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Posts posted by Leficent

  1. I will try to keep each suggestion shot but I have alot of them, so here we go

    1: Get rid of the WoWS spotting mechanic. It dosent make sense historically or gameplay wise and just makes engagements frustrating. Replace it with rendered ships at all distances but keep the range when you can identify the target shorter. (If anything increase the spotting distances, especially if a ship fires)

    1.5: if you guys are worried about rendering so many ships at all distances you can simply have each ship give off smoke from its stacks to simulate what happened in most actual engagements (smoke was often sighted over the horizon). This will make chasing phantom ships much less frustrating.

    2: Make weather and time of day more noticeable (but I am sure you guys are already working on that). And decrease the ammount of engagements that occur durring extreme weather, these sort of engagements were few and far in between but they feel like 1 out of every 3 engagements for my campaigns.

    3: For the campaign, make engagements more ambiguous, you should not know the exact ammount or type of ships every single time. For example:

    Enemy surface fleet spotted:

    1x BB Sharnhorst 

    2x CA Unknown

    7x Unknown Surface Units 


    Enemy convoy spotted:

    Atleast 6x Transports 

    1x CL Loyal

    1x DD Traveler

    1x DD Unknown

    2x Unknown Surface Units 

    By having this ambiguity it gives the player a choice to risk the engagement with some unknown enemy ships just like most actual engagements. This can also allow for a naval intelligence research tree to better predict the enemy units and potentially passive float planes and submarines.

    4: Rework smoke screen to be more accurate. As of now they work alot like WoWS, yet it is almost completely incorrect. The entire ship isnt engulfed in smoke screen, especially if its moving. They will decrease enemy accuracy, but instead of forming a moving bubble round the ship, it forms a trail behind it. It will allow smoke to be used for its intended purpose, to distract enemy fire and to conceal retreating friendly ships.

    5: Fix the weights of certain components. Adding radio equipment to my battleship shouldn't add over a thousand tons. Having it as a fixed weight per ship class can stop this.

    6: Allow the player to withdraw from certain encounters without a chance to be stopped. If I get a chance to intercept and enemy fleet near my coast, I should be able to deny it even if it costs prestige.

    7: Reduce research time or merge certain research areas. In the current campaign it just takes too much time to research most things, and sometimes they are only small buffs that doesn't make a big impact. (The current research could work with a much longer campaign which I know is planned, but right now my average campaign never lasted over a year.

    8: Increase the diversity of earlier ships (1890-1900), currently they all seem cut and dry, and don't allow for alot of flexibility or creativity.

    I am looking forward to everything this game has in store for us.

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