huge navies all by myself that for me would be the best. But until this has a solution I can't play as the Germans because even if you are winning you will lose if Austria-Hungary revolt event. and I am writting this post after my 8th Campaign defeat thanks to this issue.

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  6. I played several campaigns in the game version 1.04 because of the issue with the VPs in 1.05 however I want an even challenging campaign so I was wondering since it's possible to edit the limits on the ship design that there's a way to edit the campaign so the AI gets more funds so it can basically pour ships every turn. If someone knows a way to do that please let me know

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