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Posts posted by GhostlyDoggo

  1. Put this down for a few months then came back to it and im happy about the additions to the game.  But certain things are far worse then they were with the AI. When my ships are firing at the enemy with a low accuracy solution they will fire massively off target I'm talking like almost 45 degree difference from each turret. No way on earth would this ever happen in real life even with widely in experienced crew. As other people have stated I've experienced ghost ships. I've also experienced a round that hit a CA and took out 350 of 350 crew on board. Then said CA continued to fire at me with 0 crew still alive. Again as stated finally I think this game is swinging back towards the right direction but I hope these bugs get fixed soon as it seems buggyier then it's ever been.

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  2. Hello all, 

    I've been watching this thread for the better part of 3 months and have had the game since this last November, I'm not going to get to much into the progression of the game such as the campaign. I think we all have more or less the same feelings about it, it should have been here by now, but I'm not going to beat a dead horse. But as said by multiple people here i think the damage models need a vast update, gun damage is not realistic nor is it even fun in the current state its at now. Historically the Sinking of Bismarck, Battle of Jutland, and the initial engagement of Taffy III with Yamato show us good references for naval ballistics and detailed damage reports for multiple calibers and eras for weapon technology. It is inexcusable not to implement changes with such details and examples afforded to us by documented naval conflicts. As for the designs of ships i agree with what has been said already, the ai should produce reasonable ships and we should have the complete freedom not to. But why cant we control, the size shape and secondary mounts on our towers and super structures? This is ultimately what decides a ships full design and capability's and is only seconded by hull construction and layout. Why can we not determine the position and usage for compartments such as engine rooms, berthing's and fuel storages etc. ? I by no means am a naval expert, but i have served under the United states navy and toured many museum ships and i believe that gives me at least a decent idea of the complexity's of a naval vessel. I think as a game that advertises ship design and combat this as a minimum should be afforded to us as the paying customers and testers of a game in Alpha. I apologize this was long but i look forward on to what the community thinks and feels about this. And hopefully the developers who read this.  

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